Political Opinion

yes i know

How the Budget Process Works

When discussing presidents and budget deficits, it’s essential to keep some things in mind. First, Congress must approve all spending while a president proposes an annual budget.8 The president’s power over the budget is never absolute. It can be severely limited if the opposition party holds a majority in either the House of Representatives or the Senate or if they hold the majority in both.

Another thing to know is that “discretionary” spending accounts for only about one-third of the typical U.S. budget. The majority is “mandatory” spending that is dictated by law. The most significant sources of mandatory spending are Medicare and Social Security.9

In addition, the federal fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.10 This means that during a new president’s first year in office, the budget that is in place was passed during their predecessor’s term. However, incoming administrations can request additional spending upon taking office.

where are you coming up with this information, it is 100% false

perhaps you misunderstood the question being asked

OK Mr Knowall - show me how my answer is 100% false

Edit: last time the curr a/c was ‘balanced’ was 1990 - Tom Foley was speaker at that time - unless I’m 100% wrong?

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Not sure what a curr a/c is. Last time a balanced budget submitted to the President was the late '90’s by Speaker Newt Gingrich.

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FBI has had these documents for 14 days… Documents so critical to National Security… And not a single leak, not an iota of evidence from the DOJ proving the importance of their explosive contents.

The Affidavit will be released, but you can guarantee it will be redacted within an inch of it’s life.

Any legal precedents against Trump are eroding away, with every day that passes…

“They’re not coming after me… They’re coming after you… I’m just in the way!”
Trumpster, March 24, 2020


It’s impossible for the straw man to stop making up stuff

Trump once again says economic data is fake news

Donald Trump has assailed the government’s official economic data this summer by calling it “phony” or “fake news." He likes to say the “actual” number for jobs statistics or the inflation rate would be much more flattering to him — and would look worse for President Joe Biden.

Aaron Sojourner, a former senior economist for labor at White House Council of Economic Advisers under Presidents Obama and Trump, said in an interview.

He added, referring to Trump, “He just makes up stuff."

Multiple requests to representatives of the former president to back up his claims went unanswered.

peterma, how are you doing buddy, I see your pet troll is agreeing with your incorrect information. Stan answered your question, do I need to add more, I am curious where you are getting your info from, there were no balanced budgets submitted by any democrat in the 80’s or 90’s , and like Stan, I too have no idea what you mean by “curr a/c” that is why I posted that you might not be understanding the question.

You brought up Top Foley, he is such a uninteresting guy I had forgotten who he was. Anyway he was voted out of office, something very rare for a sitting speaker. What caused his defeat was his opposition to the voters of Washington State voting for term limits that would had forced him to not run, he sued the people of his own state, won the law suite, then the people voted him out anyway.

All here for Term Limits say I

and when it comes to MY COUNTRY, I will always know more than you, just as you will always know more about your country than I

can we agree on this?

As far as “curr a/c” , I’m sure that’s “current account”, but that’s not an accounting term we use here in the US.

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I realise that you guys are debating the balancing of the US’s internal budget, but just a follow on… Proving I am impartial in this debate and not anti-Irish… In defence of @peterma’s post.

Current Account Deficit/Surplus is a measurement that records a nation’s transactions with the rest of the world—specifically its net trade in goods and services, its net earnings on cross-border investments, and its net transfer payments—over a defined period, such as a year or a quarter.


  • The current account represents a country’s imports and exports of goods and services, payments made to foreign investors, and transfers such as foreign aid.

  • The current account may be positive (a surplus) or negative (a deficit); positive means the country is a net exporter and negative means it is a net importer of goods and services.

  • A country’s current account balance, whether positive or negative, will be equal but opposite to its capital account balance.

  • The U.S. has a significant deficit in its current account.

The U.S. current-account deficit, which reflects the combined balances on trade in goods and services and income flows between U.S. residents and residents of other countries, widened by $66.6 billion, or 29.6 percent, to $291.4 billion in the first quarter of 2022.

