Political Opinion

I think in UK we have fairly low expectations of our politicians, so we’re never that surprised when they fail to deliver.


You will think that most Americans have the same expectations.

I think it’s the difference of having low expectations and rarely being disappointed v
having high expectations and often being disappointed?!


That may be true for the Gen Z’s - but in reality we older persons do have an expectation of a degree of a) - integrity and b) intelligence - from them.

The problem is not really the politicians, it is the ‘Selection Comittees’ who put crud candidates in place provided they are ‘Woke’ and ‘Diverse’ 1

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Which candidate would you consider crud?

I agree that we should expect that…

Actually it seems to be the none Americans on this thread with the worst case of Trump Derangement Syndrome , You can not mention anything positive about the former president without that crowd coming at you with pitchforks , but don’t be afraid to post, that is how they win

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I can only speak for myself, I have zero expectations from either party and feel the whole country would be better off if the president and congress took a two-year paid vacation.

Think of it, 2 years of no new wars, no new taxes, no new deficit spending, we might actually become a great country again

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There is no Trump Derangement Syndrome in this thread, people either are gonna post the truth or post a lie and get called out on it and if they want evidence of the lie or truth that can also be posted, nobody wants to live in a fake narrative world.

I guess if I was American I wouldn’t mind the while Trump “America First” thing. However, to the rest of the world and America’s allies? Naaa, wasn’t a good look…

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Trump didn’t care about “look”, obviously


Don’t understand why the GOP would block a bill helping vets

Veterans have been camping out on the Capitol steps after GOP blocks burn pit bill

I feel every country should look out for their own interest first and not become too dependent on other countries, I can see how you might view the US, we have become the Worlds’ bully. Many of us Americans are opposed to having our military occupying just about half the countries of the world and the never ending wars. “Bring the troops home” is a common theme among most conservative Americans , funny how it use to be the theme of the left, but not any more

Because Chuck Schumer added $400 billion of unrelated pork that he couldn’t get passed any other way to the bill then called out the R’s when they wouldn’t support it.

An alcoholic will tell you they do not have a drinking problem,
The obese person will deny they are eating too much,
The drug attic can not see how the drugs are destroying their life,
Evil doers do not see their acts as evil, some might even think they are doing good,

Anyone obsessed with a former US president and loses their mind anytime his name is brought up clearly has a problem and denying that problem puts you in the same category as the 4 examples above,

That is all I have to say on this subject

so calling out a lie is wrong, and not acknowledging the lie is right. spin how you want to dennis facts will always be that, FACTS

Thanks for the info, i will look into it with more depth

Pork has always been added to legislation like this, i guess it’s how much pork a party can tolerate for it to get pass

From your own Yahoo:Pat Toomey Defends GOP For Blocking Veterans Bill, Calls Jon Stewart 'Pseudo-Celebrity'

The PACT Act as written includes a budget gimmick that would allow $400 billion of current law spending to be moved from the discretionary to the mandatory spending category. This provision is completely unnecessary to achieve the PACT Act’s stated goal of expanding health care and other benefits for veterans," Toomey said in a statement last week.