Political Opinion

Hear Hear !

I’ve been waiting for you, now let’s get rolling…

EDIT: I understand you’re in a tamdem/union, so dealing with one partner requires you to also deal with the other

Chris Swonger, chief executive of the Distilled Spirits Council, comments that US-based distillers celebrated “the end of this long tariff nightmare.” Statistics published by the organization reveal that US whiskey exports to Britain declined by 42% since the tariffs’ roll-out in 2018.

“With the removal of the UK’s debilitating retaliatory tariffs on American whiskey exports, US distillers are ready to fire up the stills,” he adds.

You can also hide the fact that you are gay.

Trump-backed Vernon Jones says civil rights don’t apply to gay people because ‘they can actually change’ to become straight

do you remember @Dennis3450 the discussions we had (on this thread ?) wnen the “Black Lives Matter” Psychosis came to the fore about 3 years ago ? - when we discussed what would happen to the money these morons garnered ? - Well it seems we now have the baginnings of the answer, although I’m sure neither of us thought these women would be dumb enough just to buy mansions with it - then record the fact on video ! :rofl:

I know @cigarmanstan had some input on the tax implications at the time - So naow it seems they have all abandoned the organisation from the perspective of actually “doing anything” and there seem to have been no returns or reporting as required, so the whole thing seems to be “deinquent” but still with a good deal of assets in the organisation and only verbal “promises” as to where that money might be going !

So what happens now ??

Will they be prosecuted and who gets the left over cash ?

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like any other corrupt charity organizations they should go to prison if found guilty of fraud.

why not just take the 70%


Under IRS rules, for 501(c)(3) organizations, revenue from the nonprofit cannot inure to the benefit of a shareholder or individual. There is an exception, however, that allows the nonprofit to pay reasonable compensation to employees and others who provide services to the nonprofit. Fleming cautions that “it’s not illegal, per se,” to pay even 90 percent of revenue toward compensation. But, he adds, “obviously, donors want as much money of their donations to go toward the charitable mission.”

50 Worst Charities in America: How to Keep From Getting Scammed

The Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting put a list together in 2013 of the 50 worst charities in America. These organizations raised almost $1 billion for corporate fundraisers. Below you will find a roundup of that list, which was based on federal tax filings over 10 years.

  1. Kids Wish Network
  2. Cancer Fund of America
  3. Children’s Wish Foundation International
  4. American Breast Cancer Foundation
  5. Firefighters Charitable Foundation
  6. Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
  7. International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO
  8. National Veterans Service Fund
  9. American Association of State Troopers
  10. Children’s Cancer Fund of America
  11. Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation
  12. Youth Development Fund
  13. Committee For Missing Children
  14. Association for Firefighters and Paramedics
  15. Project Cure (Bradenton, FL)
  16. National Caregiving Foundation
  17. Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth
  18. United States Deputy Sheriffs’ Association
  19. Vietnow National Headquarters
  20. Police Protective Fund
  21. National Cancer Coalition
  22. Woman to Woman Breast Cancer Foundation
  23. American Foundation For Disabled Children
  24. The Veterans Fund
  25. Heart Support of America
  26. Veterans Assistance Foundation
  27. Children’s Charity Fund
  28. Wishing Well Foundation USA
  29. Defeat Diabetes Foundation
  30. Disabled Police Officers of America Inc.
  31. National Police Defense Foundation
  32. American Association of the Deaf & Blind
  33. Reserve Police Officers Association
  34. Optimal Medical Foundation
  35. Disabled Police and Sheriffs Foundation
  36. Disabled Police Officers Counseling Center
  37. Children’s Leukemia Research Association
  38. United Breast Cancer Foundation
  39. Shiloh International Ministries
  40. Circle of Friends For American Veterans
  41. Find the Children
  42. Survivors and Victims Empowered
  43. Firefighters Assistance Fund
  44. Caring for Our Children Foundation
  45. National Narcotic Officers Associations Coalition
  46. American Foundation for Children With AIDS
  47. Our American Veterans
  48. Roger Wyburn- Mason & Jack M Blount Foundation for Eradication of Rheumatoid Disease
  49. Firefighters Burn Fund
  50. Hope Cancer Fund

The Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting broke the charities up into five main categories: children, cancer, police/law enforcement, veterans, fire and other. As we stated earlier, these 50 charities account for almost $1 Billion in donations. Most of the money went to the people who collected the donations.

