Political Opinion

FBI Director Asked Point Blank If Any Jan. 6 Rioters Were FBI Sources Dressed As Trump Supporters

The man who starts a business, employs hundreds with good-paying jobs, yet their vote counts no more than the homeless drug addict, What could possibly go wrong

Why are you posting this, I and others have posted video after video of the FBI refusing to give a direct answer to their role on Jan.6

My favorite part was how quickly the democrat chairing that committee shut down the questioning, nothing to see here, just move on

The simple answer, FBI was very very much involved

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The answer - my friend - lies in the mindset of those I spoke of;

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The results seem to defy logic.

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Yes, you guys are absolutely right, elections can be unfair, and all unfairness should be investigated and corrected. Let’s open the can wide.

Is the Electoral College a Problem? Does It Need to Be Fixed?

Is the way Americans choose the president undemocratic and unfair? Or does the Electoral College work the way it’s supposed to, even if the candidate who wins the most votes loses?

Did you know that when Americans vote in the 2020 presidential election, they’re not actually voting for the next president? Instead, they’re voting for their state’s representatives in the Electoral College, who will then vote for the president. The distinction matters.

American democracy isn’t just quirky — it’s also unfair. Five times in our history, presidential candidates who have won more votes than their opponent have still lost the election. Why? Our 230-year-old jerry-built system for picking the president, known as the Electoral College.

“In Colorado, voters can “cure” their ballots to allow their vote to be counted if they forgot to sign the ballot envelope, if the ballot signature doesn’t match the signature on file, or if they are first-time mail-in voters who forgot to include a copy of their ID.”

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The Electoral College is not the problem. Without it we descend into a simple democracy instead of the republic we are.

The changes I propose would be to give each county an elector. That way, no one large metropolitan area dominated the entire state.

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Why doesn’t the elector go with the popular vote?

The elector would go with the popular vote of the county

When the country’s popular vote picks the other candidate, how does that work?

The Electors currently pick the winner, not the popular vote.

Going by the country’s popular vote would be tyranny. That’s why our nation was founded upon the representative republic model. So that the minority would not be faced with continual defeat and hopelessness. That would be oppression and antithetical to a free people.

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clearly the system is unfair

The Electoral College Really Does Give Republicans a Massive Advantage in Close Elections,

Democrats are not fond of the Electoral College these days, for obvious reasons. Two Republicans, George W. Bush and Donald Trump, have won the presidency in the past 20 years, and both of them galumphed into the Oval Office after losing the popular vote. In this era of tight national races, the system has clearly given Republicans a built-in advantage that allows them to govern with a minority of the public’s support.

And now, a new working paper by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin has quantified just how big that edge might have been in recent decades.

In their baseline results, the authors find that during the past 30 years, a hypothetical Republican who earned 49 percent of the two-party popular vote—that is, the vote total won by Democrats and Republicans, excluding third parties—could expect to win the Electoral College about 27 percent of the time. A Democrat with that share of the vote would have just an 11 percent chance of winning. At 49.5 percent of the popular vote, a Republican would have enjoyed a 46 percent probability of walking away with the presidency, versus a 21 percent chance for a Democrat. In a photo finish where the two parties split the vote about 50-50, a Republican would have had a 65 percent chance of spending the next four years in office.

What are your thoughts on all these election claims by the Republicans?

Trump Tweeted 8 Years Ago Today ‘The Electoral College Is a Disaster for a Democracy’ 2012


I don’t believe he gave us peace. We’ve always been a divided country politically, but he gave the green light for all the crazies to come out of the figurative woods.

He took the norm of a peaceful transition of power and trampled on it. And because of him, we have this ridiculousness of every election loser claiming fraud. That’s not going away.

He’s taken the “art of the deal” and tried to apply it to the government. That blew up in everybody’s faces.

Foreign policy? Well, he didn’t have much. He kicked us down a couple of notches from the greatest-country-in-the-world list.

There’s more. But I don’t feel like going down that hole right now. He’s been a mess.

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His introduction to the rig system opened our eyes

Why the Electoral College is the absolute worst, explained

Hillary Clinton won more votes than Donald Trump in last month’s presidential election. But due to the magic of the Electoral College, Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.

The electoral college is, essentially, a vestigial structure — a leftover from a bygone era in which the founding fathers specifically did not want a nationwide vote of the American people to choose their next president.


It is essential that we keep using the I.Q. falstaff discussed, The dumb people I see are real

Defining Democracy:

Electoral College

It is November 6, 2024, and you’re anxiously awaiting the results of the most transformative election in your lifetime. Over the past six months, the country has been gripped by an intense presidential campaign as the candidates have crisscrossed America, from Ohio to California, Maine to Kentucky, New York to Arkansas. Americans have followed the race closely and excitedly discussed the major campaign issues.

Every morning, you were empowered by the passionate appeals of your candidate. She traversed the country for months to win people over, one vote at a time. Your spirits were buoyed national political ads, fueled by legions of small donors, urging you to keep up the fight. And on Election Day, you proudly joined your friends and neighbors to cast your ballot at the polling station.

In reality, you had gone to sleep when the race was too close to call. And when you woke up, you realized that your candidate had lost despite winning a majority of the votes. What’s more, this is the fourth time this has happened in your lifetime.

Like the elections in 2000, 2016, and 2020, the person who won the popular vote lost the Presidency after narrowly losing a handful of battleground states. All of your hard work as a campaign volunteer may have made a difference in the popular vote, but clearly this did not translate to a difference in the electoral college. Instead, the results in your state were decided regardless of how many voters you convinced. You live in New York, after all, where there hasn’t been a close presidential election in decades.

This guy believes he has high IQ based on another person’s beliefs. Imagine how many people walk around making such claims without ever taking the IQ test.

Considering these dump people are uninformed about what’s going on around them, why should we expect them to vote for anyone but Trump?

What does the democrat party stand for?

I asked this question 2 days ago and as expected not one answer was given, I have had some time to think of a few, so here is what I have come up with

Things Democrats stand for
Killing babies
illegal immigration
Never ending wars
Growing government
Removing 1st and 2nd amendment rights
A broken healthcare system
Student Loan debt ( more of it)
Trillion dollar deficits
Growing the wealth gap
Increasing taxes on middle class
irresponsible spending that is causing hyper- inflation
One party government
Using the FBI against political opponents

Did I miss any?

Again " but republicans" or “but DJT” is not an acceptable answer, this is about the Democrat party and what they( no one else ) stand for

Do I hear crickets chirping again?


Great job trying to explain this to our foreign ( non American) friend but he is pretty closed minded on the subject, if you told him 2+2= 4 he would still reply with a “but”

You are only calling the system unfair because you see it working against your team. If it was democrats losing the popular vote but winning by means of the electoral college you would be defending it

As I have explained before the Popular vote applies to each state, we have 50 states so 50 separate presidential elections, you cannot use the winning margin votes from one state and apply them to a state you are losing

I for one think our founding fathers were 100% correct in creating the Electoral College, I support it totally and disagree with everyone ( including DJT) that it should be changed

And why are we talking about this? it is not a presidential election year