Political Opinion

They got their freedom

‘We got our miracle’: Freed Americans back home in Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Two U.S. military veterans who disappeared three months ago while fighting with Ukrainian forces against Russia arrived home to Alabama on Saturday, greeted by hugs, cheers and tears of joy at the state’s main airport.

Alex Drueke, 40, and Andy Huynh, 27, had gone missing June 9 in the Kharkiv region of northeastern Ukraine near the Russian border. The Alabama residents were released as part of a prisoner exchange. The pair had traveled to Ukraine on their own and bonded over their shared home state.

And there is one idiot who was right.

I encountered lung cancer (not a smoker btw, came from bowel cancer) so got my letter that I am “Extremely Vulnerable” so must shield from the virus.

Shielding meant 2 things - first up I must not leave the house, no work, no interaction with people, second was to enrol in the vaccination programme.

Being an idiot, I dumped the 1st, embraced the second and decided to engage with a 3rd.

I met with the evil that is covid this year - and I have survived with ease.

I am thankful for my choices as an idiot - especially the 3rd choice - I asked God for advice and He replied with a song.
Bob Marley Three Little Birds Lyrics - YouTube

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Matthew 15 :8 NKJV ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me.

Donald Trump shares Truth Social photo proclaiming him as second only to Jesus

  • Donald Trump shared a Truth Social post comparing him to Jesus Christ.
  • The post said the former president is “second greatest” only to Jesus.
  • Trump’s supporters, and even Trump himself, have made similar comparisons before.

Trump has made these grand proclamations himself. In August 2019, Trump told reporters in reference to trade with China: “I am the chosen one.” He also shared tweets describing him as the “King of Israel” and “the second coming of God.”

Former President Donald Trump shared a post on his Truth Social account on Friday, declaring him as “second” only to Jesus.

The post by Truth Social user @austinnegrete said: “Jesus is the Greatest. President @realDonaldTrump is the second greatest.”

It accompanied an image of a painting of Jesus by artist Dan Wilson.

They worship, idolize, and ignore the lies and misdeeds of such a man

Ohh, I’m not the only one… Take up of the Booster Shots has cratered across the Globe… Most have realized that these vaccines just don’t offer anywhere near efficacies that were promised.

More of the fully vaccinated have passed away in 2022 than the non/partially vaccinated throughout 2020 and 2021 combined.

You my fully jabbed friend are living proof as a recent survivor of the Virus. Feel free to attribute it to a form of divine intervention, because I’m pretty confident your God Given Immune System had a major part to play…

Anyway, enough with the Virus, that debate is for elsewhere on this forum. My interest, as it always has been is the malevolence around this Pandemic…

On the back of it’s refusal to be transparent around it’s Billion’s of dollars Pandemic spending… The EU is beginning to play Judge, Jury and Jailer style authoritarianism by telling sovereign nations who they should be voting for within their own countries…

Remember how the EU threatened the UK for voting the ‘wrong’ way in your Independence Referendum? And it still does! Italy is Italy, it’s not the EU, so the Italian flag should be flown!! Why is that a bad thing??

Von Der Lyin should not even be in this position, she is unelected, and yet controls Billions of dollar’s and Millions of citizens across many sovereign nations… The warning signs are all there!

So how did she get to tell the people that pay her huge wages what to do?

First the UK, now maybe Italy… The Domino’s maybe beginning to topple…



Here in Florida as we brace for what looks like a pretty scary storm, and openly discuss the storm on social media, I can’t help but think about how 2 years ago when it was a pandemic sweeping across our country, saying coronavirus, covid, pandemic and a number of other words would have gotten your Youtube content demonetized, and Facebook page deleted. Funny how different things are when big pharma is not involved



Look like somebody was trying to steal the election.

Video shows fake Trump elector in Georgia letting 2 Trump associates into an elections office on the day that a voting system was breached

Cathy Latham, who was working as the Coffee County elections supervisor during the 2020 election, was filmed allowing in at least two men who worked with the data firm SullivanStricker and whose visit was coordinated by Latham and former Trump attorney Sidney Powell.

Latham was among the 16 GOP officials in Georgia who rejected the voters’ choice for then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and instead cast state electoral votes for Trump in a closed-door meeting on December 14, 2020. She was also the chairwoman of the Coffee County Republican Party at the time.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported last month that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is also probing how a data firm linked to former Trump lawyer Powell had made copies of data from Dominion voting machines in Coffee County. It is currently unclear if the Powell associates who visited the Coffee County office or Logan had made any copies of data.

We know who the criminals are.

Host Bill Whitaker asked Riggleman to confirm his belief that Meadows’ texts “provide irrefutable, time-stamped proof of a comprehensive plot at all levels of government to overturn the election.”