Look like we have a history in America of scamming people in the name of a charity

What do we focus on, fixing America’s problems and making it better or just focusing on the problems when it fits our sick agenda?

Either you’re improving the world or you’re making it worse.

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Mixed mataphores in less than 60 seconds - smile at yesteryear and be grateful we have moved on !

"SUPPLEMENT #Shorts - YouTube

One for @Trendswithbenefits perhaps ? :wink:

Great video, with a few changes it could be an ad for the covid vaccine or was that the point

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Very Interesting

All 42 bills passed by Congress and signed by President Trump 2017

June 30: Clarified federal efforts to defend against agricultural terrorism.

June 27: Changed rules for the Merit Systems Protection Board.

June 23: Allowed the Veterans Affairs secretary to remove, demote or suspend any employee, added whistleblower protections.

June 14: Gave federal workers protections if they refuse to comply with illegal instructions.

June 6: Two measures named a Nashville federal building and courthouse for former GOP Sen. Fred Thompson; changed rules for managing Department of Homeland Security vehicles.

June 2: Two bills encouraged law enforcement agencies to hire veterans; took steps to reduce the backlog of families awaiting approval of survivor benefits for public safety officers.

May 17: Disapproved an Obama Labor Department rule allowing states to create retirement savings programs for non-governmental employees.

May 16: Required the federal government to reimburse federal employees using services such as Uber or Lyft for official travel.

May 12: Nullified an Obama rule requiring some planning organizations to merge or produce unified transportation investment plans.

May 8: Supported Minnesota’s effort to host the 2023 World Expo.

May 5: Approved federal military spending, including troop strength and the fight against ISIS.

April 28: Approved spending and extended health care benefits to some miners and their families.

April 19: Four bills appointed Roger Ferguson, Michael Govan and Steve Case to the Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents; extended a program allowing some veterans to receive health care from local doctors and hospitals.

April 18: Improved collaboration between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service on warnings.

April 13: Two bills disapproved an Obama Labor Department rule allowing cities to create retirement savings programs for non-governmental employees; allowed states to withhold family-planning funds from Planned Parenthood and other health care centers that provide abortions.

April 3: Four measures repealed Obama regulations requiring internet service providers to seek customers’ consent before sharing private data; named three to the Office of Compliance’s board of directors; nullified an Obama rule requiring employers to record workers’ injuries and illnesses and keep those records for five years; reversed rules limiting hunting in Alaska wildlife refuges.

March 31: Three bills approved a memorial to commemorate and honor troops who served in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Desert Shield; named a Department of Veterans Affairs clinic in Pago Pago, American Samoa, the Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a Hunkin VA Clinic”; overturned an Obama regulation restricting states’ ability to drug test recipients of unemployment benefits.

March 28: Encouraged the display of the U.S. flag on March 29, National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

March 27: Four bills nullified regulations allowing the Department of Education to require enforcement of Common Core standards; negated a rule expanding the federal government’s role in teacher preparation; repealed a Bureau of Land Management rule centralizing management of federal lands; disapproved a rule submitted by the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration relating to acquisition regulations.

March 21: Set the NASA budget and asked the agency to reach Mars by 2033.

March 13: Named a Department of Veterans Affairs health care center in Center Township, Pa., the Abie Abraham VA Clinic.

Feb. 28: Three measures required NASA to submit a plan for engaging with and promoting female science, technology engineering and math students in grades K-12; authorized the National Science Foundation to support entrepreneurial programs for women; repealed an Obama rule prohibiting the mentally disabled from purchasing firearms.

