Political Opinion

if by clown you are referring to yourself then yes the show continues , the lie has been proven you are the one who refuses to accept it, I can not help you with that, I guess your balls will be lost forever

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dennis, Iā€™m going to concede this debate, i just wanted people to see your behavior and how naĆÆve and fragile you , good job :+1:

it is your behavior that is on display, lies, strawman arguments, TDS, refusing to answer questions, none sense post, trolling ā€¦ I could go on and on

back to your rabbit hole

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So, why isnā€™t Epps in prison with his cohorts?

Chippy today. Have a beer! Or a coffee.

I think I read that only something like 700? 7000? are actual IRS agents, the rest are support staff.

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I donā€™t know, only the feds can answer that question, we can speculate all day

Sounds like that guy, but you support him. Letā€™s try again. Do you think Mike Epps should go to jail?

You can run dennis but you canā€™t hide, you been expose, prove that i lied on your name when i said you wanted mike epps to go to jail, you either do or you donā€™t


The Strawman fallacy is when someone attributes their opponent to an argument he/she/they havenā€™t argued, and then knocks down that argument. It is used to distort the opponentā€™s argument to make it easier to attack.

Same thing happening in Australiaā€¦ They cannot get the FANGS and other large Corporates to pay an acceptable level of Tax from local earningsā€¦

But they sure can shake down Ma & Pa Average for every cent they oweā€¦ Governmentā€™s, like to always target the low hanging fruitā€¦ Itā€™s less likely to put up a legal fight!


President Joe Hiden has become the ā€˜vacation czarā€™ for abundant holidaying by racking up more than 200 vacation days in 19 monthsā€¦ Equating to more than 39% of his Presidential tenureā€¦

Just imagineā€¦ 90 days paid vacation every year people!!

So while the President of the Free World is busy chillaxing, America burnsā€¦


question of the day

who was the last democrat speaker of the house to submit a balanced budget?

here is a radical idea, why not burn the current two volume 2,652 pages of tax laws, and replace it with a simple 10% flat tax that applies to all income, earned and investment, including corporations, a dozen pages would cover it, and the job of the IRS would be greatly simplified to were they could greatly increase compliance with current staffing.

less government is better government

Last balance budget was under Clinton with Newt telling him what to do. Not sure before that.

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You are correct sir! but that is the last republican speaker, I am looking for the last democrat, I donā€™t know and the answer might be nobody

Weā€™d have to figure out when the last balanced budget was before then? Wasnā€™t Newt, like, the first R Speaker of the House in 40 years or something like that?

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you are correct again sir, was there a balance budget during those 40 years, we know there was not one during WW2

Looks like 1956-1957 were years before that there was a surplus. Thatā€™d be Eisenhower? I would guess the Speaker would have been a D, as my recollection was that Newt(R) as Speaker was the first R in a long time.

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Excellent! then the next question, who was the driver of that surplus, congress as in Gingrich case or did it come from the president. I think you will find it was Eisenhower pushing for the surplus

Even I was too young back then! It was SUCH a different time, wasnā€™t it?

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That would be correct

Budget deficits can also be used to evaluate U.S. Presidents

U.S. Presidents and the Largest Budget Deficits

Although almost every U.S. president in the past half-century has run a record budget deficit at one time or another, the largest budget deficits in U.S. history were run by former President Donald Trump and his two immediate predecessors.2

However, under the administration of Trumpā€™s successor, President Joe Biden, the deficit has gone down, even though his administration has had to deal with expenses connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Donald Trump is one of three presidents with the biggest budget deficits in history.
  • The deficit topped $1 trillion in 2020.
  • By 2022, under Joe Bidenā€™s administration, the deficit has declined to some $900 billion.
  • The U.S. government has run a budget deficit for nearly all of the past 60 years.
  • A presidentā€™s influence over a budget deficit doesnā€™t start until after the fiscal year ends (September 20) during their first year in office.

Which U.S. President Spent the Most?

Formers presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump all ran the largest U.S. deficits in history.

Last one was Tom Foley '89 to '95 - early part slight surplus then slight negative.

Stayed flat at zero Tip Oā€™Neill '79 - '85

From '91 itā€™s been downhill fast until mid noughties - then recovered until 2020 - then has fallen over some sort of cliff.

Likely will never reach zero in next 100 years - unlessā€¦ what could turn it around - thereā€™s food for thought :slight_smile:

It is a common misconception of some living outside the US that Presidents set the budget, that is incorrect.

Congress sets the budget, Presidents can either sign it or veto it

that is why my original post was about the speaker of the house not the president

blaming presidents of one political party or the other is just a game some will play.

We see this most often with Bill Clinton, left leaning media loves to boost about him balancing the budget, but what they do not tell you is Mr. Clinton vetoed the balance budget sent to him by Speaker Newt Gingrich, this lead to a government shut down, the republican controlled congress would then give in to Clintonā€™s demands for defect spending, but the congress would get the last laugh as this was the beginning of the Tech bubble and revenues came in well above projections which lead to a budget surplus , this surplus would continue for 4 more years until the Tech dot.com bust

Cut and past politically bias news articles is not the same as living through it

keep it real