Political Opinion

Divided we stand


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In their minds, the more he speaks, the more embarrassing it is, and they want people to ignore his unseemly behavior. This is the guy they support.

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What ?? - You saying they attacked him with a mechanical digger ? :open_mouth:

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In light of our discussion a week or so ago, I just thought I would share this

The Real History of Affirmative Action

The facts speak for themselves: It was Republicans, not Democrats, who crafted, implemented, and continue to promote Affirmative Action.

Republican President Richard Nixon started Affirmative Action in 1969 with his Philadelphia Plan, as crafted by black Republican Arthur Fletcher, that set the nation’s first goals and timetables for awarding federal contracts. Democrats turned Affirmative Action into an unfair quota system, harming blacks with social promotions where may blacks were given diplomas even though they could not read, write, or do math.

In the recent University of Michigan case, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected that school’s unfair quota system while upholding the Republican ideal of diversity. Republicans believe that hiring and selection should e color blind, based solely on qualifications, not on quotas or racial preferences. These beliefs were shared by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frederick Douglass who were both Republicans.

Under President Nixon, Congress passed the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act which gave the Civil Rights Commission the authority to take legal action to stop discriminatory employment practices. This act paved the way for President Nixon to issue Executive Order 11248 that included the nation’s first affirmative action programs designed to overcome the harm done by Democrat President Woodrow Wilson when he kicked all of the blacks out of federal government jobs in 1912.

In 1973, the Republican administration passed the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act to provide federal funding to train unskilled minority workers for jobs in federally assisted programs. Under President Reagan, the Federal Contract Compliance and Workforce Development Act of 1988 was passed to improve enforcement of affirmative action requirements in federal contracts and increase funding for job training for women and minorities.

While the debate about Affirmative Action continues, President George W. Bush has been busy walking the walk. Quietly, President Bush has consistently practiced what he preached by appointing well-qualified blacks, Latinos, Asians, and women to high level, key positions in his Administration.

Bush’s secretary of state was a black man.

“To the country”
I would really like an example, I know he gave us Peace and Prosperity, I guess some people would hate that.

Is that would you hated and now are loving the endless wars and wrecked economy of the current president

Just looking for examples, no judgment

Divided We Stand

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Latest information I can find still shows 19 races undecided, Reps need 6 of those to control the house, while dems need 14 to keep control of house. My money is on the dems magicly winning at least 14 of the 19 ( maybe all 19) and keeping control of congress.

Is our election process broken?

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You little cynic ! :face_with_monocle:

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Think the D’s are winning, like, 3 to 4 of every 5 races that is in a “Why the heck can’t we count faster”
districts, so, yeah, you are probably right…


after 2020 I have no faith in the US election process, I see biden is over in China brown nosing Xi Jinping, It sure would be nice to have a president that would stand up to China

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I have seen this in every election my whole life , districts run by dems are always the last to report, it takes them weeks to count votes, the recounts are always different then the first count and favor the dem. In a really close race there is always a box of uncounted ballots that is found sometimes weeks after the election.

“elections do not matter” George Carlin


If elections matters trump would of never been president

Presidents Elected Without Winning the Popular Vote

Five U.S. presidents have taken office without winning the popular vote. In other words, they did not receive a plurality regarding the popular vote. They were elected, instead, by the Electoral College—or in the case of John Quincy Adams, by the House of Representatives after a tie in the electoral votes. They were:

The truth only hurts when you want to believe a lie.

― Jennifer McVey

From Twitter:
BREAKING: I’ve received word from a Democrat source in Colorado that Adam Frisch’s campaign has so far cured almost 250 ballots. If they can cure around 900 more ballots by Wednesday, they are likely to beat Lauren Boebert. I’ve been told it’s all hands on deck!

Another one lost…


Is this another TDS post, sometimes I cannot tell, you really need a programing upgrade. The chip in my roomba might be just what you need, at least you will run into walls less often,


Presidents Elected Without Winning the Popular Vote

Five U.S. presidents have taken office without winning the popular vote. In other words, they did not receive a plurality regarding the popular vote. They were elected, instead, by the Electoral College—or in the case of John Quincy Adams, by the House of Representatives after a tie in the electoral votes. They were:

And yet they going with the lies of their leader, you can’t make this stuff up

“Keep it real, even if they don’t want to hear the truth!”
― Stoney Rose

does 'cured" mean change, democrats have a long history of this too

and too our Troll who thinks presidents are elected by total vote count. We are a “Represented Republic” with 50 states, each state is a separate election, votes from one state do not carryover to another state.

and why is your TDS brain even talking about this, we are not voting for president this year, if you are going to spam this thread with needless cut and paste can you at least stay on topic

My bad, yes I am feeding the troll


I love you just as much as I love Falstaff and Cigarmanstan, you guys are definitely needed.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant.

Miyamoto Musashi


Think of US elections as the World Series ( Baseball) and the seven games went like this
Blue 10 Red 0
Red 1 Blue 0
Blue 12 Red 0
Red 1 Blue 0
Blue 15 Red 0
Red 1 Blue 0
Red 1 Blue 0

Blue outscored Red 37 to 4

but Red still wins the World Series

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Republicans Are Laying The Groundwork (Again) To Reject Elections They Lose

Republican candidates who’ve pushed Trump’s lies about voter fraud and stolen elections are using a strategy right out of his playbook. stupid is as stupid does

Blake Masters, the Peter Thiel-funded GOP Senate candidate in Arizona, gave a masterclass last month in sowing doubt about the results of the midterms — before a single ballot was cast.

During a campaign stop reported by The Daily Beast, Masters recalled his dad worrying that, even if Masters won by 30,000 votes over incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), “they’ll just find 40,000 for Mark Kelly.”

“He invited me to prove him wrong,” Masters said. “I said, ‘Dad, I can’t prove you wrong. All I know is, if those are the numbers, I’ve got to win by 80,000.’” The crowd reportedly burst into applause.

By now, this tactic is familiar: Republican candidates who’ve pushed Donald Trump’s lies about voter fraud and stolen elections are using the former president’s playbook themselves to preemptively claim that their elections may be fraudulent.

What a new survey says about the Troll’s generation

"Survey shows it's likely she's MENTAL, literally. - YouTube

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