Political Opinion

Their America is a place of hatred, division, conspiracy, and violence.

Bloody Hell !

7 out of every 10 children rendered sterile ? ? ? !!!

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Here’s one I found interesting - from someone I respect a lot !

"‘Naïve’ to think Russia will lose war, says Dr Jordan Peterson - YouTube


One has to ask “WHY” - But of course we’re not allowed to do that !


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from an IQ stand point Asians already rank higher than whites and much higher than blacks, by setting the bar even higher for Asians, you are just forcing them to try that much harder, which makes that gap between Asians and Blacks that much worse.

With this information and knowing how standards are lowered for blacks, and much higher for Asian.

If you needed brain surgery and you had a choice between two doctors and the only thing you knew about the doctors was one was asian and the other black. Be honest , who would you pick

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You have to respect their ability to overcome that hurdle and still succeed. according to conservative Republicans, This type of hurdle should not exist for anyone

The standards are low for blacks, but not for whites, so when Asians must score 140 higher / better than whites I’d pick Asians over all other races.

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@Johnny1974 Unfortunately, we have to take John O’Looney’s information with a grain of salt. I have seen interviews where he has gone overboard and effectively spread what I can confirm was flagrant misinformation

Back in late 2021 he stated in an interview that former NSW Premier (Gladys Berejiklian) was forced to resign due to her connections including financial arrangements with Big Pharma here in Australia…

Absolute fiction!!

She was the ONLY Australian Premier that fought the lock-downs, and limited the vaccine mandates. NSW was also the first Australian state to open back up and drop the discrimination against the unvaccinated.

She actually resigned due to a relationship (conflict of interest) with another politician.

Over on my All things Cervesa Sickness thread where I include Social Media commentary, data and information regarding the Pandemic, Vaccines, Lock-downs and Mandates… All content is thoroughly researched before it’s linked… Ensuring the terminally ignorant have no case to argue…

FunFact… 1000’s in Australia that are now getting the Virus in this latest spring wave are 2, 3 and 4 times vaxxed, with the media now running with the “immunity evading variant” as a BS cover for their failed and malevolent narrative…

Nothing but facts and researchable data… No Jabs, No Tests, No Virus, No Fears, No Problems…


Falstaff, there’s more to the story

Education during the slave period in the United States

During the era of slavery in the United States, the education of enslaved African Americans , except for religious instruction, was discouraged, and eventually made illegal in most of the Southern states. After 1831 (the revolt of Nat Turner), the prohibition was extended in some states to free blacks as well. Even if educating Blacks was legal, they still had little access to education, in the North as well as the South.

Slave owners saw literacy as a threat to the institution of slavery and their financial investment in it; as a North Carolina statute stated, “Teaching slaves to read and write, tends to excite dissatisfaction in their minds, and to produce insurrection and rebellion.”[1]: 136 Literacy enabled the enslaved to read the writings of abolitionists, which discussed the abolition of slavery and described the slave revolution in Haiti of 1791–1804 and the end of slavery in the British Empire in 1833. It also allowed slaves to learn that thousands of enslaved individuals had escaped, often with the assistance of the Underground Railroad, to safe refuges in the Northern states and Canada. Literacy also was believed to make the enslaved unhappy at best, insolent and sullen at worst. As put by prominent Washington lawyer Elias B. Caldwell:

The more you improve the condition of these people, the more you cultivate their minds, the more miserable you make them, in their present state. You give them a higher relish for those privilegies which they can never attain, and turn what we intend for a blessing [slavery] into a curse. No, if they must remain in their present situation, keep them in the lowest state of degradation and ignorance. The nearer you bring them to the condition of brutes, the better chance do you give them of possessing their apathy.[2]

Life after slavery for African Americans

For African Americans in the South, life after slavery was a world transformed. Gone were the brutalities and indignities of slave life, the whippings and sexual assaults, the selling and forcible relocation of family members, the denial of education, wages, legal marriage, homeownership, and more. African Americans celebrated their newfound freedom both privately and in public jubilees.

