Political Opinion

Happy to do so , but first you show me Russell Brand lying

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I figure you would say that, lmao. dude russell brand is reporting whatā€™s in the news here, and not so much of his opinions here.

You are the one who called him a liar, so show us an example or admit you were wrong

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dude one guy is rambling off at the mouth and another guy was in office passing laws that is ruining america and you worry about me proving russell brand is a liar thatā€™s really your concern here :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It seemed to be a big concern of yours when you took the time to call Russell Brand a liar, I am just giving you the opportunity to show proof, but now that it seems clear you have no proof you go into Strawman mode, accusing me of things that are not true, it is pretty clear who the liar here is

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who cares about russell brand, i care more about who is passing laws that can ruin my country. Russell brand affects you more than the person passing laws and ruining your country?, keep talking, It proves that you would prefer your country be ruined by the person you support than face the evidence of destruction

This guy calls himself a free thinker and an independent

Moving on, hereā€™s the law the media was talking about

AB 2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct. (Low) This bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or ā€œCOVID-19,ā€ by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against such physician or surgeon.

CURRENT STATUS: Amended and Passed in Assembly Business and Professions Committee. Referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.

As Amends the Law Today


(3) ā€œMisinformationā€ means false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus to an extent where its dissemination constitutes gross negligence by the licensee.

(4) ā€œDisinformationā€ means misinformation that the licensee deliberately disseminated with malicious intent or an intent to mislead.

(5) ā€œDisseminateā€ means the conveyance of information from the licensee to a patient under the licenseeā€™s care in the form of treatment or advice.

RB is a British comedian - like everyone he has views and opinions and he uses the internet to articulate those views.

He has never voted in his life and asserted back a few years that he never will - is his political opinion weakened as a consequence - not sure, sometimes itā€™s good to express opinion at the ballot box.

Again back a few years he expressed the opinion that ā€œmassive redistribution of wealthā€ should reign - so not sure why he doesnā€™t vote.

The only thing I noticed about his videos - particularity noticeable in one that TWB posted about a lady getting arrested in Aus was how little time was spent focussing on the lady and how much more time in the video was spent focussing on RB.

Edit: apologies - he later declared support for UK politician Jeremy Corbyn (socialist and self described as left of the leftish Labour Party)

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So, in one breath, to not take a sideā€¦ Remaining neutral is a sign of strengthā€¦

And in another breath, to not choose a sideā€¦ Remaining neutral weakens oneā€™s political opinionā€¦ BTW, how does this workā€¦?

Russell Brand is just one of many of the disheartened left, who recognizes the recklessness and wanton economic and social decline caused by left of the leftish socialist policies and behavior.


If one party thinks the socialist policies are wrong, why doesnā€™t it do anything to change them or come up with a better alternative when they are in office, in fact they pencil in those programs into the budget.

If one party is against those policies, why isnā€™t it doing something about it when their in office.

So whoā€™s to blame, the left policies or the right for doing nothing during their time in power.

This is what we expected.

Judge holds Trump in contempt for failing to turn over documents

A New York judge on Monday held former President Donald Trump in contempt, and fined him $10,000 per day, for failing to comply with a subpoena requiring he turn over documents to investigators conducting a sprawling financial fraud probe for New York Attorney General Letitia James.

I see the Crayon Crew are regrouping with the TDS - despite the fact that he has been out of office 18 months ! - Mid-terms are approaching - one speculates - And their Puppet Government is flailing about in Senility and deranged despreation !

@Dennis3450 - We already know that his second language (English) is not good enough to watch videos and understand what is being said - (especially when the words get longer than one syllable)

So itā€™s a bit unreasonable expecting our Juvenile Germanic troll - to be able to come up with anything to back up his propaganda !

Good to see you again, anything else you would like to add?

Money moves the world.

Twitter says itā€™s being acquired by Elon Musk for $44 billion

Clearly, you do, or you would not be calling him a liar

Speaking of lying, this ( USA) is not your country

You are obsessed with DT, while ignoring the damage being done by pelosi and biden

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Hi peterma,

Your summary of RB is fair, I donā€™t understand why some here insist on calling him a liar, maybe you can get a straight answer from you know who

Here in the US low voter turnout has been common throughout American history, Some will argue if you donā€™t vote you have no right to complain, Others who do vote will admit they are just voting for the lesser of two evils, I have been guilty of that. Maybe if only two evils are running, not voting might be the moral thing to do. Just my opinion

Take care my friend

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There are some who put truth ahead of ideology and clearly Russell is one of those.

I would also say in Russellā€™s case and many other so called leftist, they have not changed their political views over the years, what has changed is the ā€œLeftā€ I donā€™t think calling todayā€™s left ā€œsocialistā€ is accurate, they are more in line with Fascism. And their fascism really shows when someone like Brand refuses to conform,

Good input , have a great day

Media bias is so 20th centuryā€¦ Fox News shows us how state media is done!