Political Opinion

Do I need to say more

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Are you Predicting that Russia will destroy the United States if NATO attacks Russia. Why are you so enthusiastic about destroying America, what did America do to you?

I will fight for my flag until the day I die


No you moron, the whole world will be destroyed. And stop pretending to be American,

You are nothing but a warmongering puppet of media propaganda

It is rather ironic how left thinking people from just 2 decades ago are not the biggest warmongers the world has ever known

Quote from Charlton Heston in final scene from POA is fitting here


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Only anti-America are advertising here.

it’s ironic you have no clue about the laws trump pass or the laws he repeal, you keep talking i keep bringing facts
check the facts before you start blaming people

BTW; what did Russel Brand say :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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so that picture represent the world will be destroyed and not just the United States?

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.

― Soren Kierkegaard

Trump ‘stand back and stand by’

Top leaders in the Oath Keepers militia group indicted on seditious conspiracy charges over the Capitol attack had contacts with the Proud Boys and a figure in the Stop the Steal movement and may also have been in touch with the Republican congressman Ronny Jackson, newly released text messages show.

Forthcoming 1/6 committee hearings should be good, eh?

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Whatever it will be, what it will be, what the result will be, it won’t matter to me. The info is out there

Stop Spoonfeeding the little pillock @Dennis3450 - We can all see that English is not his first language - but he contiues to pretend it is and that he is just dumb regarding “Grammar”.

No need for us to explain things to him that are obvious - just leave the pratt struggle and move on with the conversation among those of us who do understand :slightly_smiling_face:

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How nice to see the girlfriend standing up for her man, A True Love story :heart:

Oh Dear… Looks like no one is interested in CNN’s Leftist ideological rubbish…

$300 Million for 150,000 subscriber’s and only 10,000 viewers a day!!! Money well spent. Go Woke, Go Broke proven right once again.

Joe Rogan (12.3 Million Subs), Russell Brand (5.5 Million Subs) et a few others go from strength to strength while CNN looks like an accident just waiting to happen…


It’s about who have the power to push their agenda through congress and our education system, also who have the power to push their agenda on a national level, for example cancel culture pop up and it became a thing on a national level, not everyone will get cancel but it’s here, just like the gay agenda was thrust upon us and making young boys feminine / education system. there are more changes in the pipe line

Joe Rogan and maybe Russell Brand may come up with some great points but it doesn’t lead to change, some people might get mad and that can lead to more mayhem and destruction. This country is going to go just the way the people with power want it to, good or bad and yes it can lead to a country demise .

Just because a person/social media have more followers doesn’t mean you have to adopt that person opinions, do your own research, there are paperwork when it comes to laws/bill that you can get on state level and congress/ national level. Never follow blindly

Because America is so divided, There is only one direction the country can go, I Pray not but the writing is on the wall.

I think we have it now ;

So he thinks we are

"Powerful supernatural beings " !

I wonder if that is how the children are taught to view their elders these days - it sort of fits in many ways ! ( Especially when the power of ‘Critical Thinking’ - Must seem in some way “Magical” to them ! )

However, retuirning to your original point - We know he has English as a second language because of his sentenc construction, lack of understanding of participles and being unable even to distinguish between “Covert” and “covet” ! - Clearly his English is not good enough to watch Riussel Brant or Joe Rogan - so he has to resort to translated versions of Legacy News Media printed stories !

So let’s excercise a little of this “Supernatural Power” he is so afraid of and perhaps speculate that his word Eldritch points to a Germanic childhood

Maybe we could postulate that it is the illigitimate child of a USA Servicen=man who was one of those sent to occupy Germany after WW2 and (I believe some are still there ?)

Maybe his mother has extolled the virtues of his Parentage and taught him to believe that he is “American in all but name” ? - That would also explain how as you have rematked he knows so little about “actual America” - but since the EU is a mixed and tangled mass of different languages - they all communicate in a sort of “PIDGIN ENGLISH” - which leaves them capable of everyday conversation - such as doing the shopping - but unable to understand the nuances and construction of real English Language.

This would also explain the sort of Germanic stiubborness with which he attacks us instead of looking for a truthful solution to discusiions. A bit like them rushing to “Put their towels on the deckchairs” before breakfast in the Holiday resorts ! :expressionless:

Anyway -

That my fellow Warlock is what I think we are dealing with here !

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eldritch - eerie; weird; spooky.https://www.dictionary.com/browse/eldritch

eldritch- strange or unnatural especially in a way that inspires fear: weird, eerrie Eldritch Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

weird - strikingly odd or unusual

synonyms:eldritch, uncanny, unearthly

I guess Falstaff wasn’t aware that words can mean multiple things

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt

And the pricise difference between the historical origins of the word and your - essentially “supernatural” explanation ! - is precisely ?


You see that your “opening your mouth” - “To remove all doubt” - is actually nothing of any significance - but I thank you for confirming my assessment of your origins and status :sunglasses:

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Are you cretinous or fatuous?

Don’t be frightened - little illigitimate German mate - we’re not going to Eat you children ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Are you cretinous or fatuous?

Actually - It’s been a long while since I had a nice tender foreign juvenile - Maybe we can make an exception for you - what say you @Dennis3450 ?

Pot Roast - Barbequed ?

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Falstaff- A Woman Scorned

Moving on

One of the things that shape America is policy making and who has the power to influence it.

The difference between policymaker and lawmaker

is that policymaker is one involved in the formulation of policies, especially politicians, lobbyists, and activists while lawmaker is one who makes or enacts laws.

Despite Trump’s fine idea, it does not hold congress accountable for pushing policies developed by outside interests, Policies that only benefit the interest groups behind them, which means they will now give all their money to Congress, which nobody will hold accountable.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday aimed at making federal bureaucrats engaged in policymaking more accountable.

The order is intended to address what Trump administration officials say is a concern about the growth of the federal bureaucracy and about an increasing willingness by Congress to delegate policymaking authority to executive branch agencies.

Because of civil service protections, career federal employees essentially can make and design policy details and rules with little or no public accountability.