That’s gonna hurt in the morning…



The guy is a wreck, a lost soul who needs to be imprisoned

Hunter Biden Leaks Explicit Music Video - Laptop Phone iCloud Videos Tapes

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has given a “very worrying” new piece of evidence concerning the Hunter Biden laptop story. Facebook was instructed by the FBI to “tone down” any negative information with regard to Hunter Biden’s laptop or activities…

Washington has now asked, Google, Twitter and now Facebook to steer a certain narrative which flies completely in the face of the US Constitution.

The Joe Rogan Experience… exposing facts… Sure as hell wouldn’t happen on CNN…

Continuing to prove… The difference between a Conspiracy Theory and actual fact is six months…


Good information, thanks for sharing, so I was correct that peterma was mis understanding the question, or he did understand the question but his TDS would not allow him to post the correct answer and he had to find something unrelated ( classic strawman)

So when Facebook and other social media are working on behalf of the government, doing as the government is instructing them, then they are no longer acting as a private company but as part of the US government, which means that our protection under the bill of rights applies to Facebook and others.

Does anyone here disagree with this


Pres Trump is a good friend of Ireland as indeed are his family - not sure what TDS is but sounds painful, hope you get better :slight_smile:

Now in classic strawman form I’ll give you an image - first one the the historical data on the US curr a/c - it’s in graph format so have a wee look at 1990

(credit: Tradingeconomics)

The second one is a link to who was speaker in 1990 - last time there was a surplus.

Nah, couldn’t be bothered - it’s your history - he was the 49th speaker.

Anyways here was a great article written back maybe 20 years - cannot remember the year - it’s labelled as essential economic analysis for thinkers - a good read back then and still valid today.
200502.pdf (brookings.edu)

Edit: not sure what a strawman is either - is he that guy that was made of straw in ‘Over the Rainbow’ - did he not come up with the goods when put to the test?


When there is no defense for Trump or his actions, he calls you a strawman or you have TDS, Typical Trump Supporters- KTA

People resort to rhetorical tricks to respond to their opponents, The world knows this guy

The straw man fallacy is an informal fallacy, which means that the flaw lies with the arguer’s method of arguing rather than the flaws of the argument itself. The straw man fallacy avoids the opponent’s actual argument and instead argues against an inaccurate caricature of it.

TDS America

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The relationship between Ireland and the US goes back a long way and is non partisan - Republican and Democrat are viewed as friends - the current Pres claims his Irishness as did the former VP Mike Pence (who recalled with pride his Irish grandfather on inauguration day)
On that note I have no time for anything anti - US whether it be relating to past Presidents or future.

Pres Trump warned the international community of 3 things time and time again. Apparently world leaders discounted these warnings.

First Germany - the Pres publicly advised many times that Germany was too reliant on Russian gas - the German Govt under Ms Merkel ignored the US and proceeded to increase their dependency by facilitating yet a 2nd pipeline.
This pipeline, dubbed Nordstream2, at a cost of $11bn remains unused and likely will never be used.
A case of closing the door when the horse is long gone - Pres Trump never said ‘I told you so’ - Germany should have listened.

The second warning was to NATO and European underspend - again ignored, now NATO is expanding and increasing defence spending - better late than never.

Third was Chinese expansion worldwide. Countries continue to see Chinese ‘investment’ as a positive without a price.

Fox News reported yesterday:
“US Coast Guard cutter denied entry into Solomon Islands port”

I spoke previously this thread re Solomon Islands and China.

In Taiwan the Foreign Sec, Joseph Wu, reported Fri past that in his view China is trying to establish a new “status quo” around Taiwan.
“Recently, however, China has begun to treat the 180-kilometre-wide (112-mile) Taiwan Strait dividing Taiwan from mainland Asia as its domestic waters even though it is an international waterway, Wu said.”

Perhaps then it’s no coincidence that the US Navy reported thus yesterday, Saturday.


But, but, what about RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA?

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The Russian Federation has never been an ally of the United States, so what about them?

Until the world stops relying so heavily on China for their manufacturing needs, it will become impossible to stop them from becoming a superpower that dominates other countries and making the west weaker in doing so.

As China sees America fighting within, it will become more hostile to America

As a result, the Chinese empire will dominate the world for many years to come, and future complainers will be powerless to stop them.