Political Opinion

Here is an interesting chart I came across, red line is inflation while blue line is wage growth,


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This is simply not true. I highly doubt Anderson Cooper was on the phone with Bidenā€™s campaign asking where and how his show can help bring in votes. That dismissive, knee-jerk false equivalence youā€™re peddling there contributes to the erosion of objective standards.

In reality when you hear Republicans complaining about ā€œmedia biasā€ itā€™s just the latest example of right-wing modus operandi, which is of course projection. If you ever want to know what the American right is up to, just pay attention to what theyā€™re accusing the left of. For example, if theyā€™re whining about media bias towards Democrats, their own propagandized media might as well be the communications wing of the Republican Party. If theyā€™re yelling about the left stealing an election, they are literally in the process of trying to steal an election. If they are crying about ā€œcancel cultureā€, they are actively removing books from schools they donā€™t like, and legislating what can and cannot be taught in classrooms. If they tell you the left are ā€œfascistsā€, it means their own party has been taken over by an authoritarian strongman who has imposed loyalty litmus tests and brags about ending the careers of anyone who dares question him.

For what itā€™s worth, the Russian government does the same sort of thing. Speaking of Russia, RTā€¦ really? Thatā€™s Russian state media, and as far as I know, recently shut down in the US. Why would you ever trust state media?

we need to let this guy post more offten first he donā€™t believe in the media numbers but now wants to post them because it fits his agenda, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

now Iā€™m waiting for this clown

Interesting you choice CIA operative Cooper as your example, If you can not see how US media both news and social conspired together to elect biden, then you are a fool.

Tell me this Time mag, story is a lie


Now what Time calls ā€œsaving the Electionā€ could also be called ā€œInterferenceā€ even ā€œstolenā€

These are scary numbers for those of us depending on our retirement savings

800 point drop in the DOW (DJI) 500 drop in the NASDAQ (IXIC)

Letā€™s now see how long it takes the biden news media to say ā€œBear Marketā€


How would the Republicans take the following headline?

ā€œAnderson Cooper Took Direct Orders from Biden on Election Coverageā€


But, itā€™s not really surprising. Trump and Hanity were like best buds. I think the Greene and Thomas texts are worse.

so much going on.

READ: Text messages Sean Hannity, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ivanka Trump and others sent to Mark Meadows

Of course they are, Our voting system and constitution clearly convey that.

US Presidents are Selected Not Elected; Voting An Illusion of Choice and Freedom

ā€œPresidents are selected, not elected.ā€

ā€• Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Look it up yourself


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dude stop trying to sell products :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

here let me help you out

psychopath- a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for oneā€™s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies

Sounds like the person you support?

I think this might have more to do about options. Plenty more center and center left and left leaning news and opinion choices out there. And plenty of long form and video content available for free.

Itā€™s a heap load of money lostā€¦ spectacular actually, but someone will try again.

Details about the implosion if youā€™re interested.


Are we sure about Trump

Biden administration to phase out inefficient lightbulbs championed by Trump.

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era lightbulb energy regulations

Environmental groups argue that ending the regulations will result in higher utility bills for Americans and the production of more electricity by greenhouse-gas emitting power plants.

Under one action, the Energy Department will repeal a regulation enacted under President Barack Obama, set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2020, requiring an expanded number of lightbulbs in the U.S. to be in compliance with stricter energy efficiency standards. That regulation change was spun off of a 2007 law signed by President George W. Bush that aimed to gradually phase out energy inefficient bulbs like incandescent and halogen bulbs.

Trumpā€™s Energy Department also nixed new energy efficiency standards for all pear-shaped lightbulbs that were also scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, 2020.

A man actions speak louder than words

Bill after the bill, law after law, trump has hit his supporters from the back with no vaseline.

Destruction is on itā€™s way.

Hi Dude, welcome back

You are correct, the streaming service market has too many players, and they are cannibalizing each otherā€™s subscriber base. Just look at the big fall of Netflix stock. Horrible time to launch a new service. Plus CNN has been losing views for their cable channel, very low ratings for all their shows, so I just donā€™t understand their thinking that a streaming service would work


You also have to look at inflation, Going from 2.50 a gallon to over 4.00 a gallon for gas forces people to make choices, and most will choose gas to get to work over a new streaming service.

Take care, and donā€™t be a stranger, we are on the same team even if we disagree often

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Nobody is watching ā€œfreeā€ CNN. It was a gross miscalculation to think that people would then pay?!


all I can figure is they though the Military Industrial Complex and the Drug cartel would bank roll them just as they are bankrolling their failing cable channel, and CNN is not exactly free, you still have to have a cable subscription, and people are cutting that cable too

Stan, I will not be too far from you this weekend camping

Happy Hump Day

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You must have had a relatively pleasant life ā€¦ I have to say there are a small number I would happily see consigned to prison for something they did NOT do ! Or encountering other great misfortune !

As an old friend used to say ā€œIā€™ll dance at his motherā€™s wedding !ā€

As for on this platform - there are irritants and stupid people - but nothing worth getting upset over !

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FACTS canā€™t be disputed, so you had no choice but to move on. :love_you_gesture:

Mr. Independent free thinker, :rofl:

Yea, very strange. Itā€™s not like they werenā€™t seeing the ā€œregularā€ numbers decline after the last election. Whether you liked him or hated him, DT was great for the media. There was always something to ā€œreportā€.

Iā€™m astonished that CNN C levels didnā€™t figure this out after spending the first $100 million. Utter bust.

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