Political Opinion

It is true that Eire never entered the war against Hitler.

Whether that should be viewed as entirely “neutral” - could be a matter of opinion ?

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After watching this… Hopefully, you and others now understand what the CCP has really been up to for the last decade across the globe, not just in the Pacific…

Strength, Weakness or even Neutrality matters not!

It’s all very well that nations choose to take a neutral position, but any nation, neutral or not will squeal like a pig for support from allies when attacked or invaded by a superior force.


I do not know why you are linking IRA and “Eire” ( the Gaelic word for Ireland) - doubtless you figure some sort of link?

Anyways - you are correct that Ireland was a neutral country during ww2 just like some other European countries such as Switzerland or Sweden - it is untrue that Ireland did not ‘enter’ the war against Hitler and nazism.
Being neutral didn’t mean that Irish citizens could not volunteer to join the British armed forces to fight the nazis - over 70,000 of them did exactly that.

Nor did neutrality prohibit Allied forces from using the “Donegal Corridor” - then again you have to remember that Irish freedom fighters (poets and schoolteachers) were executed by British armed forces after having surrendered just over 25 years previous.

Neutrality meant that Ireland could export much needed food to GB during the war, in addition intelligence cooperation between the 2 was of vital importance - even the D Day decision came down to weather analysis from the Irish to Britain.

The nazis were aware of this covert cooperation thus a few ‘accidental’ bombs were dropped on “Eire”

So what about the position of neutrality and internees? most the British were quietly repatriated to GB, many Germans were happy to stay out of the war and at it’s end were guaranteed not to have to be repatriated to the Soviet area of influence.

Were there other internees in Ireland during ww2?

Yes - there were - a huge number by comparison to Allied or German personnel - 5 times more - over 2000 of them - read this one page and then think again about your post.

Amazes me how little you know of your next door neighbour - I can forgive TWB since he is at the far side of the planet :slight_smile:

(BTW the info is last sentence 2nd paragraph - after the number quote 2000 read the 3 words, then take the 1st letters of those 3 words).

The Curragh Camp‌ - Goethe-Institut Irland

Will not bother to watch your link - have read the header and the question whether China is ‘taking over’ the South Pacific.- it’s a parochial question.

China has a much larger view - you had a lady over 30 years back whom many in your country labelled ‘racist’ because she recounted words she had heard in her youth - those same words I too heard.

Mate - I know A good deal about “Irishmen” - having worked with many and for some and been Good friends with some (All Catholic from the SOuth) - And what I do know is that if an Ozzy (like @Trendswithbenefits ) dislikes me - I KNOW about it ! Whereas if an Irishman dislikes me - the likelihood is that he will sympathise with my misfortunes - but as long as I trust him - “Bad things will happen” to me !

As far as I know Eire (I used to collect stamps - ergo I think of SOuthern Ireland as Eire) - is the only land in the world which makes a virtue out of and extols the “Gift of the GAb” - ie The art of BS

I have made it a principle in my life not to listen with too much attention to “What peoiple say” - but to place more reliance on my observation - of “What they do” - ergo my comment about Eire refusing to enter the second world war against Hitler and the subsequent actions which I link to.

As I said “The gift of the Gab” is a pleasant diversion in conversation - but as far as I am concerned “The Gab” - and “Truth” have little inb common - and I long since learned NOT to argue semantics with an Irishman ! :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh Pete, it’s no wonder Irish intelligence is the butt of jokes and humour around the world, the only time you yourself would show a semblance of brightness is if someone threw a lamp at you…

Dennis stated a few threads above, you only argue for the sake of arguing… Another Eire attribute that I’m sure you wear like a badge of honour… You asked a stupid question and I believed you were attempting to construct a civilised conversation… Fool me!!

So after your latest instalment of Gaelic psychobabble, nonsensical and parochial gibberish, I will treat your posts with utter contempt from here on in.

I have stated many times in this thread that my knowledge of US and European Politics is not as complete as many in this forum. Unlike yourself, who belittles the title of FX-Men Honorary Member and portrays himself as a worldly all knowing Seer.

