Political Opinion

I remember when the first guy that worked for Trump got harassed by the FBI. He said it just wasn’t worth it to have to spend 100’s of thousands of dollars to defend himself. Since then they have rounded up LOTS of supporters, and continue to do so. It’s not a coincidence.


It is a bad situation when any elected official who might actually bring needed change will be immediately
put on the fbi’s most needed to have their life destroy list. This is one law enforcement branch that I would fully support defunding, In fact the whole US government needs to be defunded to the point they spend not one dime more than is collected in taxes

Balance the budget or resign

Rand Paul has been trying for years. No one else.

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2 days ago.

DOE to release from the strategic reserves to help.

Thanks Joe.

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Good Or Bad Britain was an empire

How did The British Empire rule the World?

Let’s see what Hunter Biden has to offer

FBI sends Hunter Biden tax, gun purchase evidence to U.S. Attorney

The FBI months ago gathered what agents believed was sufficient evidence to charge Hunter Biden, the president’s son, with crimes related to taxes and making a false statement when purchasing a gun, according to sources familiar with the investigation.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Delaware has been investigating Hunter Biden since at least 2019. A federal subpoena from that year, obtained by CBS News, sought Hunter Biden’s bank records dating back to 2014, when Joe Biden was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Biden owes taxes on income from a controversial stint, during his father’s vice presidency, as a board member for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Evidence gathered by FBI and IRS investigators was sent to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Delaware, according to the sources.

A spokesperson for the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney in Delaware declined to comment. The Washington Post was first to report that the agency had provided evidence of alleged crimes to federal prosecutors.

“As is proper and legally required, we believe the prosecutors in this case are diligently and thoroughly weighing not just evidence provided by agents, but also all the other witnesses in this case, including witnesses for the defense. That is the job of the prosecutors,” Clark said.

If a man takes responsibility for what he does, he may be free to do whatever he wants.

Stop encouraging bad behavior.

Rand Paul was my first choice for president in 2016, if he ever got there or even got the Republican nomination, he would immediately be called a racist and Putin puppet by Dems and their lapdog media

Democrat Party = CPC

Is there anything left, I heard the reserve tanks were running dry

Also, it is rather convenient how the drop in oil prices happen during the 3 months used to compute next year’s Social Security’s cost of living adjustment, at the beginning of July estimates of a 10% COLA, now estimates are 8.5%, The People lose again

Thanks for nothing joe

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This morning I was doing a search for the latest S.S. COLA information and this was at the top of my search, and it is not the article that caught my attention but the picture of the couple they choose to include in the article, This is the trend in most media these days, mixed race couples, it is becoming rare to see a white couple or a black couple. Disney has taken this trend to the extreme as every one of their live-action remakes of animated classics is overloaded with “diversity” even the Little Mermaid is now a woman of color. But this does not apply to all races, as in the live-action Mulan, no white or black people in this movie. Now advertisers and Disney can do whatever they want, I am not buying their product. I am just curious about who is driving this trend, and for what reason. I can’t believe anyone is going to buy a product just because of an ad featuring a mix raced couple

What are your thoughts on this trend? Good, bad, or you could not care less



I guess I’m racist for noticing this too, but it’s in a ton of TV commercials now.
What’s driving it? “Wokeness”? These corps want to show how woke they are?
Disney turns out to be evil, doesn’t it?

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Hollywood industry, advertising agencies and PR firms,

There’s nothing racist about it. At the end of the day, it’s more than just politicians that have the power to sway the American people. Some will argue that control is more powerful than any political agenda.

The actions people take are influenced by what they see and hear, and that applies to all outlets; television, radio, podcasts, social media, movies, and video games, for example. While you’re watching and reacting to political content on political outlets, someone else is watching tik tok, Facebook, Twitter, youtube, etc.

The narrative is created by the top 5 platforms with the most views/Members

Would they be evil if they acted and behaved in accordance with your beliefs and ideologies or are they entitled to hold their own beliefs and ideologies

Or, Should the government step in and make them act and behave in a certain way?

Maybe, but China needs the U.S. market to sell their trinkets to.

But I do agree the USA politicians are the biggest enemy the USA faces.

A gun is the only equalizer between a large male attacker and a small woman.

Simple-minded people may find these questions difficult to answer

They can do what they want and so can I. And, NO, the government shouldn’t step in. Sorry for having an opinion.


I think the stats are like 1 million barrels per day for a year. A couple 100 million barrels still there, but a couple 100 million used recently.

I’ve seen it, especially with many large brands, like car manufacturers, telecoms, retail.

I couldn’t care less, but I feel at times brands are trying too hard to show off their support for diversity.

But I imagine there is a growing subset of CONSUMERS who do appreciate it or are at least active buyers or looking to buy. So the companies go where their customer data takes them.