Political Opinion

what’s wrong?

Before posting other peoples opinions did you seek a link from those with facts

His link and mine are talking about two entiurely different things !

United States government, let’s play a game. Let’s make Americans feel as if they are part of the process and we are working for their best interests. they will believe this forever with every new president

hold on you have a great point

Biden to snub trade deal as Boris told UK not worth ‘blood, sweat and tears’

so how do we get to the truth FALSTAFF ? PLEASE HELP ME

Is it possible for two things to be true? *One side is only promoting the bad, while the other side is only promoting the good And neither side is showing both

One side is saying that biden is threatening and warning, do words matter more than actions to get the other side to cave or do actions that serve both sides matter more than words?


Ok Paul - I’ll give it a try !

The Postmodernists say;

There are an infinite number of views on any subject - (which has some valididty) - Therefore it is not possible to “get to the truth” - so “My opinion is as just valid as your evidenced ‘truth’” - which has overstated the matter and gets us to a position where -

If I don’t like being a boy - I can simply say that I am a girl and it is so ! (Which is logical to an extent from their argument,) but is clearly and self-evidently - NOT TRUE !

50 years ago - some of us were lucky enough to be admitted to University - because we had passed enough exams at high enough grades to be allowed to go there. (That was around 10% of the Population - and pretty much drawn fromthe most intelligent 20%)

Those Universities had the brightest and most intelligent lecturers - whose sole objective was to educate us - in “How to think” - How to listen to both sides of an argument and make logical conclusions as to which side seemed to have the most validity - we then formed an opinion based on this process - but bearing in mind that new evidence could appear at any moment - which might adjust the balance of probabilities the other way. At which time we should change our opinion.

Then along came Obama and Blair promising 50% of all kids should go to University !
However nothing can improve a person’s IQ dramatically and some of teh brighter kids decided ther was no point in going - if everyone else was going too !

So we now have ust over 50% of kids going to University -n fact 60% of girls are going - so if we assume 10% of bright girls do not go - then we have effectively a situation where anyone in the top 70% of iQ can go to University !

So a moment’s reflection will prove that those going to University now extend DEEPLY into the ranks of BELOW Average Intelligence and are incapable of being taught to “think” in any meaningful way !

So the postmodernist view has to come to the fore along with useess “Degree” subjects like “Gender Studies” - which are simply a way of teaching these low IQ kids WHAT to think - not How to think!

Yet coming out of UNi with their worthless degrees - these kids now think they are “Educated” and since their “Opinions” are supposedly equally valid as objective truth and logical deduction - they demand high paid jobs like “Diversity managers” “HR” and many of them go off to become “Journalists” and “Media newscasters” “Talk sh0w hosts” etc etc - thereby bringing their contaminated thinking into the mainstream media !

Again the Postmodernists take teh attitude that “Nothing matters except power” and therefore those who share their views are to be promoted at any cost - irrespective of truth and natural justice.

Hence we get the Deplatforming and attempts to gag anyone who presents a logical, convincing point of view - just in case the “Deplorables” might just hear them and vote for logic and truth over “Feelings” !

So that is why @Dennis3450 and I together with @Trendswithbenefits and a few others point to discussion sites where a view counter to the “Wikipedia” / Yahoo / CNN / MSNBC / BBC - “Woke truth” is acceptable.

The only way to get to the “Truth” is to look at as much detail and conflicting views as possible before making your decision - In fact I started off as “Convinced” that CO2 = Global Warming - but studied the whole subject for around 3 years before rejecting the whole thing as a money making hoax !

Ok - Well that’s a thumbnail of my view ! :slightly_smiling_face:


Here is a subject on which my views have changed dramtically in the last few days

You may have heard that some “English Woman” has just been released by Iran after 6 years as “Hostage” - and then it came out that the UK had been refusing to return £400 million which they had been paid for some “Tanks” - but then refused to deliver ! and also refused to return teh money

Ergo Bad UK Govt, Poor woman - :heart_eyes:

Then we find that she had only been a "Uk Citizen for a few months before she was “taken hostage” and now she is back - she is becoming a real thorn the side due to her “other beliefs”

The balance of probabilities once again leads me to conclude that the “Legacy feiminist media” has again been operating an agenda and perhaps we should just “Send her back” !