A former technical adviser to the January 6 committee said texts former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows turned over provide “irrefutable” proof of a plot to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

An advisor to the January 6 committee said Mark Meadows’ texts provide ‘irrefutable’ proof of a comprehensive plot to overturn the 2020 election

Whenever countries are unable to pay back their debts, China takes over their natural resources, ports, and land

China’s International Debt Crisis, Why Countries are going Bankrupt? BRI is failing

If you thought the Democrats could not cheapen human life any more, they now want to turn us into Fertilizer

This practice was mentioned in the 1938 novel , Brave New World, and we clearly are heading there

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It’s a good thing their supporters are barmy if they are that vacuous

Last Week in The Republican Party - September 27, 2022

2022 is the ‘Soylent Green’ year… So maybe we should start to worry…

If you know the 1973 movie Soylent Green at all, it’s likely for the arresting last line. “Soylent Green is people,” lead actor Charlton Heston bellows as he is carried away on a stretcher, simultaneously becoming a meme and summing up the plot so thoroughly that there’s little need to catch the rest of the film.

Less well known is the year Soylent Green is set in: 2022. That’s right, we’ve reached the point when Hollywood told us that millions of New Yorkers would be fighting each other over protein bars made from the finest processed human. Presuming that a fad for cannibalism doesn’t arrive with the next NYC fashion week, we can safely say that humanity has successfully avoided the threat of the movie’s main premise. (Instead we’re grappling with the threat of the Omicron variant, which itself sounds like a Charlton Heston movie.)

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They destroyed their own lives over a lie.

Iowa man called ‘1-man wrecking ball’ gets 7-plus years for assaulting cop at Capitol riot

Scary stuff, it is not just novels like 1984 and Brave New World, but Hollywood movies have been conditioning us for a dystopian future for decades. They may not have the dates right but the plots sure do rhyme with what is playing out right before our eyes

and it is not conservatism that is bringing all this to life, but the two factions of the democrat party, you have the so called progressives wanting a “1984” world, and the Technocrats pushing their version of “Brave New World” I see us landing somewhere in the middle with " Hunger Games" and boy is that playing out

Jesus, I hope you are coming soon, we are running out of time

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Countries that once dominated the world hundreds and thousands of years ago might have thought that time was running out and they were in their last days.

But the last day didn’t come, but instead, an era shift began, and those countries and eras were written down in history books so they could be remembered and discussed thousands of years later, and as this era comes to an end, America will also be mentioned in history books years from now. All of us will be dead by the time this era shift occurs, and we won’t be able to witness it.

The universe is a game of chess that goes on until the last day, and nobody knows when that will be.

Being empty-headed is a serious issue, The dumber they get, the more stupid they become

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bizarre Conspiracy Theory: Hurricanes

The Fox News host teased an upcoming segment about Hurricane Ian by implying hurricanes are a “scam.”

Carlson isn’t the first conservative host to question hurricanes.

Late radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed in 2016 that hurricanes were “in the interest of the left” to call for action on climate change but, like Carlson, admitted at the time that there was a serious storm on the way to Florida: Hurricane Matthew.

Limbaugh also claimed in 2017 that media outlets used hurricanes to boost the sales of water and batteries.

Carlson’s hurricane remarks weren’t lost on Twitter users, with one person joking that “big weather” is staging hurricanes.

Tucker Calls Putin

There’s a word for Tucker, and it’s not “patriot.”

This is a little disturbing. Is someone trying to cause major energy shortages?

Not one to miss an opportunity… Making some serious coin over the last 24 hours from both USOIL (Gulf Oil Production Hurricane Shut down) and NATGAS (Nordstream 1 leaking, Nordstream 2 possible sabotage)… NATGAS next stop $7.30…

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Looting millions of dollars, his company was ordered to pay 3.5 million, a small fraction of what they took.

Jared Kushner’s Firm to Pay $3.25M for Deceiving & Cheating Tenants in Baltimore’s “Kushnerville”

There is no way to erase your history and misdeeds, they tell a story about you.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020

If you ask President Donald Trump, he isn’t racist. To the contrary, he’s repeatedly said that he’s “the least racist person that you’ve ever encountered.”

Trump’s actual record, however, tells a very different story.

The trend has continued into his presidency. From stereotyping a Black reporter to pandering to white supremacists after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, to making a joke about the Trail of Tears, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election.

This is nothing new for Trump. In fact, the very first time Trump appeared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US Department of Justice sued him for racial discrimination. Since then, he has repeatedly appeared in newspaper pages across the world as he inspired more similar controversies.