Political Opinion

“Absolute joke”: Republicans “disappointed” after pro-Trump Nevada GOP primary loser cries fraud

“I smell a lawsuit because this STINKS! I will concede nothing," ranted Capitol marcher Joey Gilbert

The Nevada Republican Party on Tuesday refuted baseless allegations of voter fraud from losing Republican gubernatorial primary candidate Joey Gilbert.

Joe Lombardo, the former Clark County sheriff who rebranded in the primary as a hardline right-winger, is projected by the Associated Press to defeat Gilbert, a COVID truther and voter fraud conspiracy theorist who marched on the Capitol on Jan. 6. Lombardo led Gilbert 38.4% to 27.6% with 82% of precincts reporting Wednesday morning.

Gilbert immediately declared that he would not concede the race and may even file a lawsuit contesting the race.

“Maybe the establishment and swamp rats forgot who they’re dealing with,” he wrote on Facebook, adding a rat emoji. “I smell a lawsuit because this STINKS! I will concede nothing. No one likes No Show Joe and he absolutely is not beating me, and will not beat me in a fair fight/race. There’s a reason a real fighter with real legal teams is in this fight.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I seem to remember it was Democrats who in 2016 rejected the election of DJT ( with violence) and lied about Russia being the reason. Lies that continue to this day

I know, I am feeding the troll again, my bad


Dennis glad you are back, I really am

For that reason, I will concede to you, Dennis. Welcome back and keep going. :v:

The “Real” question we should be asking is why would anyone vote for a democrat?

Give me something that the democrats stand for, I cannot thing of anything

and this is not a ( but Republicans) question, this is just your justification for voting democrat

Waiting your response ( crickets chirping )


Dennis, are you the same person who said the same thing about republicans, thread lightly what you post can still be retained

I respect no clown shows, Off to vacation

Interesting how it always ends up the same way ;-

Adult Democrats - Crapping in the streets !

"Have Liberal White Women Solved ONE Problem? - YouTube

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Every election, number one issue for democrat party is abortion , it is never about the economy, lowering taxes or responsible government ( balancing the budget) , abortion is first and only

Last great quote from a democrat
“no nation has ever taxed itself into prosperity” 1962 John F Kennedy


Clearly your programing is having issues with english again, the question is about what do 'democrats: stand for. The question has nothing to do with any other party or anything anyone has posted here in the past

if you answer is nothing, then say so

I no, I no, I should not be feeding the troll

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Our politicians and government agencies like laundering money through foreign “aide” They control our people the same way, give money to the local cities, townships, schools, etc…but only with strings attached. If the federal government tells the locals to do something, and they don’t, the feds threaten to take the money away.

Not sure if its bribery or extorsion, or both. But its something.

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Interesting how the issue of murdering babies divides people so !

Over here we have a Nurse - one “Lucy Letby” who has just been found guilty of murdering 7 babies and attempting to murder 9 more ! - I wonder why - if she wanted to kill babies - why did she not simply tranfer from the “Save the babies ward” - next door to the “Abortion Ward” - where she would actually get paid for doing so ?? !

Wierd world we live in !

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You are so right, the big one is federal gas taxes, the feds collect on every gallon 18 cents for gas and 24 cents for diesel , then they hold this money as ransom to force states to comply to what ever the feds dictate. They do the same with our schools which is a major reason US public education has become a sh-t hole and trails most other developled nations


Less government is better government


It is like the mass shooter who targets a school and kills a bunch of kids and ignores the nursing home right next do.

this is proof that evil lives among us


churches, concert halls, movie theaters, outside events, and schools, This has become the answer to mass shootings caused by personal problems, negative situations and when you don’t get your way

UVA shooting: 3 football players killed, 2 students wounded and suspect in custody

Fixed mind-set individuals dread any sort of failure because to them it’s a negative reflection on their abilities, which are immutable. Because of this, they devote a lot of effort to trying to look smart and avoiding looking stupid - they won’t engage in situations where they can fail, especially publicly.

Rajat Paharia

Having said that, let’s move on, Dennis

Young voters delivered for Democrats’: How the youth vote blocked a ‘red wave’ in midterms


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Kerry Lake loses the governorship in AZ without her opponent debating her,
after all the votes are “counted”, of course!.
Joe’s “basement” strategy wins again!


why debate, you can use all that money from big pharma to flood the media with negative ads, with that and ballot harvesting how can you lose

democracy is dead in America

Did I hear something about young voters voting democrat, why would they not, dems keep promising to forgive student loans, if I had 100K in student loans I might do the same.

JFK said “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can I do for my country”

Democrats today " don’t ask what your country will give you, demand it!"


It looks like both sides picked up 3 seats , Reps only need 3 more for Pelosi to be ousted

I am not holding my breath


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There has never been an example of “Democracy” surviving for more than 200 years ! - When was “Universal sufferage” bagan in USA ? - over here it was 1929 that men and women who were not “Landowners” were gifted “the vote” - And why would we expect that Dumb people with no financial stake in Society would vote in any other way than for “Free stuff for me” ?

It seems to me that those who laud “Democracy” misunderstand it’s true nature !

"You will own nothing - AND You will be happy… "

Who is John Galt

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You can add treatment clinic to that list

Video shows unarmed guard preventing gunman from entering treatment clinic

A man with an AR-15 rifle was stopped by a security guard after entering a substance abuse treatment clinic in Buffalo, New York, and the situation was caught on video.

