Political Opinion

It will be interesting to see how this turns out

Case against Oath Keepers hinges on rare use of seditious conspiracy charges

One of the few modern occasions where such charges were used to prosecute alleged domestic terrorists was when four militants, demanding independence for Puerto Rico from the U.S., shot up the House of Representatives in 1954, wounding several members of Congress. The shooters and more than a dozen co-conspirators were subsequently convicted of seditious conspiracy, and the leader of the militant group that staged the attack spent 35 years in prison.

what are you doing to make the country better, rather than complaining about your inability to change.


For some, manhood comes at 15 . For others, it may come at 50. And for a few, it may never come at all.

the state or period of being a man rather than a child

And it’s still happening - the Xi/Putin coin has not gone away - CIA’s Burns refers to Xi as Putin’s silent partner yesterday - Xi might be silent with words but talk to Taipei - the noise is deafening.

In the West we often dismiss Chinese tech as substandard but the world is changing, US N recently reported as being “impressed” by a close encounter with J20.

Many traders know of Danny Riley-


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An yet for years the US and NATO have been pushing Xi/Putin into a stronger alliance,

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This seems to be where your leadership ( not mine) wants to take us, and Charlton Heston echoes my feels

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How many years and by what means have the US and Nato been pushing.

The number of years relating to Xi has to be 9 and the only means of push is the expansion of Nato - the last meaningful expansion long before that - (North Macedonia 2 years back was hardly earth shattering.)

if you mean that the people of Ukraine chose a President that Xi/Putin dislike then how do you ascribe that to US and Nato ‘pushing’?

Then again perhaps just an easy anti US/NATO mantra ‘you pushed us into it’ with images of US destruction to accompany?

Many violent people have used the reason of ‘pushing’ in the past - it remains only an excuse for war and violence on innocents.

Let’s put it this way, what if Russia made a military treaty with the countries of South and Central America, Flooding those counties with military equipment from the Russian Military-Industrial Complex. What do you think would be the US responce

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I cannot imagine why Putin/Russia would feel threatened, and I am sure the US would have no problem with that many Russian flags in countries of Central and South America



Excellent point @Dennis3450 - I seem to remember some sort of minor fuss about the Russians sending a couple of missiles to Cuba - 50 years ago !


If this happens, it won’t be good for Russia

Russia pushes Finland, Sweden into NATO’s arms

How is WW3 good for any of us, this madness needs to stop, more war and military alliances is not the answer

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I agree but how do we stop the madness? Putin is giving those countries a reason to be concern

Just as NATO/US has given Putin reasons for concern, it is the dog chasing its tail, and all unnecessary

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oh that little black book.

would you suggest Russia attack Sweden and Finland if they join NATO?

Other measures are available besides bombing countries unnecessarily and killing their citizens.

90% of the content they post is anti-American, one is a Dolt American, the other is a Gormless Brit, both are eldritch

Much easier to manipulate people like them

Here we go again, another bailout with money created out of thin air.

These older power plants need to be closed and replaced with new safer, more efficient plants, that would be something I could support



I agree but something happen here.

Nearly a third of the U.S. carbon emissions driving climate change come from electricity generation. To try to cut those emissions, the Obama administration in 2014 issued the Clean Power Plan – a set of rules targeting high-emitting power plants, particularly those burning coal.

The industry sued, and before the Clean Power Plan could go into effect, the Supreme Court suspended it so the legal disputes could be resolved. It was still in limbo in 2019 when Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency formally repealed the Clean Power Plan and issued an extremely weak substitute called the Affordable Clean Energy rule that had far looser limits on pollution.

In issuing its own rule, the Trump administration took a big gamble. Trump’s goal was not only to replace the Obama administration rule but to ensure that no future president could ever adopt anything similar.

Joe Biden got a big judicial win for his climate agenda just hours before his inauguration as U.S. president. The case involved federal plans for cutting power plant emissions and a big gamble by the Trump administration.

I wonder if Biden can adopt a clean energy bill like Obama did

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It’s no wonder the power plants support Trump; they don’t want to cut their carbon emissions and knew if they support trump, everything will be fine once he becomes president.

To find out what the president is, look at the laws he signs, the law he hasn’t and it became the law days after- showing the president protest to Congress, look at what laws he repeal, you should also look at what laws his administration comes up with, and you will get an idea what you are dealing with in a president.

Happier Days Are Comings

Russia tests nuclear-capable missile that Putin says has no peer

LONDON (Reuters) -Russia said on Wednesday it had conducted a first test launch of its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, a new addition to its nuclear arsenal which President Vladimir Putin said would give Moscow’s enemies something to think about.

But what if NATO and other powerhouse hit all of russia nuclear sites at once. there will be no russia, NATO should send that message and maybe that will give putin something to think about