#sendherback - YouTube

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I understand what your talking about falstaff

EDIT: Falstaff, I understand what you mean

Writing fast, watching charts and making trades, and life goes on, a glamorous life, :rofl:

A little different here, since information like this can be verifiable.

A good compromise, in my opinion

GOP blocks Senate COVID bill, demands votes on immigration

Hours earlier, Republicans said they’d withhold crucial support for the measure unless Democrats agreed to votes on an amendment preventing President Joe Biden from lifting Trump-era curbs on migrants entering the U.S. With Biden polling poorly on his handling of immigration and Democrats divided on the issue, Republicans see a focus on migrants as a fertile line of attack.

Isn’t covid over, why do we need another 10 billion dollars printed out of thin air, this will just devalue the dollar more and keep fueling runaway inflation

The world is not as simple as 2+2=4 trying to apply absolute truth and absolute facts in any subject matter is a fool’s game, there is always going to be that grey area in the middle that we can not agree on, it is like trying to get a final value of Pi


well according to both sides that are trying to make an agreement it’s not over, in other words if you want this bill and money to pass you must agree to our terms regardless of the matter at hand and we will continue to say we have a covid problem, you still stuck in that blackhole/rabbit hole

no game when there is absolute facts, maybe you are ignoring the facts to fit your agenda?

so lets compare facts, things that are documented and not other people opinions

It is very easy for people to take any opinion forum/thread or social media channel statements as fact, which can lead millions of people into illusions, hence living a life based on a fake narrative is a waste of human potential.

You are one messed up SOB, you will try to start an argument over 2+2=4

You complain about other people’s opinion yet 90% of your post are just that other people’s opinion (rarely your own)

The only fact that is real is a fact that comes from God, and I don’t see God writing any of the crap you cut and paste here

Yes I am engaging the rabbit deep in his hole, it is a deep dark scary place

Hippity Hop

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Do you not understand that it’s taking people’s opinions as facts?

A majority of what I post consists of news stories that are easily verifiable/ fact checked

1033 In action in 2017, The balmy would misguide this info to fit their narrative in 2022

How NJ Police Are Using Surplus Military Equipment

Police departments across the state have acquired more than $40 million worth of surplus military equipment through a federal program. How are they being used?

BTW; This program does not convince me because I know this is the trial phase of something bigger, which will be way bigger than what people can imagine.

California Leads All States In Taking Advantage Of Military Surplus War-Gear Under Program 1033

California ($153.1 million) edged out Texas ($144 million), Tennessee ($133.7 million), Florida ($105.6 million), Arizona ($93.9 million), Alabama ($88.7 million), and South Carolina ($76.3 million) in the receipt of military surplus equipment.

Local law enforcement agencies have since 1993 received billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment including mine resistant vehicles, armored trucks, helicopters, M16’s and M14’s, infrared goggles, grenade launchers, and airplanes. The gear transfers are part of the Pentagon authorization known as Program 1033.

Many of these states have republican governors, so I guess those earmarks were used to fund 1033 military gear transfer

George H.W. Bush 1033 program

Who is turning this country into a police state? and no president has repeal it.

Or do you know wanna say it’s cracking down on crime.

Don’t listen to ninnies

EDIT: The modern 1033 Program began under George H.W. Bush under a different name.

While the 1033 program as we know it now may have been signed into law under President Clinton, it started life under President George H.W. Bush. The NDAA of 1990 introduced the 1280 program via section 1280 of the bill. This program was the predecessor to the 1033 program and did many of the same things. It gave broad authorization to the Department of Defense (DoD) to send surplus military equipment to “federal and state agencies.

That simply is not true, there is no way for any of us to verify a news story unless we are a witness to the story, as far as fact checkers, that is a lie too, as they all work for major corporations with agendas

Hippity Hop

Regardless of where it started I do not see either party doing anything to stop it

Hippity Hop

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Dennis, keep posting your info. let me show you how it’s done

Keep posting your stuf the stuff that fit your agenda

Clearly these two clowns was clueless

I bet you feel like that now, you don’t want to play the blame game anymore :rofl:

On the Anniversary of George Floyds death - 3 Lesbian women celebrate their new found wealth in one of their new mansions ! :slightly_smiling_face:

I wonder how many of YOU have contributed to the BLM stupidity either directly or through the businesses you employ and how dumb you feel just now ? :rofl:

Link s green writing


"BLM Gloats About Getting Away With It - YouTube

You really must watch this- EVIL Trio !!!