Political Opinion

The issue is how rapidly we advance with job killing technology, Half of today’s jobs could be replaced with today’s technology but that can take a lot of up front cost, when wages rise to a point that the technology becomes cheaper, that is when the robots start replacing people.

I am not opposed to this job killing tech, we just need to have a work forced trained in the jobs that currently cannot be replaced by robots, that is not happening.

I am also a supporter of UBI as a means of bridging the gap as we move towards a less labor needed economy


i agree with everything you said here, you and i know the jobs that are being created by this new tech is nowhere near the jobs that was lost

There won’t be a problem with low paying jobs; how do we replace those middle to high income jobs that are disappearing by the day?

Our schools are not turning out people able to fill these new high tech jobs, but they keep cranking out Lawyers and Arts majors

The Trades is the answer, not only do we need more Engineers but we need people to build the stuff engineers design, Carpentry, Masonry, Plumbers, Electricians, and Mechanics are all very well paying jobs and in short supply but most importantly these are jobs that are mostly well beyond the present and future robot technology

I found this site that ranks Arts as the 8th most popular degree, it is criminal that collages are saddling kids with 50 to 100K in debt for a degree that has little demand and pays less than many non-degree jobs

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Again, you are right. I will add that U.S. companies prefer to hire foreigners to fill high-tech jobs. could it be because U.S. schools are not teaching the skills required for future jobs?

Too many YouTube Influencer wannabes!


Let me summarize the conversation in an effort to avoid getting into the weeds, some people might think I just walked into my favorite local restaurant and began ranting about how stealing and armed robbery are the same.

These two seniors are well known at the restaurant and they usually discuss many different topics, today they were talking about the 10 commandments, they asked me which commandment armed robbery and rape would fall under. I replied that both would fall under the commandment you shall not steal (commandment 8) In the commandments armed robbery and rape do not appear, but they must be associated with a commandment, they wanted me to explain that posotion so i ask them if you take something that is not yours or given to you what is that consider and they both agreed, you are stealing so i told them it doesnt matter how you take it/how you got it, but dennis is correct, man law says they are different.

Everyone has an opinion and we are too dumb to analyze those opinions, we stopped being able to think for ourselves and instead relied on others opinions to guide us,

Dedicated to our own @SmallPaul

"The Left’s New Manlet #ShortKingSpring - YouTube

I love you too, take a second and look into the candle :love_you_gesture:

The Man who Knew too Little

Russia: A small town clings to its Soviet past

Lack of new construction and corporate landlords contributing to skyrocketing rent

Why The US Can’t Build Houses Fast Enough Anymore

Now you see that @Dennis3450 is correct and insofar as it goes, your statement has some truth in it - However - if you wrote this instead it would be more accurate

And could be the basis of a discusion which could end up getting to the bottom of the real explanation.ie.

Because of “Affirmative action hiring” by Universities since the 1970’s (ie for the last 50 years) - There are no top quality lecturers in tech subjects in the universities - people are simply NOT interchangeable in that way !

Then we have the discouragement of boys and men from going to University in the first place - all that comes out of Universities are second or third rate brains and women (who we already know do not study tech as a first choice)

Therefore there is no choice for firms to hire “Diverse” employees from abroad, who perchance Have received a decent education - although that is not necessarily true - the “diversity requirements” of employers are well served by hiring women and ethnic minorities.

A look into the “Boeing crashes” over the last few years - gives room for reflection on the advantages of “Affirmative hiring” ! :slightly_smiling_face:

the field your playing on is no longer available

That would be covered under the 6th and 8th commandments

and let’s not for get your violation of the 9th commandment in your postings about Russell Brand

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please give me your logic on murder and armed robbery will be in the 6th commandment

Here we see the complete lack of ability on behalf of our Small brained friend - to engage in a grown up conversation

His inability to think in a grown up way - despite his protestations

Clearly low-resolution thinking - and inability to actually think in grown - up language.

"Jordan Peterson - Your Life Is Built For More (4K) | Modern Wisdom Podcast 436 - YouTube

if you believe that russell brand opinions are always facts and truth your living in a imagery world. he talks long enough so i will point it out in due time, going back to the point of me stop listening to him is not happening.

This is a very deep subject that needs a thread of its own and no doubt will cause some hurt feelings.

hear is one example, let’s look at doctors, there is a push for more female doctors at the expense of less male doctors. On average a male doctor will work 25% more hours during his career than a female doctor, so by increase the number of female doctors and decreasing male doctors you have decrease the time a doctor can spend with a patient by 25%. Not a good thing when we already have too few doctors

Also in my post yesterday of all the Arts majors, this is an area that is overwhelming female, This is taking away resources that could be used to teach classes in STEM