Political Opinion

Who Destroyed Nord Stream 2? Watch the Tape, You Decide…

“If Russian Tanks or Troops cross the border into the Ukraine… Then there will no longer be a Nordstream Two, we will bring an end to it!.. I promise you we will be able to do that!”
President Joe Biden… You can see for yourselves 2:52min of the video!!

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Meet the pro-Putin Republicans and conservatives

Their thoughts on Russia and Ukraine, in their own words

Only 5 percent of Republicans support Russia over Ukraine, but the MAGA wing of the GOP has continually sided with Putin and against Ukraine.

Current and former elected officials, candidates for office, and media figures who are popular with the MAGA base have a history of pro-Russia comments. Now, they have decided that they should disparage Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy despite Russia’s invasion. Some of them have walked back their comments once they saw Putin’s war machine target innocent people, but many still see Russia as an ally.

We’ve collected their quotes below to make sure they can never forget where they stood.

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Treason, The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies

Every Russian State TV Program ‘Feasting’ on Tucker Carlson’s Suggestion Biden Sabotaged Nord Stream Pipeline:

Russian state media hosts took a renewed interest in Fox News’ Tucker Carlson over his insinuation that the Biden administration might be responsible for the suspected recent attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

On Tuesday, Carlson dismissed the idea that Moscow was behind the supposed explosion, saying it would be “suicidal” for Vladimir Putin to attack it when it gives him leverage over the West. The Fox host went on to suggest Joe Biden might be the culprit as he aired a clip of the president saying back in February that if Russia invades Ukraine, “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Carlson held those remarks up as supposed proof that Biden was actually announcing his intent to “blow up” the Nord Stream pipeline.

“He didn’t say, ‘I will pause the delivery of gas from Russia to Germany,’” Carlson exclaimed. “He said there won’t be a Nord Stream 2. We’ll take it out. We’ll put an end to it. We’ll blow it up.”

What do these three massive stock market drops have in common?




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biden calls loss of life from hurricane Ian “substantial”. At the time biden said this there was no official death count, and now two days later I am seeing reports of between 10 and 13. Why would biden make such a statement without any official information? Is this another case of biden being given a piece of paper to read and having no idea what he was reading.

and what qualifies as “substantial”

Hurricane Katrina killed 1800, that, I would call substantial

A president needs to be able to comfort the nation at times of tragedy, this president clearly is not up to that job.


Fearmongering idiots are too common.

DeSantis Praises Biden as Florida Gov. Changes Tone Before Hurricane Ian

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed his gratitude towards President Joe Biden for his co-operation as Hurricane Ian is due to hit the state.

Speaking to Fox NewsSean Hannity Tuesday night, DeSantis said he is “very thankful” to Biden while discussing a phone call the pair had about preparations for Hurricane Ian, including the government providing federal assistance.

The fearmongers are politizing tragedy to push their sick agendas. At least Ron Desantis understands that.

Ron DeSantis changes with the wind as Hurricane Ian prompts flip-flop on aid

But then Hurricane Ian hit. And like ambitious Republicans before him – most famously Chris Christie of New Jersey, whose photo ops with Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy in 2012 were reckoned to have hurt him in the 2016 primary – DeSantis realised he needed to talk to the president.

On Wednesday, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked: “Given how politicised things are at the moment, are you confident you’re gonna get the federal support Florida needs?”

DeSantis said: “So I actually spoke with the president and he said he wants to be helpful. So we did submit a request for reimbursement for the next 60 days at 100%. That’s significant support, but it’s a significant storm.

We live in a very politicised time, but you know, when people are fighting for their lives, when their whole livelihood is at stake, when they’ve lost everything, if you can’t put politics aside for that, that you’re just not going to be able to do so.

Smoke and mirrors - could have been the Yanks, maybe the Russians, even perhaps the Norwegians and Swedes since it was in their respective territory. Then again there is NATO - or even the largest recipient of Nord Stream - the Germans who have very recently determined never to use Nord Stream in the future.

Since everyone is agreed that a State Actor was involved, we have forgotten one State - a State who have a supply gas line with Russia and this week agreed to pay in Roubles - so who needs Nord Stream?

Then again maybe it was an Earth Tremor :slight_smile:



Quick view of that chart - there are 3 yellow marked areas - first thing I’d check is their respective lows and likewise their highs - all i can see are higher highs?

Personally, my focus is the now - will there be more higher highs or not.

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According to Tucker Carlson and his American followers, it was Joe Biden the American, that destroyed the Nord Steam.

Market history has always pointed to higher highs, you just have to stay invested through the lows, the problem is the American public receives zero financial education in our public school system so they do not know how to react to these drops and tend to sell the lows. Perhaps if you had a better financially educated public these market dips might not be so bad. On the political side, the drop of 2008 and 2022 were and is the results of bad government policy.

There is never a guarantee of the market recovering, just look at Japan. And with government caused hyper inflation , this market crash is crushing those on fixed income dependent of market returns

lets hope the market recovers as in the past

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You are right, but that doesn’t take away that most Americans are living pay check to pay check. and can’t afford to participate in the market directly or indirectly. So the market only benefits a select few in America.

Remember the Exxon Valdez, that oil tanker that ran aground while under the command of an incompetent junior officer while the captain was incapacitated ( drunk) in his quarters

We seem to be experiencing something very similar as our economy is being run aground by incompetent policymakers all while the president is incapacitated ( advance dementia)

As someone once said, history does not always repeat but it sure does rhyme


So that begs the question who is benefiting from these highs and lows because clearly it’s not the everyday hard-working American.


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I get that, but most of that is indirectly and maybe that’s a good thing.

How Many Americans Own Stock? About 145 Million – But the Wealthiest 10% Own More Than 80%

Over half of Americans own stock, but it’s not distributed equally.

56% of American adults, or about 145 million people, own stock. That percentage hasn’t moved much over the past decade, despite tremendous gains in the market and the recent meme stock craze.

Key findings

  • About 145 million Americans – 56% of American adults – own stock. Stock ownership hasn’t fully risen to levels seen prior to the 2008 recession.

The wealthiest 10% of Americans hold 89% of stocks, worth $35.87 trillion.

56% of American adults – about 145 million individuals – own stock

144.6 million Americans, or 56% of American adults, own stock, according to Gallup.

The wealthiest 10% of Americans hold 89% of stocks, worth $35.87 trillion.

Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country | ENDEVR Documentary

Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country | Business Documentary from 2019

Listen to the job title these people have

It always does.

Japan’s cpi is way lower than UK, EU or US right now - inflation has many causes, Govt actions are usually a reaction.

Education in economics is mostly down to experience, maybe in more recent times people are aware of how economics affect their lives - in UK right now recent political/economics are causing stress for mortgage holders - all younger people - and it bugs me big time.

Anyways sad to hear that your Pres is suffering from dementia, it’s a horrible disease.

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more like It always has, or until it does not

I am pretty confident that it will go up again, as you might know I am a trend trader and as long as the long term trend is up , I am long term bullish