Political Opinion

Now watch the video and see how much in error your definition is under current USA LAW ! ! :rofl:

"If she has had a drink - she is not capable of consent - therefore it is rape ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Women have no agency to give consent ! if they have had a drink - or even if they change their mind afterwards !

However it matters not how much the male has had to drink - he is ALWAYS capable of rational decisions - Under YOUR LAW ! - Look it up ! :rofl:

If you read what you posted above about rape as well as what you posted earlier, you are more stupid than you type. :love_you_gesture:

If you read what you posted above about rape as well as what you posted earlier, you are more stupid than you type. :love_you_gesture:

More verbal diahorrea

I will not waste my time trying to converse with someone who has nothing of relevance to say !

Come back some time - when and if you ever bother to check the facts ! - FOOL !

there is no checking back, you said buying a woman a drink is rape, the conversation i had with dennis was about rape not what happen before hand, how stupid are you

@Dennis3450 will speak for himself

And has already complained that whenevr he says something - you just go off into your personal attacks !

I will not converse with you on the basis you want - If you want to cry and bleat - go for it - I don’t care about your fee - fee’s :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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please do, the more you type the more you look foolish.

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You are aware of what murder is, as well as rape, There was no discussion with dennis about what is considered consent and what is considered rape.

Therefore, calling me a fool would be considered high literacy.

Taking part in a discussion you can’t follow.

keep typing please

Garbage - Fool !

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Notice that he keeps changing his posts - even AFTER they have been replied to - !

Dishonest Fool ! :roll_eyes:

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Reality hurts sometime Falstaff, feel the pain and let it go :v:

More random Garbage - Just to “have the last word” - however inane that word may be !

And yet some seem to make them work - Isn’t Trudeau a failed Drama teacher ?

Plus over here we have the NHS advertising £135k for “Diversity managers”

What sort of stuffed up “degree” would you need to qualify for those jobs ?

[ Or is it just a case of “What colour is your skin” ? ]

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BE UNSHAKEABLE - The Ultimate Stoic Quotes Collection

Just keep on taking the Largactyl !

Man is effected not by events but by the view he takes of them

Yeah - Tel that crap to the hundreds of lads who’ve been slung out of UNi and had their lives destroyed for having Sex with a girl after they’d both been drinking ! :rofl: :rofl:

When you are offended at any man’s fault, turn to yourself and study your own failings . Then you will forget your anger

IF that works for you - perhaps you need a testosterone test ?