Feb. 16: Ended an Obama regulation that prevented coal-mining companies from dumping debris and waste into nearby streams.

Feb. 14: Rolled back financial disclosure requirements for energy firms.

Jan. 31: Authorized the Government Accountability Office to obtain all federal agency records.

Jan. 20: Cleared the way for Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ appointment by ending a required 7-year break between active-duty service and that job.

All Presidents Are Puppets

a $1.65 spread between gas and diesel ( 75 cents spread is normal in the US) , no war or embargo can explain or justify this

The US economy runs on diesel fuel, this will and is causing the inflation we are experiancing now,

I doubt that the average member of Congress is even aware of this as they seldom go to a gas station

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Big Oil execs hammer Dems’ price gouging accusations, say companies don’t ‘control the market price’

Chevron CEO Michael Wirth is coming out swinging Wednesday in front of House Democrats who accuse oil company executives of price gouging.

“I want to be absolutely clear,” Mr. Wirth says in his prepared opening remarks. “We do not control the market price of crude oil or natural gas, nor of refined products like gasoline and diesel fuel, and we have no tolerance for price gouging.”

He’s one of six Big Oil executives ready to turn the tables on Democrats at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, as first reported Tuesday by The Washington Times.

Trump Administration Rolls Back Clean Water Protections

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Thursday announced the repeal of a major Obama-era clean water regulation that had placed limits on polluting chemicals that could be used near streams, wetlands and other bodies of water.

An immediate effect of the clean water repeal is that polluters will no longer need a permit to discharge potentially harmful substances into many streams and wetlands. But the measure, which is expected to take effect in a matter of weeks, has implications far beyond the pollution that will now be allowed to flow freely into waterways.

Does this really save lives or benefits oil companies

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era fuel efficiency standards

The Trump administration on Tuesday rolled back an Obama-era law that pushes automakers to produce more fuel efficient vehicles, severely limiting a rule designed to decrease pollution from transportation in the face of climate change.

The new rule cuts the year-over-year improvements expected from the auto industry, slashing standards that require automakers to produce fleets that average nearly 55 mpg by 2025. Instead, the Trump rule would bring that number down to about 40 mpg by 2026, bringing mileage below what automakers have said is possible for them to achieve.

Why Trump just killed a rule restricting coal companies from dumping waste in streams

February 14, 2017: H.J.Res.41 - “Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of a rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to ‘Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers’”

This measure rolls back an Obama-era rule that required “resource extraction issuers to disclose payments made to governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas or minerals.”

The greater of two evils, lmao

Interesting that whomsoever you show that to - the same underlying metaphor sprrings to mind ! - I can’t answer that question @Dennis3450 since I didn’t write it - but as you say - it is quite apt :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes diesel takes much less processing than Petrol so should in honesty be cheaper and motors do more mpg on it as well - but it has been vilified by the greenies so “they” jack the price up presumably to discourage usage.

We just had a minor buying panic over here because the middle class privileged Marxists were glueing themselves to the distribution Depots. “Take out injunctions against them” says our Lefty Labour Party !

“Just leave the drivers to solve the problem without interfering” - Says I !

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Governor- let me veto this bill,

house and senate- hold on there little man we make the laws in this state

Kentucky lawmakers block abortion access with new law, effective immediately

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, a Democrat, vetoed the bill on Friday, but the Republican-majority House and Senate overrode his veto on Wednesday evening.

People who have completely lost touch with reality is really unnerving.

"The United States Looks Like South Africa - YouTube

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In spite of how south africa turns out, the country went back to the people, whereas america was seized and south africa was colonized. big difference

History of slavery and early colonisation in South Africa


Anything built or created from a rotten foundation will eventually fall

Falstaff Mr. dullard, you like the old days when rape, slavery, and murder were legal without any accountability, it speaks of who and what you are, doesn’t it?