Political Opinion

Militarization of U.S. police.

Obama Limits Police Use Of Military Gear, Adds Oversight

Trump Endorses Militarization of Police, Rolls Back Obama-Era Restrictions on Providing Military Gear

President Trump signed an executive order Monday morning reinstituting a federal program to supply military-grade weaponry and equipment to state and local police forces. The program had been suspended since May 2015 under an executive order signed by Barack Obama that Trump has now rescinded.

Dozens of House Dems and Progressive Groups Push Biden to Curb Militarization of Police

Back to Square one.

Until we are told the truth about the FBI’s involvement, this is nothing but government propaganda

Who is Ray Epps?

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Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery.

Falstaff, Flattery- excessive and insincere praise, given especially to further one’s own interests.

-oxford dictionary

It just shows Truth and Free Speech wins out ever time over Government controlled narrative.

Did you also notice that Boobtube took away the thumbs down counter so government propaganda outlets like CNN will not be embarrassed with 20 thumbs down to ever one thumbs up

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Can’t wait to see all the evidence they’ve amassed. Right wing conspiracy dreams and distraction campaigns matter not.

Nothing can control the Narrative from the bottom that can effect true change at the top, the top might throw you crumbs to make you feel better but nothing that is effective to control the Narrative from the top. just look at what has taken place without the will of the people.

That’s not my focus, look at the laws and the future laws that is about to take place and who is responsible for those laws

How hard is it to go beyond words and look at the paper work

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

― John Adams.

Now go tell me what bill that congress pass or what bill the president came up with or rescind that have move this country forward, the answer is there

You are “projecting” your own prejudices, as it is the Democrat party that specializes in distraction campaigns

Have you ever considered why you are so quick to brand “Right Wing” anyone you disagree with, could it be government propaganda ( brainwashing) That is just the government keeping us fighting each other as a means of controlling us.

I was guilty of this too in my younger days, I thought everyone on the left was just the worst,

Now instead of looking for reasons to hate each other, I am looking for common ground

Russell Brand is a great example of someone looking for common ground

You take care my friend

By the way have you figured out Who is Ray Epps?

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Yikes! Who is projecting here? I’m just looking forward to all the evidence we’ll get to see that we haven’t seen yet. The rest of that diatribe is all you, bud. You have a great day too! :+1:

I seem to remember you or maybe it was others on this thread saying the same thing about the Muller report. and how it was going to show DT was a russian spy and all kinds of crap, and what we got was a big “Nothing Burger”

You are setting yourself up for another round of disappointment

By the way have you figured out who is Ray Epps

You take care my friend

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I find it very interesting how some here say they are only interested in the truth, yet they post media propaganda from media sources ( like CNN, MSNBC, NYT…ect) that have a track record of miss information and flat out lying

Then we have the ring leader of Jan 6th Ray Epps, and our alleged “Truth Seekers” have no interest in getting the truth of this mans’ involvement

Truth is a two headed coin, and requires looking at both sides of the coin.

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And most Americans will never know how the country is being shape without the will of the people until the complaining stage. another example and there are many more that are shaping America behind the scene

The National League of Cities (NLC) is an advocacy organization in the United States that represents the country’s 19,495 cities, towns, and villages along with 49 state municipal leagues. Created in 1924, it has evolved into a leading membership organization providing education, research, support, and advocacy to city leaders across America. Based in Washington, D.C., it is considered part of the ‘Big Seven’, a group of organizations that represent local and state government in the United States. The NLC provides training to municipal officials, holds conferences, lobbies and provides assistance to cities in educational issues.

NLC was first founded as the American Municipal Association in Lawrence, Kansas by a group of ten state municipal leagues seeking greater coordination and representation in national affairs.

Download the 2022 NLC National Municipal Policy, adopted at the 2021 City Summit.

Big Seven - .These groups are influential in national government, often lobbying Congress to represent their members’ interests.

who the Goverment rely on for information and what the people want is in a whole another ball game

you can always look at the current evidence, bud, have a great day :v:

In other news more important to the average real American

Inflation is killing middle and low income earners

Stock market is crashing ( say goodby to your retirement savings)

And overseas the US tries to escalate war, risking a nuclear exchange

See it any wonder US sentiment remains at a decade low


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Enough of the small talk, Go look at what Trump has signed into law, what he has rescinded or overturned, and what he has come up with that was not harmful to America and moves us forward

I can’t think of many things Trump even did in the interest of America, much less that was helpful to the country. Did you have something in particular in mind?

I’ll go first…remain in Mexico/build the wall?


I was referring to Dennis’s post, not yours, Paul. Sometimes that’s not clear from the mobile version for some reason

my bad, my fault