Political Opinion

LMAO, you nailed it, keep going

If you know this, then why is everyone complaining about the 2020 election? Does 2+2 equal 4 Or does 2X2 equal 4 ?

did he start any new wars? NO!, did he lower tensions between North and South Korea? Yes

by crazies are you speaking of the so-called " woke" crowd or those who burned our cities in the summer of 2020

was it not the democrats in 2016 falsely claiming the Russians somehow fixed the election in DJT favor

Not only did he ease tensions between the Koreans, he stood up to China, and had he been allowed to, we could have had Russia as a strong partner, and maybe the war in Ukraine could have been avoided

Notice you never post about the current disaster in the White House. Calling out your team for bad behavior is not a bad thing. If your Football team was 0-10 you would want the coach fired would you not?

Leftwing politicians will win elections but all the People lose (always)


History Of Popular Vote Losers, Election Winners

There have been five instances thus far an electoral college winner failed to win popular votes, with all the popular vote winners being Democratic candidates. Here are the years and the winners and losers of the elections when the popular vote wins failed to translate to electoral college wins.

Performance Of Those 5 Winners

  • 1824: Andrew Jackson, the popular vote winning Democratic candidate lost out to John Quincy Adams.
  • 1876: Democratic candidate Samuel Tilden, despite winning the popular votes was narrowly defeated in electoral college by Republican Rutherford Hayes.
  • 1886: Democrat Grover Cleveland, winner of popular vote, lost out to Benjamin Harrison in terms of electoral college votes.
  • 2000: Democrat Al Gore lost to Republican George Bush.
  • 2016: Clinton lost to Trump, despite winning the popular vote.


Are you sure it was democrats

Intelligence Report: Russia Tried To Help Trump In 2020 Election

A new report by the U.S. intelligence community on Tuesday says Russia sought to help former President Donald Trump in last year’s presidential election. But the document also emphasized there was no indication Russia or any other country attempted to alter actual votes.


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Dennis, I guess I’m not the only one

Who is everyone? the only one I see on this thread still complaining about 2020 is you. The rest of us have moved on and are living through the horrors of our current comatose president, threat of nuclear war, Hyper-inflaton, retirement savings down 30%, and Grocery bill up 40% … etc.

America as a nation is becoming weaker (internally) by the day and I see nothing being done by current congress or white house to end this trend

my bad, I just fed the troll again

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Cool, there was no fraud in the 2020 election and the Electoral College did their job, we both agree here

and the Russians had nothing to do with DJT winning in 2016

now can you move on to current state of the once great nation of America

Feeding the troll is like feeding Gremlins after mid night

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Yes we can both agree the system works

So which is it

this is why it is bad to feed the troll

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I just gave you the other side of the spectrum, it’s not always about the republicans, the system works and you agree.

This is bad, but it is okay for Obama to go to France and campaign for the French president

The US government (CIA) has a preferred candidate in every election in every country through out the world and openly interferes in every countries elections,


it is almost midnight somewhere so no more food for the troll

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That’s fine, I get it, I concede

Yet 99.9% of your post are about republicans


I got this in before midnight somewhere

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2x, If you want to go down that road, I will, but don’t get your feelings hurt when I do

What is the problem here? You bash democrats.

What can’t you understand, GooGoo GaaGaa is that better


Yep, text book case

Now I just need to stop feeding it

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Enjoy your day, at least we agree the system works :+1:



put sometimes it can be fun rattling their cage

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