Political Opinion

So much for the red wave in this Midterm… Turns out to be just a nosebleed…

Appears that the majority of American citizens are comfortable to continue living in peril amongst ravaging inflation, increasing energy prices, excessive fuel costs, porous Southern borders, exploding homelessness, rampant crime and an administration that is as clueless as it is dangerous…

Same is going to happen here in Victoria Australia on Nov 26th. We will know doubt re-elect Premier Dan Andrews… The most corrupt Politician that has ever been in an Australian Government, the Premier that put us through the world’s longest lockdowns.

Stockholm Syndrome Society…


Democrats doing better than expected

It’s important to emphasize that the final 2022 results — which may not be final for days, or even weeks in some places — will define the next phase of U.S. politics. Even a narrow House majority will mean that Republicans can block Biden’s domestic agenda and pursue their own political goals through hearings and subpoenas. If they win, the result is likely to be yet another era of gridlock, brinkmanship and partisan investigations on Capitol Hill.

But now they seem to have avoided the worst. In each of the last four midterm elections, the president’s party has lost an average of about 37 House seats. In 2010 (Obama’s first midterm), Democrats lost 64 seats; in 2018 (Donald Trump’s first midterm), Republicans lost 42 seats.

Currently, Biden’s Democrats are projected to lose only about 10 seats, give or take. It’s still possible that they will lose fewer than 5 — and manage, somehow, to hang on to the House. If that happens, it will be due to Democrats such as Abigail Spanberger (a Blue Dog moderate who fought off Republican Yesli Vega in Virginia’s Seventh District) and perhaps even Adam Frisch (a former Aspen city councilman who was leading the hardcore Trump Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert in Colorado’s Third District late Tuesday night).

Dudebro, anyone with half a brain can see and understand this, but there are some who cannot.

There is a great deal of hope that more people will become enlightened and stop believing the lies and conspiracy theories of the republicans

If ever there was a “Cancer from within,” it’s DJT. The GOP has been poisoned by him.

Trump Spends Election Day Furiously Posting Fraud Conspiracies

Let me remind you that one man told another man he had a high IQ and the other man believed him without taking his own IQ test.

Clearly - he was told not to stand ! - By whom and what exact leverage was used - I guess we’ll have to speculate about !

Red states expanding social programs despite opposition from GOP

South Dakota approves Medicaid expansion over GOP resistance

The Republican-controlled Legislature had declined to expand Medicaid eligibility under the 2010 federal Affordable Care Act, and Gov. Kristi Noem has opposed the idea. But proponents for expansion have found success through ballot measures across GOP-dominated states, and a wide coalition of health care groups and organizations backed a well-funded ballot campaign this year in South Dakota.

The majority vote to support Constitutional Amendment D removes South Dakota from a list of 12 states that have not expanded eligibility for the government health insurance program to people earning up to 138% of the federal poverty level — currently about $18,800 for an individual or $38,300 for a family of four.

“We’re a farm community, and people just can’t afford insurance so they need some more help,” said Bob Pederson, a Sioux Falls retiree who voted to expand eligibility Tuesday.

This is who they are, Protect yourself there are many like them, don’t let them intimidate you

Ohio man kills neighbor because ‘he thought he was a Democrat’

A southwest Ohio man was killed by a neighbor who “thought he was a Democrat,” according to the victim’s shocked widow.

Austin Gene Combs confessed to shooting Anthony Lee King “several times with a revolver” while the 43-year-old victim and his wife were doing yardwork shortly before noon on Saturday, The Journal News reports.

I thought we hit rock bottom a while back.

Trump and his far-right allies have stoked a dangerous climate that increases the likelihood of violence far beyond midterms, extremism experts warn

  • Political violence experts warn that Trump and his allies are fomenting a dangerous climate.
  • They’re normalizing “aggression and violence” against political opponents, an extremism researcher said.
  • “Republican campaign ads have been riven with violent language and imagery,” an expert on political violence said.

The appearance of human cancer can be seen in this image

Don’t preach politicians, they are not GOD and when you start following them like GOD, they manipulate you to do such heinous things as that man in Ohio did. When a Palestinian and Israeli can stand each other, why couldn’t a democrat and republican? History tells us clearly that many politicians have triggered riots but no one became a victim, it’s always the common man who dies. Wake up people!


Taking advantage of the intelligence of their fan base

Post-election misinformation targets Arizona, Pennsylvania

The video on Fox News showed a Wisconsin poll worker initialing ballots before they were given to voters. It’s normal procedure on Election Day.

On Tuesday someone posted the clip to social media and claimed instead that it showed a Philadelphia election worker doctoring ballots.

By Wednesday the bogus claim was being shared by QAnon believers and far-right figures like Michael Flynn, ex-president Donald Trump’s former national security adviser. Some noted the worker wore what looked like a common face mask.

“Masked man cheating in front of the cameras on the mainstream media,” read one post containing the clip, which directed users to repost it. “Spread to normies.”

It’s an example of Election Day misinformation that reveals how misleading claims emerge and travel, and how innocent events can be spun into the latest viral election hoax. It also shows the kind of baseless rumors and conspiracy theories that were reverberating around the internet Wednesday as candidates and far-right influencers sought to explain away losses and closer-than-expected races.


Wonder how Tucker Carlson feel about this

New York Post targets ‘Trumpty Dumpty’ in scathing cover

Rupert Murdoch’s conservative media empire helped propel Donald Trump’s remarkable rise from tabloid-friendly New York real estate mogul and reality show star to the presidency.

But in the wake of disappointing results for the Republican Party in Tuesday’s midterm elections, Murdoch-owned media outlets — the New York Post, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal — are blaming Trump for the GOP’s lackluster performance, and appear ready to move on from the former president.

On its front page Wednesday morning, the New York Post anointed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “DeFuture” of the GOP. On Thursday, it took fresh aim at Trump, depicting him as “Trumpty Dumpty.”

The attacks from Murdoch’s formerly Trump-friendly media outlets come as key races that will determine control of Congress remain too close to call. But whatever the outcome, the so-called red wave that many Republicans were expecting failed to materialize.

Suppression and intimidation is real

Democracy Now!

DeSantis Condemned For Using “Election Police” to Intimidate Florida Voters with Felony Convictions

Big payday on all 3 indices overnight… Looks like the markets needed more confirmation of a Republican House and very likely Senate…

Either way, I don’t need to trade next week… :champagne:


Hope Dennis is feeling ok, haven’t seen him post in a few days

Two trains of thought.

1st is JCB and 2nd is being a statesman and thinking the best for the country.

As the former PM would say - the jury is out.

Know what bugs me about the JCB’s of business - they pick what suits them best.

Next’s CEO wanted the UK to stop UK immigration from East Europe (pro brexit) - now his gripe is that they need more foreign workers - he calls them ‘economically productive migration’.

Money Talks.?
Nah - money only talks if we allow it to - let’s hope better times ahead.

Pfizer, BioNtech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and J&J thank millions of Global Citizens and especially you @peterma for your multiple and ongoing instalments to our record breaking Profits…

How easily the naive allow it!!


Hmmm… you hopped into the car today and drove some miles - it’s summer now so the heating is off but not long until the leaves fall - cold can set in quickly but the house is smart so not a problem.

Who is it that does not contribute to the record profits?

Shell QPR Q3’22

A black pastor at our church referrers to the US as the “Worlds Bully”

I totally agree

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what, no examples?

If 90% of your post are about former president DJT then you have some serious TDS issues

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