Most southern black Americans, though free, lived in desperate rural poverty. Having been denied education and wages under slavery, ex-slaves were often forced by the necessity of their economic circumstances to rent land from former white slave owners. These sharecroppers paid rent on the land by giving a portion of their crop to the landowner.

The KKK and the end of Reconstruction

From the late 1860s white supremacists in the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) terrorized African American leaders and citizens in the South until, in 1871, the US Congress passed legislation that resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of Klan leaders and the end of the Klan’s terrorism of Americans for a time.

But over the course of the late 1860s and throughout the 1870s, the federal government’s military presence was withdrawn from various southern states, and with the Compromise of 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes ordered the last federal troops in the South to withdraw.

With no troops to enforce the Fourteenth and Fifteen Amendments, Reconstruction was at an end. Across the South lynching, disenfranchisement, and segregationist laws proliferated. It would not be until after the Second World War and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement that Jim Crow segregation would be outlawed.

Black Wall Street Massacre

In 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Greenwood District, known as “Black Wall Street,” was one of the most prosperous African American communities in the United States.

The Black Wall Street Massacre, which began on May 31, 1921, was one of the worst race riots in the history of the United States, in which more than 35 square blocks were destroyed by a wave of racial terrorism that left hundreds of Black residents dead, and more than 1,000 houses burned or otherwise destroyed. The violence was rooted in resentment at the wealth of the Black people of Tulsa. Signaling this tension were reports that the “state of Oklahoma had only two airports,” yet “six Black families owned their own private planes.”

Former Nixon Adviser Admits The War On Drugs Was A Plot To Destroy Black People!

You give an excellent example of why affirmative action should be abolished

Supreme court affirmative action debate captures Asian American fear of bias in admissions

“Race is a minus for Asians, a group that continues to face immense racial discrimination in this country. Asians should be getting into Harvard more than whites, but they don’t because Harvard gives them significantly lower personal ratings,” the group’s attorney, Cameron T. Norris, told the court.

The points raised in the high court debate stirred passions this week among Asian American families and students as they reflected on the formidable pressures and anxieties they experienced when preparing college applications — the culmination of high school students’ work for families that place an immense value on higher education. Many said they personally grappled with the fear that their records would fall short because of the perceived bias against Asian Americans.

It’s down to money - members were hoping that Boris would stand in a 2 horse - he came back early from hols and rang around, mustered support - and at the last minute dropped out.

Word was he didn’t make the required 100 votes - turns out today that he actually made 102 - and worse still he knew it - so why the towel throw in?

Anyways Sunak and his No.11 have it sussed - cuts - lots of them - but just hope we don’t need the NHS for plasters.


Black/white, left/right, democrat/republican, straight/gay …

Roman/Israeli, Gentile/Jew, Jew/Samaritan, clean/unclean …

Then there was a Guy who fought back against evil.

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There a lots of great movies (and stories) of blacks over coming unbelievable hurdles. But that was in the past, what story can be told of someone today with all hurdles removed and given a 20 yard head start

People are people regardless of race, and are all capable of incredible feats

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In my opinion, this is the best solution, but unfortunately, I don’t see it happening,

Education has nothing to do with IQ - as the current vomit of Educated idiots from our Universities demonstrates so amply

yes i know

IQ Tests Don’t Work — An Explanation on Why They Are Flawed

It’s long been a standard of intelligence: if you score high on an IQ test, you must be incredibly smart, right? All of us have grown up believing it, so is it true? And how did this phenomenon come to be?

The fact is that IQ tests are NOT what we think they are and they are not objective at all. In fact, when you examine these tests you’ll learn that they are completely biased.

The test was developed by a man named Alfred Binet in 1904 to determine…wait for it…how well French children were doing in kindergarten.

In 1910, H.H. Goddard, an American psychologist, revised the test and it was very popular in the U.S., becoming the most popular test of intelligence for decades.

But there is a fatal flaw among IQ tests: they’re only beneficial for determining how good a person is at IQ tests, nothing else. In 2012, after 100,000 subjects took part in a study of IQ tests, it was determined that the tests don’t show how smart a person is. Dr. Adrian Owen, the study’s head investigator, said “When we looked at the data, the bottom line is the whole concept of IQ — or of you having a higher IQ than me — is a myth. There is no such thing as a single measure of IQ or a measure of general intelligence.”

