Political Opinion

The one I wanted did not load, this will do, that is Falstaff on top of smallpaul , guess who won



Russell Brand hits another one out of the park, calling out the US government for using funds earmarked to help people during the government mandated lockdowns, where diverted to militarize local police forces,

Paul, here is another opportunity for you to actually watch a Russell Brand video and tell us what in it is a lie

you prove my point

Again, rape could never be adultery

Adultery, voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse:

you could be rape or murder doing anything, you could be rape or murder by your spouse

Rape, like I mentioned, is a violation of the 8th commandment

The man must think this has only just begun—it’s been going on for years

9 Ways the Federal Government has Hijacked your Rights & Taken over the Country

To be honest, we probably could have listed hundreds of different examples of government abuse. But we wanted to specifically focus on topics that we’ve covered over the last couple of years in relation to the Federal Governments attempts to Limit State Rights, Federalize local Police Forces, and most importantly how they are actively attempting to take away your freedoms and your liberty.

Feds Using National League of Cities & State Municipal Leagues to sidestep State Rights

Not many Americans have even heard of these organizations, yet they wield a huge amount of power and have managed to take over almost every level of local and state governments across this country. The National league of Cities represents over 19,000 cities, towns, and villages; they actively push their agenda – which matches up with this current administration’s policies – on a local and state level.

The Militarization of America’s Police: A Brief History

1033 Program

As of 2020, 8,200 local law enforcement agencies participated in the program that has transferred $5.1 billion in military material from DOD to law enforcement agencies since 1997. According to the DLA, material worth $449 million was transferred in 2013 alone. Some of the most commonly requested items include ammunition, cold weather clothing, sand bags, medical supplies, sleeping bags, flashlights and electrical wiring. Small arms and vehicles such as aircraft, watercraft, and armored vehicles have also been obtained.

The program has been criticized over the years by local media, by the DOD Inspector General in 2003, and by the GAO which found waste, fraud, and abuse. It was not until media coverage of police during the 2014 Ferguson unrest that the program drew nationwide public attention; the Ferguson Police Department had used equipment obtained through the 1033 Program.The ACLU and the NAACP have raised concerns about what they call the militarization of police forces in the United States.

"Afghan Migrants Turn Down Free Homes - YouTube

Capitol attack rioter gets 3.5 years in prison for illegal possession of guns

A rioter who believed the QAnon conspiracy theory and joined the insurrection by extremist supporters of Donald Trump at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021, as they attempted to overturn his election defeat, has been sentenced in New York to 3.5 years in prison.

Obviously, we have an American cretin who is clueless and can’t think for himself along with a British fatuous who is begging for mental help and people think America is going to get better, just by looking at their posts, you would think America is the worst country in the world. Be the change you want to see in the world, unless you have a hidden agenda to cause chaos, mayhem, and destruction.

Too many people are following cretins who are guiding them down a strange path

Chronic complaining convince other people that you are not in control.

If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you’d be surprised by how well things can work out.


"We Told You - YouTube

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"South London Council Refused To Cover Veterans Care Costs But Spends Thousands On Migrants - YouTube

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"I came to congratulate a man who got re-Elected without Opposition " - Says Biden - “I Dream of such an occurrence”

"🚨 Biden BETRAYS Britain And CANCELS Trade Deal 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 - YouTube

March 22 (UPI) — The United States and Britain inked a trade deal Tuesday evening to remove Trump administration-era tariffs on steel and aluminum imports in exchange for London to lift retaliatory levies worth hundreds of millions of dollars on U.S. products, like whiskey, blue jeans and motorcycles.

The business relations between the allies soured in 2018 after then-President Donald Trump imposed import tariffs of 25% and 10% on foreign-made steel and aluminum, respectively, in an effort to protect
American industry workers.

In retaliation, the European Union, which Britain was a member of until 2020, imposed tariffs valued at more than $500 million on U.S. exports, that include distilled spirits, various agriculture products and consumer goods. After leaving the union, Britain maintained those same taxes as the steel and aluminum tariffs still applied.

In Britain, Trevelyan said the deal will benefit her steel and aluminum sectors, which employee more than 80,000 people.

Misinformation is false information that’s given without malice, and Disinformation is false information, given with the intention to deceive. The major difference between misinformation and disinformation comes from their intent.

here in the US they spend millions secretly flying and relocating Illegal migrants all around the country but will not do anything to help one million American citizens living on the streets

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Wrong again

the difference comes from the political agenda of the person labeling the information as Misinformation or Disinformation. It is all a word game, straight out of 1984

It is impossible to know someone’s intent,


I need someone to save him, it’s only gonna get worse

The only way to make life harder is to make it harder than necessary

Dude is a total alec, He’s the real deal

Propaganda techniques

Intent or we don’t know :rofl: :v:

I show you where I’m going with this in a minute, I’m just Waiting