Political Opinion

Many hysterical fears have cause people to murder base on these fears, from churches, live events, movie theaters, grocery stores and schools

BTW, not talking about Russell Brand

Are we good here dennis :+1:

You know, the whole withholding $400m in congressionally approved aide from Ukraine. Lying about it when found out. Lying about the call not happening . Then lying about what was said on the call after it was determined the call did happen. Strong arming another country to do his dirty work for him, in hopes of getting smearing a political opponent to get re-elected.

You forgot so much.

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then what do you call someone who calls someone a liar but refuses to offer any facts of the lie

Yes I am back in the rabbit hole

oh dennis, just say deal and lets see where it goes from there :ok_hand:

I will call myself a liar as i call you, please say deal

I am not forgetting anything, none of what you just posted changes anything I posted, I just don’t see how using the word " Lying" in every sentence is needed

Now with that said, did not biden do the exact same thing as vice president, that is the issue here, you have a different standard for Trump than for biden

If Trump is guilty then so is biden

And someone said there is no TDS here, give me a break


Did you hear about Yang’s, Whitman’s and Jolly’s 3rd party?

It wonder if this would interest you? I doubt anything will come of this. If anything it siphons votes from one of the other parties, and if it tries to be something to everybody, I don’t know how you come, internally, to some agreement about policy and messaging.

Unless you simply choose very specific topics to campaign for together, and duke it out like normal on all the other hot topics.

Don’t know.


I did, and I like Andrew Yang a lot, him a Tulsi Gabbard are the only two democrats I trust

Now will this 3rd party go anywhere, we already have about a dozen so called 3rd parties and none of them have been able to get anyone elected to congress let alone a serious effort to win the White House.

I am all for breaking up the monopoly held by Dems and Reps

I’ll happily read the result of the Senate Republican investigation into that exact event. Sadly it won’t make mention of how you’re remembering the outcome. I’ll remind those interested that the investigation found no fault in Biden’s - and the rest of the European Union allies - handling of the situation.

It is a wonder though that an attorney general tasked with seeking out corruption and holding accountable members of his government never exactly got around to investigating anybody at all. How didn’t he keep his job?

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We can dream. Don’t think it will happen in our life times.


My fear is that we are moving towards one party rule, much like China. The Republican party is nothing more than a speed bump to what the democrats have planned, and with big tech, military industrial complex, most media and the medical industrial complex all siding with the democrat party I am afraid our days of being a free people are numbered

Can you say Fascism, that is our future

and thank you for a civil conversation, it is possible to have these disagreements without calling someone a liar

@Dennis3450, The one Political Ideal (Party) is a global phenomenon. Even in a backwater that is Australian Politics… Both Conservatives and Liberals once had very different political ideologies…

Now they are almost the same, even the media is calling the the Liberal Party… Labor Lite…

This has caused voters to move toward popular independent politicians and parties which has it’s own ramifications. We now have upward of 7 or 8 agendas being argued when Parliament sits…

Just like a hung Parliament where nothing gets done…

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The Little boy Is all talk, no action, WMS… Moving on

would love to see this get traction, but don’t think it will, a party without special interest group involved will be the ideal party

The backlash must of kicked in for the GOP

GOP agrees to deal on veterans bill

Senate Republicans have reached an agreement to pass legislation expanding benefits for veterans who are suffering illnesses due to toxic exposures, after they blocked the bill last week and sparked outrage from the veteran community and comedian Jon Stewart.

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Here is a story that needs further investigation.

Our good friend George Soros is up to no good again, he is financing a project focused on electing democrats in state Secretary of State races. In the US each state has a Secretary of State and these are often elected positions, not appointed by the governor, The Secretary of State in each state controls that state’s election process

Joseph Stalin said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

Soros clearly is acting on this quote

I welcome to hear everyone’s unbias opinion of Soros’s actions


He’s got the District Attorney’s he wants. This is the next step.

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George Soros is not good for politics or any party and should be in prison.

GOP activists seek ‘Republican George Soros’ to combat crime, anarchy

It’s time to fight Soros with Soros.

The Republican Party needs a concerted effort to combat the “tragic” influence left-wing billionaire George Soros has had on crime and quality of life in the Big Apple and other major cities, GOP insiders told The Post.

“We need a Republican George Soros,” demanded conservative commentator and Manhattan Republican Jackie Toboroff, a former City Council candidate from Soho, calling the progressive activist “a ghoul haunting our legal institutions, bringing chaos to our southern border and anarchy to our streets.”

George Soros has a hundred times more influence on American politics than Vladimir Putin, but you will never hear anyone on left-wing media ( msnbc, cnn, nyt, wp…) say one thing bad about Soros or how he is distroying our democracy ( we don’t really have a democracy)

A republican Soros I guess would be like fighting fire with fire, but I see us all getting burned in that battle.

Less government is the best answer, but that is not going to happen, next best thing is a divided government that spends all their time fighting each other and leaves the general population alone

Wow! do we all really agree on something, Amazing! see there is still hope


Many powerful villains operate behind the scenes; I’ve researched some of them and none of them have good intentions. It seems like America serves as their playground since nobody can stop them such as Soros.

In regard to the news media mentioning them, you won’t hear about them and if you do, they will be trying to get another like in this article, rather than locking these guys up for their damage, just talking about them does nothing dennis, real power moves in silence.