Political Opinion

Though it is a good idea, one strange thing about Washington/Congress is that when your party is in control, you don’t always get the full support of your members, even if the idea helps America. Because of this / funding, only a small portion of the wall will be completed

A promise Trump can’t keep? His window to ‘build the wall’ is closing

Yet for a second year, he has received but a small installment from a Republican-controlled Congress. And if Democrats win control of the House in November, as they are favored to do, Trump would see his leverage decline substantially.

Here’s the dirty little secret,. There’s no funding for the border wall because there’s not enough support among Republicans, much less Democrats

Most of the wall constructed to date has been replacement for existing dilapidated or inadequate fencing

How Much of Trump’s Border Wall Was Built?

The Trump administration completed hundreds of miles of wall along the southern border before President Joe Biden halted construction. with no resistance from republican’s

Feb. 7, 2022


Did congress every think this would be better for America or was it business as usually

And now we have this interest group OPEN BORDERS and similar ones around the world and are they behind a major push of millions of immigrants flooding countries, and citizens have no idea why their government does not stop it

Ever heard of the Pink Tide or the Marea Rosa in Spanish?

That was democracy turning to the left with the US attempting to interfere - all with disastrous consequence for ordinary people.

The US did not bomb and rape and kill as the Russians (and so-called Chechnyan “fighters”) are now doing to the people of Ukraine.

You rightly celebrate Easter on another thread yet a simple Christian ceasefire this Good Friday in Ukraine (Eastern ) was refused by Putin - why?

US, Nato, the West are not pushing Putin - there is only one force at work and Xi waits quietly on the side-line.

As traders we think of the future - if Ukraine ceases to exist then is Putin satisfied or is there more?

What about Xi - is he ready to move on Taiwan or does he need just a little more time to learn 2 things - 1st is least - a short time frame invasion may become longer term and therefore so be it - 2nd is key - how will the US react - who is in power there - is the reaction predictable or not?

We don’t worry about the future - but Christians do pray about it - and know this well - without that prayer this will not end well for many people as it has not in recent weeks and days.

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Peace and Prosperity


And you Know this by what means, sounds a little like the story of Iraq soldiers throwing babies out of incubators during the invasion of Kuwait. We now know this was a lie design to get US public support for going to war. How many stories being reported today will we learn to be lies

peterma, how have you been, we have not seen much of you here as of late

Take care my friend

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FBI response when asked about their involvement in Jan 6th, 2021

Our FM visited Bucha in recent days and was visibly shocked by what he witnessed both on the ground, under the ground and those with whom he spoke who have survived.

It is a terrible tale not to be recounted here but will be told well in the future - Truth always will see the light.

Chechen “fighters” are at the forefront - research them - their hatred for Christianity fits well well with their attitude to human life.

Today on Russian TV the hosts chuckle as they comment on the effect that the latest Russian hypersonic missile would have on NYC “Americans always feared our heavy rockets” one commented.

They were referring to the Sarmat - is usually called “Satan 2”.

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War is never a good thing, that is why I oppose it, and once it begins, I oppose its escalation

Some here seem to want WW3

Take care my friend


I have never understood why people view immigration like they do. We are a nation of immigrants, and that diversity makes us stronger. No single culture should be allowed to define what it means to be American.

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

If we believe that our way is the right way; that democracy, freedom, and self-determination represent righteousness, we should be recruiting. Come join us. Instead we cower in fear that bad people might get in and do bad things. It’s pathetic.

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I was referring to agenda pushing and when somebody like George Soros is backing something, it’s not good because he’s up to no good.

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Did you really or did you come on here making excuses for russian invasion

What happen here

China is buying billions in US farmland and lawmakers are scrambling to try to stop them

As of the start of 2020, Chinese investors owned about 192,000 acres of U.S. agricultural land valued at about $1.9 billion, according to Politico. While Chinese land ownership in the U.S. is less than that of other foreign nations, the growth in Chinese land ownership is part of an overall trend in China rapidly buying up other country’s farmland over more than a decade.

In a speech last week for the conservative Heritage Foundation, Republican former Vice President Mike Pence said, “America cannot allow China to control our food supply.” During his speech, Pence called on President Joe Biden to “end all farm subsidies for land owned by foreign nationals.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: wasn’t you guys in office

Fools multiply when wise men are silent.

Oppose it tomorrow at Church with the most potent weapon imaginable, it’s hypersonic, the enemy fears it because he has no defence against it.

When you use this weapon you will sense it’s power - use it often, the more you use it the more formidable it becomes.

Dennis knows that this weapon is prayer - reader, do you?


You can expect him to have something negative to say about America’s use of weapons,

Prominent Russian TV presenter says war ‘against Europe and the world’ is on the way following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine

  • A prominent Russian TV presenter says Moscow’s war in Ukraine will extend to Europe and the world.
  • The Kremlin is already starting to wage a “de facto” war against NATO countries, he said.
  • “Ukrainians alone are no longer enough,” Vladimir Solovyov said, in a clip posted by The Daily Beast’s Julia Davis.

Russian General Lets Slip a Secret Plan to Invade Another Country and Seize Ukraine’s Entire Coastline

Russian General Announces Plan to Invade Moldova after Ukraine

As Europe Approves New Tech Laws, the U.S. Falls Further Behind

Europe has seen a sweeping law for online privacy take effect, approved far-reaching regulations to curb the dominance of the tech giants and Saturday reached a deal on new legislation to protect its citizens from harmful online content.

For those keeping score, that’s Europe: 3, United States: 0.

Trump signs internet privacy repeal

The bill caused an uproar when it passed the House and Senate last month, with critics accusing Republicans of selling their constituents’ privacy.

“It’s shocking that of all the challenges facing this country the Trump administration would prioritize taking away people’s privacy,” said Craig Aron, CEO of the advocacy group Free Press.

More Damage to come in 2024, Peace and Prosperity :rofl: :

Here is a story that is getting little attention, before the FBI orchestrated Jan 6th , the FBI plotted to kidnap the governor of Minnesota and pin it on 4 guys they labeled as “right-wing” the two-month trial ended earlier this month with 2 men acquitted ( that means found not quilty) the two others ended in a mistrial.

Self-proclaimed Leftist and Jack-off comedian Jimmy Dore goes through the details of this case,
Go get them, Jimmy!

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And just how do people view immigration, my great,great grandparents came from Germany through Elis Island, legal and documented.

There is no “might” about it, it has happen before and it is happening now


This is from 1985 Sun Sentinal

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Russell Brand nails it again, calling out California for its proposed law that would strip doctors of their license for not complying with the State government narrative

Here is another opportunity for Smallpaul to show us a lie by Russell Brand,

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Here is Dennis’ chance to prove Trump did more good than bad for America as he claims