Political Opinion

you are kidding right. people are killed during armed robberies,

A country’s education system that doesn’t train new market skills has nothing to do with hiring, if you don’t understand, so be it.

what part of armed robbery you don’t understand, we weren’t talking about murder. So, where do armed robbery and rape fit into the 10 commandments?

to summarize, you will form an opinion about someone, then when called out, you will look for evidence to support your bias.

I guess that is the order of things deep down the rabbit hole.

Hippity Hop

there you go with your personal attracts, why are you unable to but forth a competing point a view without making it personal

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Here i digress and say you are correct, i should of pointed it out at that time, but let me do you one better. When listening to Opinions, do you always fact check the information that is being presented?

If that comes across as personal attack, you are way too sensitive for a topic like politics

agin instead of doing a better job of defining your argument, you attack me with " you don’t understand"

rape is covered under 7,8 and 10 , but if you can’t figure out where armed robbery falls I doubt you will be able to see how rape applies either. Now did you see what I just did, instead of just responding to your question, I added a needless sentence making it personal. I will not do it again, but wanted to make a point

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It is Saturday afternoon and we are going DEEP down the rabbit hole

Hippity Hop

Dennis please focus here, you where adding murder to a conversation that was never about murder, do you understand that? geez

rape could never be apart of adultery and could never be covert, it will always be taking something that is not yours or given to you.

Dennis one thing you have always been right about, The rabbit hole, i suggest you figure out how to get out of it.

It is an “Opinion” you don’t fact check opinions. You fact check news like CNN and MSNBC

If the news source does such a bad job fact checking their own stories before going on air as CNN and MSNBC do then I will not waste my time listening to them as I cannot trust them.

These so called fact checkers and some of the biggest liars you will ever come across.

In media today, everything is either a flat out lie or they are trying to divert your attention form the real story that may not look favorable to their advertisers.

Climbing out of the rabbit hole

Hippity hope everyone, and have a great weekend

You should never believe anything you hear, including fact checkers. There is enough information out there to find the truth, so do your own research. have a great weekend dennis and i hope you find your way out of that rabbit hole :v:

Lastly, I would like to ask falstaff: have you looked into the candle yet?:rofl:

@Dennis3450 - I assume the illiterate fool is speaking of "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife ?

I know you are trying to enter a reasonable conversation mate - but when he says “there is no difference between stealing, armed robbery and rape” - presumably he also includes fraud, burglary, and taxes within that statement. :roll_eyes:

Now if we consider those things (except rape) for a moment, those of us who can actually think in more than one dimension will know that they are self-evidently different ! - If they were not, why would we need more than a single word for all these actions which you and I and some of teh others can seak of in depth - (ie we are able to think in high resolution) whereas those who cannot simply look at the whole gamut of related issues by turning the telescope the wrong way round and saying “they are all the same” - because they cannot see any difference in the thumbnail which is - if you like the chapter heading !

Iknow you are desperate to try to engage the Crayon Crew in some form of reasonable discourse - but as you also know the moment you try to make them think

A clear case of “projection” by our low literacy fool ! - Not necessariy his fault - he’s just not capable of thinking in higher definition than that and these Post-modernist neo-Marxists often say in the threads

If you can’t say what you want to in two sentences or less - you’re not worth listening to !"

Their inability to actually look through the telescope the right way around - is built into their indoctrination by their TEACHERS ! :rofl:

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[See my “Arithmetic thread” when it eventualy appears :rofl:

Also by definition ths increases teh training costs of a female doctor to be 33% More than a male doctor ! :roll_eyes:

And yet they say there is a “Gender pay gap” the other way around ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry fool ! You are completely and utterly 100% WRONG ! - Ifn You buy her a drink - It’s RAPE !

"Janice Fiamengo slams weak Title IX campus sexual misconduct reforms - YouTube

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Here is a prime example of how the human mind is a dangerous thing to waste. now look into the candle

Clearly the fool has not watched the video - nor ever been to College in the USA !

And once again - is just spouting meaningless verbal Diahorrea - as though it actually had some meaning !

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clearly you don’t understand what you post

Ok Fool - YOU tell me how I’m wrong !

  • But no you can’t - because I’m not wrong !

I know you are virtually illiterate - but I had assumed you could understand verbal conversations - (in English) !

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Rape, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will:
