Political Opinion

TrendswithBenefits is just another one of @SmallPaul triggers…

What can I say… You keep me amused…

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Yes, you are my trigger, I love what you post. Keep it up, it’s too easy at this point.

Breathe deeply, you are about to witness the self-destruction of a nation

Soon, people will no longer endure sound teaching, but will gather teachers whose passions they share, turning their backs on the truth and wandering off into myth.

Replacement theories, hunting RINOs: How GOP candidates, lawmakers push ‘dangerous’ language

WASHINGTON – A number of GOP candidates have spent hundreds of millions on ads this campaign season pushing replacement theories and other racially charged conspiracies, while also targeting fellow Republicans who don’t fall in line with the far-right base.

Lady Liberty now identifies as They… And They obviously don’t like Joe…

Hold my Torch… TAKE THAT… A little bit of Slap Stick comedy…

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Back to business

The Fight Over Truth Also Has a Red State-Blue State Divide

To fight disinformation, California lawmakers are advancing a bill that would force social media companies to divulge their process for removing false, hateful or extremist material from their platforms. Texas lawmakers, by contrast, want to ban the largest of the companies — Facebook, Twitter and YouTube — from removing posts because of political points of view.

In Washington, the state attorney general persuaded a court to fine a nonprofit and its lawyer $28,000 for filing a baseless legal challenge to the 2020 governor’s race. In Alabama, lawmakers want to allow people to seek financial damages from social media platforms that shut down their accounts for having posted false content.

In the absence of significant action on disinformation at the federal level, officials in state after state are taking aim at the sources of disinformation and the platforms that propagate them — only they are doing so from starkly divergent ideological positions. In this deeply polarized era, even the fight for truth breaks along partisan lines.

We are about to embark on something new in this country, which doesn’t look good at all

DOJ details evidence that Oath Keeper brought explosives to D.C. area

Federal prosecutors indicated Friday they intend to present evidence that a member of the Oath Keepers likely carried grenades in an RV that he drove to the Washington, D.C., area ahead of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

In court papers previewing evidence to be presented in the upcoming seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keepers leaders, the Justice Department said it believes Jeremy Brown, a group member from Florida, likely traveled to Northern Virginia with grenades that were found by investigators in a subsequent search of his vehicle.

Here’s why tapping the US oil reserve has led to America increasing crude exports - and why even more US energy supplies could be shipped overseas

  • Since President Joe Biden tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, US crude supplies have jumped.
  • But refining capacity constraints have limited how much extra oil the US can process.
  • US oil exports from the Gulf Coast are set to climb further from record highs, according to Rystad Energy.

Since President Joe Biden announced the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to tame high gasoline prices, the US has sent more crude to other countries.

US supply is expected to hit 13 million barrels per day this summer for the first time since November 2019, according to Rystad Energy. Meanwhile, refining capacity constraints have limited how much extra oil the US can process. Because of earlier shutdowns and limited investment in recent years, capacity has shrunk and refineries have been running nearly at full tilt to meet high demand for gasoline and other fuels.

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Didn’t Captain Clueless just try to tell the gas and oil companies what to charge for their products and to listen to him NOW ?!!! They can’t even get their lies straight. LETS GO BRANDON !!!

"We can’t control what Oil companies do with their Oil, but we can control what you do with your bodies… Unless it’s… A woman’s body…

"But we’re not really sure what a woman is… "

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The post which proves exactly that which was to be demonstrated (Quad erat demonstrandum) -

There is no answer to what our CRAYON CHILD has posted of course - because there is nothing to answer ! the fool admits everything and just says “Same to you” ! - which of course is exactly that which I was saying in the first place !

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Only fact-checking one side leads to cluelessness for life and a dark path

funny murika

A dummy will believe anything without Facts / Evidence


Oath Keeper had ‘death list’ naming Georgia election officials leading up to Jan. 6 attack, DOJ says

“Co-conspirator Thomas Caldwell possessed a ‘death list’ with the names of Georgia election officials and, later, attempted to have someone build him firearms before January 20, showing Caldwell’s intent to oppose government actors by force to stop the transfer of presidential power,” the court filing said.

The GOP Murika fan base believes anything - they are on full display

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan deletes tweet calling the story of a 10-year-old girl being raped ‘another lie’ after Ohio authorities charged a man in the case

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan deletes tweet calling the story of a 10-year-old girl being raped ‘another lie’ after Ohio authorities charged a man in the case

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan deletes tweet calling the story of a 10-year-old girl being raped ‘another lie’ after Ohio authorities charged a man in the case

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Looks like he’s come out of the woods. Republican. Trump supporter. Former Marine. Plenty of grand kids.

‘It’s Just Been Hell’: Life as the Victim of a Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory https://nyti.ms/3uJJMAr

Let’s see what becomes of the defamation lawsuits.

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Trumpster undertook a cognitive test while in office… After the media demanded one…

Maybe Joe Hiden should do the same test…

I mean… With all the TDS across the networks in the Divided States of America

This is probably not getting any airtime in anytime soon…


Trump is a genius

What Do Trump’s Cognitive Test Results Show?

President Donald Trump aced a cognitive test designed to detect early signs of dementia, White House physician and Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson told reporters yesterday (Jan. 16).

Trump scored a perfect 30 out of 30 points on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA, pronounced “mocha”), which he took in an apparent effort to put to rest questions about his mental abilities, The New York Times reported.

The test itself is fairly straightforward and widely available in PDF form online. The test asks patients to perform various simple cognitive tasks, like memorizing strings of words, identifying pictures of animals and drawing a clock with hands set to particular times. [10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp]


It has been put on full display that the GOP Right wing is prone to telling lies that have a very negative impact on the country.

Ray Epps, Forced Into Hiding By Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theories, Breaks Silence: ‘All of This Has Just Been Hell’

Epps has been dragged into the conspiracy theory on numerous occasions by those claiming (without tangible evidence) he was a covert fed who embedded himself in the Capitol mob and incited Trump’s supporters in order to legally entrap them.

For months, Trump, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and other right-wing figures have pushed the unsubstantiated claim that federal agents secretly incited Trump’s supporters into storming the U.S. Capitol. The conspiracy theory shields Trump from blame for the riot, plus conservatives have claimed that the government is using the riot as a pretext to punish those who support the ex-president.

Epps was caught on video before January 6 as he called for Trump’s supporters to “go into the Capitol.” On the day of the riot, Epps was seen trying to de-escalate the situation, and even though he entered restricted Capitol grounds at the time, he never entered the building itself.

Epps was placed on the FBI’s list of persons of interest in connection with the mob, but he was removed shortly after, he was neither arrested nor charged for his actions, and he swore under oath to the January 6 Committee that he has never been a law enforcement asset. Because he wasn’t arrested, however, the conspiracy remains, and the Times described how Epps feels disillusioned by the right-wing leaders who’ve spread “lies” about him.

“All of this, it’s just been hell,” Epps said

Ray Epps - Holding Court At Front Of Police Line

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A bad influence on America, yet he commands millions of listeners, leading them down a dark and twisted path

Politifact Systematically Dismantles Tucker Carlson’s Revisionist Docuseries on January 6th

Politifact took a deep dive into Fox Nation series Patriot Purge and tackled many of the false, conspiratorial, unsubstantiated claims Tucker Carlson continues to push about January 6th.

Just change a few names and what has happen to Sir Lanka could be taking place in the US

more great content from ColdFusion


What the shooting in Buffalo has to do with Fox News host Tucker Carlson

The man accused of murdering 10 people in Buffalo and wounding several others intentionally targeted Black people. He was obsessed with a racist belief pushed by white supremacists that shadowy elites are seeking to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color. This is called replacement theory, and we are going to spend some time examining it and some of the people who embrace it, including prominent Republican politicians and conservative media figures, most notably Fox News star Tucker Carlson. Joining me now, two colleagues, NPR media correspondent David Folkenflik and senior political editor and correspondent Domenico Montanaro. Welcome to you both.

It is taking shape now, but wait until 2024 for the final form to take shape

Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future?

American conservatives recently hosted their flagship conference in Hungary, a country that experts call an autocracy. Its leader, Viktor Orbán, provides a potential model of what a Trump after Trump might look like.