Political Opinion

Do tell. Where at?

I thank God for stupid people too, how else are we to measure ourselves.

Same goes for Good and Evil, you cannot have one without the other

Then you have the trolls, who seem to only exist to create conflict and chaos, kind of like an invasive specie, They were not put here by God, so serve no natural purpose.

Take care

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Yes, it is evil to ignore the truth and tell a lie instead.

Now you have no excuses.

Fort Clinch State Park

True, but DT invented narratives that weren’t true and caused people’s minds to be in danger as Dennis is a living testimony of that.

As world history has proven, it is much easier to do evil than to do good in this world

Not familiar with that, Dennis. Enjoy the time with the family!


You of all people should know that Presidents are selected, otherwise you wouldn’t of been in office.

Sad what we have come to, This is a dangerous game that will do more harm than anyone could imagine.

"It’s a shame all those people are dead, all because of a rigged election," said Trump during an interview with British TV host Piers Morgan that aired on Monday. "Because if our election wasn’t rigged, you would’ve had nobody dead."

Destruction is on his way, Someone must bring an era to an end

Anyone agree with this?

Ohio Republican lawmaker says pregnancy resulting from rape is an ‘opportunity’ for the person who was sexually assaulted

The lawmaker was responding to a question by Democratic State Rep. Richard Brown, who asked Schmidt about a hypothetical scenario in which a 13-year-old girl became pregnant due to rape.

"If a 13-year-old girl was raped by a serial rapist 
 this bill would require this 13-year-old to carry this felon’s fetus to term, regardless of any emotional or psychological damage or trauma that may be inflicted upon this 13-year-old girl," Brown said.

Note that I posted “neutrality is not a sign of weakness, it is our strength”
United Nations - Department of Foreign Affairs (dfa.ie)

RB was asked whether his apparent apathy to voting might influence young people.

His answer was simple: " do you think I’m apathetic?"

Could I gently suggest you put this comment to RB and could I perhaps suggest the likely response - 2nd thought likely that response could just possibly include language that might have stars instead of words on this forum :slight_smile:

Dr Peterson is likely well educated and very knowledgeable of the Word.

A Person inherited not only the earth but the entirety of creation - He was so meek that he forgave his cruel executioners as they laughed, divided His only belongings and then thrust a piece of metal attached to a wooden pole into His side.

He was innocent, the judge acknowledged His innocence but yet the indictment was political - He dared call Himself a King.

INRI - Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx IĆ«daeƍrum according the rule of Roman law the charge was duly posted above His head.

And still He forgave - that is true meekness that inherits - or overcomes - no need for a sheathed sword - just forgiveness.

I guess - if you are immortal - it is rather easier to taunt your persecutors by laughing at their puny efforts to destroy you - than if the result would actually be your extinction ?

Since we know that he had the power to undo his fate by what we could call magic, surely this could be regarded as a case of “Having a sword and knowing how to use it - but keeping it sheathed”.

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If you are hanging on a cross - the Romans were methodical - a road must be straight, their language logical - their executions painful.

The Word speaks of the breaking of the bones - that’s how the victim died - they could no longer push their abdomen up with their legs so thus they suffocated.

Jesus had no magic nor was He immortal right then - He was as human as me or you when He looked down from that horrible piece of wood - each breath as He pushed up - that’s why they nailed the feet - one nail through both.

He is immortal because of what happened afterward - 3 days to be exact - but read the absence of the sword even then - “when are you going to restore the kingdom of Israel?” they asked (i.e. kick out these Roman invaders)

  • Matthew 7:22-23 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? A dangerous person pretending to be harmless.

The company of wise men will bring wisdom, but the company of fools will bring destruction.


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TWB, I meant to ask your opinion on this very subject a little closer to your country.

Solomon Islands this week signed a “security” pact with China - details still cloaked in secrecy, both refusing to disclose - consensus is that Solomon Islands have agreed Chinese military bases on their patch in exchange for some Yuan - thus giving up their neutral status.

Was wondering whether you view this move by Solomon Islands as a sign of strength or a sign of weakness?

That was the response I expected, It’s just the beginning for me

Show your fear little man !


Keep posting, my little liar