Political Opinion

Forget economics, Ukraine just hit Defcon 4… Putin has annexed a large part of Eastern Ukraine, proclaiming that any attack in an attempt to reclaim these regions will be deemed as a direct attack on Russian soil…

The US has just destroyed Russian Energy Infrastructure… The Ukrainian President has just signed an application for entry to NATO…

What could possibly go wrong??

EU’s Politicians are displaying stupidity and incompetence combined with a complete lack of leadership.

On the opposite side of the fence is a smart chess player who at least is dedicated to his country (whether we like him or not) and he is a strong leader who is not afraid of a street fight either.

I posted months ago that a weak US President is dangerous for Western Nations… Combine that with the cognitive decline of the American Commander in Chief and it’s a dangerous combination for peace…


Could this be the great downfall of two mighty mice at the same time, one in America and the other in Russia, both going through troubling times, or could it be the greatest comeback in world history?

To be continued.

When you have an invincible determination, you can accomplish almost anything, and this is the difference between a great man and a little one.

Game Changer.

The Lincoln Project Official Trailer | Documentary Series | SHOWTIME

How wild and baseless claims that Biden blew up the Nord Stream pipelines moved seamlessly between Tucker Carlson and the Kremlin

Tucker Carlson pushed a Russian conspiracy theory suggesting the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.

The claim was then recycled by Russian state TV, and other far-right influencers.

Kremlin and US far-right propaganda often mirror each other

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday seized on the news that that the Nord Stream pipelines, which were built to channel gas from Russia to Western Europe, appeared to have been sabotaged.

Let’s say that Russia believed this and immediately started firing nuclear weapons at the United States. How would you feel?

Will they fight for America or Russia?

In another sad event, 61-year-old NYC paramedic Allison Russo is attacked and stabbed to death. Taking guns out of the hands of bad people does not stop bad people from committing horrific murders. Getting guns off our streets does nothing if you leave the bad people on the street

Can we show some respect for this American hero and not give the animal responsible the fame it seeks, If you wish to comment please do not post pictures or the name of the murderer.

God bless Allison Russo


If you mean Putin then just how ‘smart’ or ‘strong’ has his recent decisions been.

‘Smart’ - invade a neighbouring country with the intention to remove it’s regime but yet not ascertain in advance whether that goal is achievable.

‘Strong’ - send in lightly armoured troops to the nearest airport to Kyiv and expect a positive result.

If the US destroyed ‘Russian energy infrastructure’ then why choose a line that’s dead and not likely to be ever used again (unless the Russian Federation joins AUKUS) - instead maybe, choose one that actually pipes gas like the Siberia Pipeline.

Remind me one thing - if ever I experience “cognitive decline” - send me to Dennis or TBW for diagnosis - medical experts in this field are not always easy to find :slight_smile:

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Perfect example

Former Detroit Police Chief Says There’s a Criminal Problem, Not a Gun Problem

Amid President Biden’s pursuit of sweeping gun-control legislation to curb mass shootings and gun violence, former Detroit police chief James Craig said he believes the real culprit is not guns, but criminals.

Human protein bars. Anyone used to read 2000AD? Remember munce?


Too many guns in America. I know guns don’t kill people, people do, but so much easier with a gun. I know in UK we have stabbings. However, back in the day, I worked in trauma surgery and I can honestly say I’d rather be stabbed than shot. Stab wounds cleaner, bullets tend to tumble or disintegrate when they get inside the body cavity causing way more damage. Clearly, I would also rather not be stabbed!!


lol Me too. Spear me the pain. let’s make this quick and fast.

your total post is a little confusing. shot or stab?

Easier to defend yourself with a gun, than a knife.


I would 100% rather be stabbed than shot - that’s a no-brainer.

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OK, but i prefer a bullet. I don’t want any nuts swinging at me with a knife unless i have a gun

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"No Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine", President Joe Biden says…

Enough said… From the senile guy in cognitive decline…

@peterma Displaying the usual illusion of knowledge… Even today’s Irish Media are asking the question…

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Another scandal involving the FBI… Time for some politicians/FBI/bureaucrats to go to prison!!!

It just gets grubbier, grubbier and grubbier the longer this rubbish goes on…

BTW… Still nothing happening with the Top Secret document allegation’s coming from the FBI, DOJ and the current incontinent White House…

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I have experienced neither, but if I had and choice between gunshot and being stabbed 20 times like in the case of the paramedic story, that seems to be a “no-brainer”

let’s spit the difference and all carry Samurai Swords, or the Cutless common in pirate movies would work well in close-quarter fighting

Bottom line, America is a much more dangerous country to live in than it was 50 years ago, and the idioligy of the left is only going to make things worse

How screwed up is our criminal justice system?

last week, my brother stopped at a 7-11 convenience store, to buy a soft drink, this store had one of those new self-checkout systems that he used to pay for the drink, but he did not wait for the receipt to print ( yes stupid) , walked out of the story and the manager came running out of the store saying he had stole that drink, he tried to explain to the manager what happen but the manager call the police anyway, my brother waited for the police to arrive to resolve the situation, and the cops immediately arrested him and took him to jail where he had to spend the night, he was not allowed to call anyone, and spent all day the next day bonding himself out of jail ( $500) and has to go to court next month, All over a $3 energy drink.

For me, the moral of the story is to always get a receipt,

But what is everyone’s opinion of how the police should have handled this, for me, locking someone up for such a petty crime seems ridiculous

What you said above is the ideology of the left

In my opinion, being soft on petty crimes leads to felonies.

I hope your brother beats the case. if your story is true, the police and the clerk should have checked the self-checkout for the receipt or looked at the video if there was one. Also, if he never got the chance to call anyone from jail, he should talk to a lawyer about that.

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Speaking of crime, This joker right here will say anything while doing the exact opposite.

Trump called on lawmakers to institute the ‘death penalty for drug dealers’ despite the fact that he pardoned people convicted of selling drugs

Trump said he was calling on lawmakers to institute capital punishment for drug dealers.

But before leaving office, Trump pardoned numerous people who were convicted for selling drugs.

During a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, former President Donald Trump called for drug dealers to receive the death penalty, despite having pardoned several people convicted of selling drugs before he left office.

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Stall tactics from your leader, but he has a point in this case, so there won’t be any more excuses.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Donald Trump on Monday objected to a Justice Department request for an expedited ruling in the special master case involving documents seized by the FBI in an August search of the former president’s Florida home.

Donald Trump’s evolving excuses over the Mar-A-Lago raid have reached the absurd

For those of you who are still defending Donald Trump, I would politely ask you to do one thing: in every instance in the rest of this essay, please replace “Trump” with “Obama” or “Clinton”. Then ask yourself if you would still consider that defense to be logical and realistic.

I’m going to start by pointing out the obvious - people that are innocent don’t normally change their excuse/reason for doing something.

In every situation in your life where you accused someone of something and they give you a shotgun blast of excuses, many of them that contradict each other, you would be a fool if you didn’t automatically suspect that you were being lied to.