Owen added, “The whole concept of IQ really is bogus. The brain is complex and you can’t sum it up by answering a few questions on a piece of paper.”

It’s also been shown that intelligence tests have cultural biases. Wealthy, white Westerners perform the best on IQ tests, but research shows that because this demographic typically has a better educational background and better access to healthcare, they perform higher. Experts agree that these tests ignore inherent intelligence and instead are geared toward confirming the widely-held belief that a certain segment of the population is more intelligent and better prepared for success.

Think of it this way: an upper-middle-class person who goes to good schools and has access to great healthcare will absolutely score higher than someone from a poverty-stricken area with less-than-stellar educational opportunities. And research shows that chronic illness hampers proper brain development.

Developing countries in the world reflect this trend: the average IQ in Kenya today is 72, lower than a typical British person would have scored 70 years ago in the late 1940s: but as that developing country and others like it gain better access to healthcare and education, the IQ rates climb. Kenya’s IQ rates have risen 25 points since the 1980s.

The authors of the previously-mentioned 2012 study argue that three components must be taken into consideration to determine a person’s intelligence: short-term memory, reasoning, and a verbal component.

So until a more comprehensive IQ test is developed, next time someone brags to you that they are a member of Mensa, you can be a little wary, and with good reason.

In your case Falstaff, having a high IQ is not your strongest asset

Why the test is controversial

Some people erroneously believe that people of certain races, sexes, or backgrounds have lower IQs due to their genes and that they are therefore inferior. This information has been used to fuel racist agendas and eugenics movements around the globe.

While a number of individual genes have been reported to be associated with IQ, none have been shown to have a strong effect. The American Psychological Association also hasn’t found evidence to support genetic explanations for IQ score differences between different races.

Studies also haven’t been able to find a difference in average IQ scores between men and womenTrusted Source.

It’s also important to remember that the concept of IQ and IQ tests were developed by western Europeans according to their own cultural standards. It’s still unclear whether IQ can accurately measure intelligence in people with completely different social structures, cultures, beliefs, and ways of thinking.

On top of this, it’s clear that environmental factors play a huge role in average IQ. Factors that have been positively associated with higher IQ include:

  • good nutrition
  • regular schooling of good quality
  • laws requiring fortification of certain food products
  • laws establishing safe levels of pollutants, like lead
  • musical training in childhood
  • higher socioeconomic status
  • lower incidence of infectious diseases

IQ isn’t the only way to measure intelligence

The average IQ is widely used to measure human intelligence and is a useful tool. However, it comes with many caveats. Average IQ varies by country, and some people have manipulated this information to justify racist motives.

However, environmental factors, like access to education and proper nutrition as well as the incidence of infectious diseases, have been shown to play a bigger part in explaining the difference in IQ from country to country.

An IQ score probably doesn’t tell the whole story. While IQ scores can give us important insights into intelligence, it may fail to measure broader definitions of intellect, like creativity, curiosity, and social intelligence.

So, don’t worry if you’re not considered a genius by your IQ test results — the vast majority of people aren’t. There are many other factors that determine your success.

The average IQ is widely used to measure human intelligence and is a useful tool. However, it comes with many caveats. Average IQ varies by country, and some people have manipulated this information to justify racist motives.

However, environmental factors, like access to education and proper nutrition as well as the incidence of infectious diseases, have been shown to play a bigger part in explaining the difference in IQ from country to country.

It’s also important to remember that the concept of IQ and IQ tests were developed by western Europeans according to their own cultural standards. It’s still unclear whether IQ can accurately measure intelligence in people with completely different social structures, cultures, beliefs, and ways of thinking.

This is not the best history, but it’s part of America’s history. Anything I post about history is not meant to insult any race, religion, or ethnicity.

Eugenics in the United States

Falstaff, thanks for returning. I couldn’t exist without you

"Jordan Peterson EXPLAINS The IQ Difference Between Democrats & Conservatives - YouTube


"Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying IQ Statistic - YouTube

BUT go ahead and believe the garbage you copy and paste ! :rofl:

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