Political Opinion

The US economy and markets continue to fall off a cliff. It is common knowledge that the first year of a new president the economy is a carryover from the previous administration. Reagan and Obama both inherited bad economies and their first year reflected this. Clinton took over an economy just coming out of a recession and road that economic upturn into a second term

Now we have biden in his first year, riding a post-pandemic booming economy, today ( year two) we are seeing the full effect of biden/pelosi economic policies. Here in the US, we have not seen a president and congress this out of touch with the sufferings of the American public since Jimmy Carter. Actually, I think a 97-year-old Carter ( yes he is still alive) would be an improvement over what we have now




Which policies are you referring to?

Sometimes - behind every “Conspiracy theory” - there sits a grain of truth ?

SO - How much is an Abortion worth ? - Interesting facts which one could see - could with a few “Word of mouth” type errors in reporting - could just give rise to something like the “Q” rumour !

Whichevr way up you hold it there is something badly wrong with the “Late term Abortion” demands from the - Well - “Various Protagonists” ! - Even if it does NOT justify the “Q” issue exactly - the morals of the situation need serious consideration - when you are selling dead babies for Thousands and tens of thousands of Dollars !

"Stem Cell Harvesting From Abortions - YouTube


Trillions of dollars printed out of thin air dumped into the economy causing run-a-way inflation

Killing the Canadian pipeline project , sent gas prices higher even before the Ukraine war

Unnecessary long shutdown of portions of the economy

Firing frontline workers for refusing an untested vaccine

Paying people to not work

It all comes down to consumer sentiment, and that has never been lower


Robots Taking Over?

China is using AI and 3D printing to build a 590-foot-tall dam without the need for human workers, scientists say.

China is poised to build a hydropower dam in two years using artificial intelligence, construction robots, and zero human labor, scientists involved in the project said.

Once the materials arrive, unmanned bulldozers and pavers will turn them into a layer of the dam, and then rollers equipped with sensors will help to press each layer so that they become firm and durable, they said.

Per the paper, when a layer is complete, the robots will send information about the state of construction back to the AI system.

I’ve missed a lot of passion here in the last 2 weeks. Need to catch up!

Many of our members bleat about “Democracy” as they insist that stealing our money to pay for their pet projects is fine because “We all voted for it” !

Well I’m in no way sure any more that what we CALL “Democracy” - does in any way correspond with what most of us “Mainstreamers” or “common people” actually THINK of as “Democracy”


"Britain’s Newest Party: Aspire - YouTube

Democracy complainers never present an alternative

Taxes are a mandatory contribution levied on corporations or individuals to finance government activities and public services.

After a year of run-a-way inflation and families seeing the buying power of their dollars cut in half for essential goods, The Lier in Chief finally says he plans to do something about it, but what exactly does he think will fix it. Inflation is caused by too many dollars chancing to few goods, our economy has been flooded with trillions of dollars printed out of thin air, those trillions are now chasing fewer goods, end result is inflation. So the solution seems to be pretty simple , stop printing money and at the same time lift all trade embargos and tariffs so to flood the market with cheap imports. Will the Lier in Chief do any of these things, simple answer NOPE!



(CNN)President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that his administration is currently evaluating how to best move forward on existing tariffs on China enacted during the Trump administration, but he cautioned that no decision has been made.

Asked by a reporter if he would drop the tariffs on China imposed by former President Donald Trump, Biden said, "We’re discussing that right now. We’re looking at what would have the most positive impact."

The longer Trump’s China tariffs are in place, the greater the harm to America

The reasons to end the trade war with China keep piling up. Inflation is the latest case in point: American businesses and consumers, not Chinese exporters, are bearing the cost of Trump-era tariffs in the form of higher prices on made-in-China parts and products.

The Biden administration’s unwillingness to remove the tariffs reflects muddled policymaking and political miscalculation.

Republicans blame Biden for inflation caused by Trump’s trade war tariffs

With the recent data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showing that inflation in November was at the highest level recorded since 1982, Republicans have been lining up to place the bad economic news squarely on Joe Biden’s shoulders while conveniently leaving out the fact that Donald Trump is the one responsible due to his trade war tariffs.

In one respect, Joe Biden is at least partially responsible for record-breaking inflation because as Reason.com also pointed out, he could rescind Donald Trump’s trade war tariffs but is refusing to do so.


Biden Is Clueless About Inflation

The president’s $5.8 trillion budget shows he wants more of the same government spending that is already sending prices through the roof.

Meanwhile, at least a dozen states—including such far-flung places as California, Georgia, Hawaii, and Maine—are thinking about giving residents money to spend on things like gas, the price of which has gone through the roof. “Direct relief will address the issue that we all are struggling to address,” says California Gov. Gavin Newsom. “That’s the issue of gas prices, not only here in our state, but of course, all across this country.”


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This is what being stuck on stupid looks like, we already have too many ever worthless dollars driving up prices, and now these idiots want to double down on stupid. We don’t need more worthless paper, we need more gas and not the kind that comes out of congresses ass



This is biden’s stock market, yellow is when it took office


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Florida is taking away the state tax on fuel, $0.26, for the month of October, when the tourists go home.


I hope that helps but we need real solutions

With prices now at 4.49 where I am at and on their way to $10.00 buy end of summer, $0.26 is meaningless, Increasing production is the only solution, and I see nothing being done to make that happen

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Forget anything I or anyone else has posted about China and inflation, the real cause of the inflation we are seeing is fuel cost, most importantly the cost of diesel, diesel is the lifeblood of the American economy, everything you purchase was transported to your store by diesel, the gas we put in our cars was delivered to the gas station by a diesel-powered truck. Now we see predictions of $10 a gallon. This fuel disaster falls totally on biden, it started with the cancelation of that Canadian pipeline. The democrats and biden are doing nothing to increase diesel production as that goes against all their green new deal none sense



Trump’s trade wars set the wheels of inflation in motion before diesel prices and biden exacerbated the problem.

Biden targets GOP on inflation as prices skyrocket

  • At the White House on Tuesday, Biden will focus on GOP plans, like those from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), which Democrats say will raise taxes on some 75 million Americans, and could sunset entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Biden administration officials have been debating whether to lower some of former President Trump’s tariffs against China as one step toward slowing inflation, Axios has reported.

  • Last week, the Federal Reserve enacted its steepest interest-rate increase in more than 20 years as its step to help bring inflation down.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics will release April’s Consumer Price Index at 8:30am Wednesday.