I have never extended on the shite fight that was Ireland during the “troubles”. Acknowledging the time wasting displayed if I say it’s white, you’ll say it’s black and so on and so on…

Now, feel free to run off to Dennis, sulking that I have insulted you or called you names… Unfortunately for you, I’m not restrained by Religious Books or Beliefs, or capable of hiding behind paragraphs of scripture. I state it exactly as I see it and call you out for who you are and the BS you present.

BTW… Don’t bother asking me what I really think…

Touché @Falstaff, I should know better than to play a game of semantics with the unhinged…


True to that principle, YOU HAVE TO HONOR

Here we go again , another black comedian is attacked on stage, Thank you Will Smith for starting this latest dystopian fad. This is how free speech dies , and this is all coming from left wing politics. We are living the back story to the movie/novel Hunger Games


No surprise here as the dumbest women on earth tries to blame it on Trump


I sure do miss the days of Peace, Prosperity and low gas prices. when will this dystopian nightmare end

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Russell Brand told you that, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: do you ever think for yourself? you know how stupid you sound?

She and you both sound stupid Politics has exhausted your minds, it’s time to relax

Keep that word dystopian in your mind :

A political opinion fearmonger, Dennis is an example, People like him will lead you down a dark and lonely path, don’t be another Dennis, be better than him.

history of comedian being attack on stage

Comedians being assaulted on stage, as Chris Rock experienced at the hands of Will Smith during the Oscars on Sunday night, is extremely rare - but not unheard of.

Dave Chappelle Attacker Charged with Four Misdemeanors, Won’t Face Felony Charges [UPDATED]

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Lee’s brother Aaron Lee said Isaiah has been in and out of shelters for much of the last decade and that he also has a history of mental health issues.

Chappelle, via The Hollywood Reporter, revealed that he spoke with Lee while he was detained by the Los Angeles police. Lee allegedly told Chappelle that he intended to draw attention to gentrification after his grandmother was forced out of her Brooklyn neighborhood. Chappelle noted that Lee appeared to be mentally ill.

When does a false narrative about a situation become a lie or just one’s opinion?

Lol - we have a special word for it’s called - “Craic” -

Our US cousins enjoy it big time, mostly the Aussies think we are mad.

Your links are big time wrong but that’s freedom to choose.

Many of my customers are retired GB’ers - often they say it’s like back in the 50’s/60’s in UK where everyone is relaxed about rules.

Had a great laugh the other day with a GB retiree who spent time in Oz - the cops here he said are brilliant - you can laugh and joke ( having the craic) but in Oz - nearly got arrested 'cos of his joke.

Funny thing is maybe we play hard - but we also work hard :slight_smile:

Hmmm… thankfully have never had a lamp thrown at me - then again there’s always a first time for everything I suppose - hopefully you are not an anti _ Irish person :slight_smile:

Just wondering - since you seem to wish for an argument with me, have you ever considered what it is you ‘win’ in an argument?

Maybe the feeling of being ‘right’ or perhaps of ‘superiority’ since my intelligence is the butt of critique by the world.

You call me stupid, nonsensical, gibberish speaker and henceforth my replies are contemptuous etc and therefore in your judgement I lower the label of FX Hon - maybe your judgement is correct so I’ve gotten that particular label off…

All that is ok with me - not really a big deal TBH - as for being a seer - that’s baloney (look up that word) but yes I plead guilty to reading the Word.

You needed the intervention of medics a couple of years back and all is well since - likewise I too needed same - my chance of survival was just less than 3% - I hid behind a religious book and some beliefs and have been hiding there ever since.

BTW - I am always interested in what people really think.

When I heard about biden’s “Disinformation Board” it reminded me of a character from a book I recently read.



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Call it authoritarianism

The Republican Party has embraced an agenda that rigs the rules in their favor. There’s a name for that behavior.

Authoritarianism in America: What it means for Republicans and Democrats

John Dean says Republicans became an authoritarian party long before Donald Trump came along. Dean is former White House Counsel under President Nixon and co-author of “Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers.” He says Trump depends on enablers and others much like himself. “If Trump didn’t have the base, he’d be a joke, he’d be a bad joke. But they put him in the White House. So he’s no longer a joke. Now he’s a nightmare.”

I dedicate this to my little buddy Dennis

Authoritarianism On The Rise - New Police State!!!

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