Political Opinion

please point out the damage

$44 Billion and Elon Musk now has control of the Twittersphere… OMG, the Horror…

Hopefully, he’ll kick the Board to the curb and moderate the censorship to create an even playing field.

Watch the woke flee screaming from the field, all because the referee won’t let them cheat anymore!!

What a week for commonsense… The collapse of CNN+ and the deep clean of Twitter…

May free speech reign with the end of self serving censorship across these Social Media landscapes.


And every host of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBC and writer for WP, NYT, Facebook, Twitter and Google were all working together on behalf of biden.

Fact of life here in the US is media, and I mean all media ( left and right) can not be trusted, personally these days I am finding the reporting from Al Jazeera and the very progressive leaning RT America is far more truthful than any US media.

This is also why Russell Brand is so refreshing, to have someone outside the US, with no allegiance to the American left or right, examining the news with commentary done in a humor matter

If you are so obsessed with Jan 6th maybe you would like to explain Ray Epps involvement


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lets hope this is a turn for the better, we have been disappointed before, and the US CIA still controls US base media, If Twitter simply becomes the Fox News of social media, we may become more divided than before. Free Speech and what that really means is what is at stake.

Thanks for another great post, take care


If you were a US citizen and living in my country like you claim, you would not be asking me, you would be living it

And please stop asking me questions if you are not going to answer any of mine, if you want a conversation, even a friendly debate then bring it on, but this mean you need to drop the personal attacks and be truthful about who you are and were you live

I would like to know the real person behind your screenname, not the troll that you project here

and I know you will not doubt take everything I said here and launch more personal attacks, and being the bigger person at heart, I will forgive you. and continue to look for common ground.

When Jesus was asked how many times must I forgive my brother, Jesus answered 7X70

The power of forgiveness might be the ultimate human super power

Bless you and take care

again russell brand is more imporatnt than the people running america. Dennis, we know your goals and how you pursue them.

It is no surprise that you are a weak card.

keep posting dennis, just keep posting

:rofl::rofl::rofl: The thread deniis is the proof of what you’re all about. Stop trying to trick people and yourself.

Cool, we can arrange a sit down with cameras so everyone can see it, all paid for by ME

Amazing how right I was, maybe some are beyond forgiveness, but that is not my call, I do wish that babypips would enforce their own community guidelines and rid us of personal attacks by trolls,

Down the Rabbit hole, hip hop

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Don’t act like you’re innocent, What’s so bad about calling you a weak card?

Enough talking, lets talk

My goodness…this is a major offense to you.

"London Invents Female Toilets - YouTube

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I’m obsessed with the people running this country and the laws they pass, and the effects those laws have, yes trump pass a lot of laws damaging america, I’ve shown you them, and they’re plenty more, instead of concentrating on opinions I’m giving you evidence.

You must be hurting when you find out who is responsible for some of those laws

“The meek shall inherit the earth” ?

According to Jordan Peterson the word is a mistranslation - and should really be translated thus

“He who has a sword and knows how to use it - but keeps it sheathed”

Peterson is probably the best analytical Bible Scholar out there and is acknowledged as such by many Bible study scholars.

The Bible also says

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth "


Our Juvenile Germanic troll - also professes “Godliness” and often says he "Shall pray for you"

Along with professing - that he “Will die for his flag” and without actually saying Which that flag is - he often puts up a picture of a USA flag in proximity.

Yet he delights in his Narcissistic actions and utterings wrt others !

You wanna Waste your time and effort “Forgiving” a Sociopath / Psychopath mate ?

That is completely Pointless - They don’t have the same brain circuitry as Humans !

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I know that America’s era is coming to an end - any era that has happened anywhere in the world has ended and will be forgotten. I hope the United States can hold on for a while longer, but the universe has spoken.

An era for the beginning also exists, and an era for the end will also arise.

Regarding everything else, I’ve already advised you, but you are stuck in your feelings- just let it go bro, you will probably be happier. It’s just the internet.

Keep knocking on my door, I will answer faster than you think

By the way; I don’t mind if someone approaches me, it’s politics, people can and will get angry including me, part of politics.

So what kind of brain circuit do they have? You said so, so you know, right? Or was it your opinion?

The sun will come out tomorrow falstaff Maybe you will finally have a good day

Although popular belief suggests otherwise, the world is unfolding exactly as it should

Is it better to be the first group, the second group, ect, or the last group?

It is written to be forgiven by God you must first forgive others, I have done my part, and carry no grievances against anyone in my life or on this platform

Peterson is one of the great thinkers of our time. One measure of greatness is the hate they endure from others. We sure do see that hate here on this thread

Jesus did tell his disciples as he sent them out two by two " If any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them"

There does come a time when you must move on, Staying out of that rabbit hole would be a wise move

yes move on, you and falstaff is right, pointless is the word :love_you_gesture:

the evidence is there but one fool can’t answer and want to compare russell brand to people in power who makes the laws, because there is no answer to law and destruction when you party is causing it

There is a big difference between the catastrophic external and internal laws