Political Opinion

Very sorry to hear about your brother. Simply an over reaction.

And how’s your neck of the woods doing? Just catching up with the goings on. Hope all is well for you and your family.

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Insurance scam by the Russians? Nord 2 was basically worthless.

Signal to the West that Russia can do what it wants with any pipeline infrastructure?

Ukraine, blowing up any chance Russia has to turn the gas deliveries on again?

What benefit does the US have in blowing up Nord Stream 1? To make Russia look even more worse off than it already does? Make other European countries more dependent on US energy supply…seems like a stretch.

I vote Russia or Gazprom itself.

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Nord Stream 2 cost $11 billion to build. Now, the Russia-Europe gas pipeline is unused and abandoned

One of the early casualties of Russia’s territorial ambitions in Ukraine was the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, a massive energy project that cost $11 billion.

The 1,234 km offshore pipeline was designed to double the flow of gas between Russia and Germany.

The pipeline was completed last September but the German energy regulator temporarily halted the certification process last November, and froze it altogether in February.

The U.S. has long been an opponent of the pipeline, fearful of European energy insecurity.

One of the early casualties of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — and its continuing geopolitical and economic fallout — has been the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, a massive energy project that took several years to build and cost $11 billion.

Even before Russia’s unprovoked onslaught, the signs were not good for the 1,234-kilometer offshore pipeline — designed to double the flow of gas between Russia and Germany. Now, the major infrastructure project is looking like it has been “killed off,” as one analyst put it.

The laying of the pipeline started in 2018 but faced several stumbling blocks, becoming something of a geopolitical pinball in Europe and the U.S. before it was finally completed in September 2021.

By November last year, however, there were further signs of trouble brewing when the German energy regulator temporarily halted the certification process that would allow it to start operating the pipeline. The suspension came as Russia was amassing tens of thousands of troops along Ukraine’s border (although the regulator cited legalities as a reason for the suspension).

The U.S. denied any involvement in gain-of-function research, too, until they couldn’t deny it. Sooo…

U.S. Navy, NATO Recently Tested Underwater Technology Near Location Nord Stream Pipelines Were Damaged

I back my posts with facts!!.. Seriously, you would think I make this shite up!!


You have facts. the U.S. sabotage the Nord Stream 2 :rofl: :rofl:

Did you get your facts from Tucker Carlson?

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Time for Germany to move on from Russia’s energy dependence

Germany freezes Nord Stream 2 gas project as Ukraine crisis deepens

BERLIN, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Germany on Tuesday halted the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project, designed to double the flow of Russian gas direct to Germany, after Russia formally recognised two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine.

Germany gets half its gas from Russia and had argued that Nord Stream 2 was primarily a commercial project to diversify energy supplies for Europe.

But despite the potential benefits, the pipeline had faced opposition within the European Union and from the United States on the grounds that it would increase Europe’s energy dependence on Russia as well as denying transit fees to Ukraine, host to another Russian gas pipeline, and making it more vulnerable to Russian invasion.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he had asked the economy ministry to make sure certification could not take place now.

Economy Minister Robert Habeck said Germany’s gas supply was secured even without Nord Stream 2. But he told journalists in Duesseldorf that prices were indeed likely to rise further in the short term.

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Professor Sachs on Bloomberg says US did Nordstream… As hosts attempt to run censorship over the top of an interview…

Radar evidence of US Helicopters… US Underwater Drone testing… All in the exact same vicinity of two independently (Denmark) recorded 500kg explosions…

“I know it runs counter to our narrative, you‘re not allowed to say these things in the West, but the fact of the matter is all over the world when I talk to people, they think the US did it,”
“Even reporters on our papers that are involved tell me ‘of course’ (the US did it), but it doesn’t show up in our media.” Prof Sachs said.

How dare you go against the narrative in the mainstream media…

Where have we seen this BS before?

If you can question it… It’s Science, If you can’t question it… It’s Propaganda…

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So what do you suggest Russia should do about the U.S. attack on the Nordstream?

As you are hell-bent on proving it was the U.S. what should Russia do in response? I’m sure you have an answer, right?

More like our Prison Industrial complex in action, it is all a money scheme. Our fascist government arrest people for petty crimes and collects huge fines from those who can pay, and create a prison ( slave) workforce of those who cannot pay. I don’t know what country I live in anymore, it clearly is not the country I was born in

Inflation is double-digit, and my investments are at double-digit losses, but as long as we are able to keep the zombies at bay we will get through this

Hope you are doing well too

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did you catch last Sunday’s CBS 60 Minutes, 100% pure US government propaganda

In the US we have what they call separation of Church and State, what we really need a separation of the media and state

The swedes and Danes will figure it out. Whether we learn the truth about their findings is another matter.


We often talk about the militarization of the police, but what about the militarization of the military

I can remember when recruitment ads where about learning a trade, seeing the world, paid college and this one ( below) featuring a very young actor you may know

Today’s recruitment ads are for jobs that actually kill people and break things

if you think I am kidding, watch this

Bodies For Profit

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

With the growing influence of the prison lobby, the nation is, in effect, commoditizing human bodies for an industry in militant pursuit of profit. For instance, privatization created the atmosphere that made the “Kids For Cash” scandal possible, in which two Pennsylvania judges received $2.6 million in kickbacks from for-profit juvenile detention centers for sending more kids to the facilities and with unusually long sentences. The influence of private prisons creates a system that trades money for human freedom, often at the expense of the nation’s most vulnerable populations: children, immigrants and the poor.


Long overdue

Pa. judges accused of jailing kids for cash

Two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers.

For years, the juvenile court system in Wilkes-Barre operated like a conveyor belt: Youngsters were brought before judges without a lawyer, given hearings that lasted only a minute or two, and then sent off to juvenile prison for months for minor offenses.

The explanation, prosecutors say, was corruption on the bench.

In one of the most shocking cases of courtroom graft on record, two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers.

Prosecutors say Luzerne County Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan took $2.6 million in payoffs to put juvenile offenders in lockups run by PA Child Care LLC and a sister company, Western PA Child Care LLC. The judges were charged on Jan. 26 and removed from the bench by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court shortly afterward.

It’s basically an intro video for Call of Duty the video game.

New release

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I am thinking this is where we are headed,

Welcome to fascism

The US is basically ran by these 8 Industrial Complexes , and this is who congress serves ( not the people )
Legal ( prisons )
and the ring leader of them all

Welcome to the Fascist States of America

I mean what’s the alternative? I’m thinking most politicians focus where the people and money is. Biggest impact numbers wise, right?

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Yes, but those industries control the narrative, they buy congress for their own interests, and congress does nothing in the best interest of the people