Political Opinion

Funny how when gas was 5 bucks a gallon, you said the president had no control over gas prices

Regardless I was happy filling up my truck at 2.68 a gallon.

Now let’s talk diesel prices, I am still seeing a spread of over 2 bucks a gallon over regular gas, this is not the historic norm. Our economy runs on diesel fuel and is a major reason ( not the only reason) for current inflation

What is your lord and savor doing about that?

This is so true and so sad to see my friend dudebro praising a corrupt and incompetent politician

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He called out Biden but not Trump, no surprise, Mr Independent is at it again.

Exposing hypocrites for who they really are

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Trump is just a bad human being

Brother of American Imprisoned in Russia Scorches Trump For Playing Politics With Case

On Thursday, Trump railed on his Truth Social platform about the release of Griner, a WNBA player, in a Russian prisoner exchange negotiated by President Joe Biden’s administration.

Trump indicated that Whelan was more worthy of release than Griner, who “openly hates our country.” Griner has previously protested against police brutality and racial injustice.

“What a ‘stupid’ and unpatriotic embarrassment for the USA!!!” Trump wrote.

David Whelan, the former Marine’s twin, snapped on Twitter that Trump “appears to have mentioned my brother #PaulWhelan’s wrongful detention more in the last 24 hours than he did in the 2 years of his presidency in which Paul was held hostage by #Russia (zero). I don’t suggest he cares now any more than he did then (zero).”

While Whelan’s family members were sad that he wasn’t freed, they were elated for Griner, David Whelan told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in an interview Friday.

“Every family of a wrongful detainee feels good for another wrongful detainee coming home, to know they are back with their loved ones,” he said. “We hope that it will eventually be our day.”


He’s a complete idiot who plays his supporters as fools because he knows they will believe anything he says

Trump says he turned down deal to release Paul Whelan

Former President Trump on Sunday said he turned down a deal to release former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, who’s been detained by Moscow since 2018, in exchange for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout during his time in the White House.

“I turned down a deal with Russia for a one on one swap of the so-called Merchant of Death for Paul Whelan. I wouldn’t have made the deal for a hundred people in exchange for someone that has killed untold numbers of people with his arms deals,” Trump said on Truth Social.

Bout was released last week in exchange for WNBA star Brittney Griner, who spent about 10 months in Russian custody.

Trump said Sunday that, although he turned down the deal with Moscow, he “would have gotten Paul out,” though didn’t explain why he wasn’t able to do so. :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Patents filed by the US government especially FAS. They have filed various patents in the past, and some of those were rescinded as well. As I stated above, there is a lot that goes behind the scenes that we people are not aware of.


They did it a couple of shows and then the story died down. The mainstream treatment is still chemotherapy, which has tens of other side effects. If there is a quick and reliable treatment for cancer, then it should have been out already, people are dying even after paying for the expensive treatment. There should be a sense of urgency just like it was in the case of COVID-19.


Exposing Donald Trump’s phony outrage over Brittney Griner’s release

I’m sure by now she’s heard all about the Donald Trump-inspired bile that accompanied her release, and is no doubt gearing up to answer some of the inevitable ugly questions about that.

Trump came out early on his social media website Truth Social saying, “What kind of a deal is it to swap Brittney Griner, a basketball player who openly hates our country for the man known as ‘The Merchant of Death’?”

Trump is referring to arms dealer Viktor Bout. Also, it should be noted that a person who hates racial injustice, or any injustice, is not the same as one who “openly hates our country.”

Trump refused a trade for Paul Whelan

What followed Trump’s hissy fit were complaints from Republican lawmakers about the deal, many griping about how U.S. citizen Paul Whelan should have been the one to be exchanged. (The Biden administration has said Russia wasn’t interested in that deal.)A lot sounded like Republican Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida, who tweeted, “Where is U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, who has been unjustly held by Russia for far longer? Celebrities over veterans?”

What Waltz and others never seem to point out is that while Whelan was in the Marines he was convicted at a special court-martial on charges related to larceny and was given a bad-conduct discharge.Trump also said that he “turned down a deal” to trade Bout for Whelan, so why now the sudden interest?

Meantime, Fiona Hill, who was president and senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council from 2017 to 2019, said a possible deal for Whelan’s release was “raised many times by the Russians” while she worked in the Trump administration, but never gained traction.

Hill added, “I also have to say here that President Trump wasn’t especially interested in engaging in that swap for Paul Whelan. He was not particularly interested in Paul’s case in the way that one would have thought he would be.”

Uninformed, divisive stuff meant to help Trump

Trump is posting uninformed, divisive stuff like, “Why wasn’t former Marine Paul Whelan included in this totally one-sided transaction? He would have been let out for the asking,” only because he thinks it will help … Trump. Even if it is at the expense of a woman who spent 10 month in a Russian jail and a man who still languishes there.

We know this not simply because Trump always makes things about Trump, but because of what Whelan’s brother David wrote on Twitter:

He said, “Former President Trump appears to have mentioned my brother #PaulWhelan’s’s wrongful detention more in the last 24 hours than he did in the 2 years of his presidency in which Paul was held hostage by #Russia (zero). I don’t suggest he cares now any more than he did then (zero).”


Year 1900 - Total Government spending ; Federal, State and Local = 3% of GDP - Now = ?

"Defining Communism vs. Socialism vs. Capitalism - YouTube

"If you pay people not to work - they won’t !
If you tax people when they work - they won’t !"

Who is John Galt ?

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so how will the government get its revenue?

Who is John Galt ? https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/a/atlas-shrugged/character-analysis/john-galt

The need to carry a gun and the feeling of nervousness constantly watching over your shoulder indicate either a very dangerous area or a very dangerous country, in either case, I suggest you leave immediately.

The NRA said arming more ‘good guys’ would stop mass shootings after the Sandy Hook massacre. 10 years later, it’s still a fantasy.

The proverbial “good guy with a gun” became a fixture of the US conversation around gun rights and gun control ten years ago when, days after the massacre of 20 young kids and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary, a National Rifle Association executive gave a speech where the now-ubiquitous phrase was uttered.

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” NPR reported Wayne LaPierre, the NRA executive vice president, said at a media event on December 21, 2012.

Now, a decade later, recent mass shootings — including the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs and the Uvalde, Texas, attack on Robb Elementary School — have prompted renewed discussion about whether a so-called “good guy with a gun” is the best way to stop a mass shooter.


And there lies the problem, we have a welfare system that rewards bad behavior and a tax system that punishes people for hard work

Communism/socialism does not concern me, what does is Technocracy, that is where I see us heading. Read the novel “Brave New World” .

God help us

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The post I made that you quoted was sarcasm. Any direct effects on gas prices because of actions by a President are limited at best. I was yanking anybody’s chain that believes the President controls gas prices.

We’re never going to agree with everything a politician does or says. Biden does more I agree with than disagree with. Sure he says dumb things and often acts his age, but Trump…

Trump had his very few moments I agreed with, but on a whole, IMO he’s done more bad than good for our country and for the world. By miles.

Trump is so much more corrupt than any politician that’s lived during my lifetime that I can recall. That’s probably due to my age. But I wasn’t a fan of Trump even before he became the President. He was already a con man before that. Didn’t pay his bills and always used his lawyers to threaten people and their businesses. Not much changed when he became President.

I don’t have a hard time justifying my acceptance of most of what Biden does and says. It’s hard to accept how accepting people are of Trump and his antics, given what we know and have seen of him over the last decade. I get there are many reasons. I get that if you don’t agree with this guy or his party, you’re automatically going with the other guy regardless.

But at the meat of it, for me, it fundamentally comes down to the fact that he’s just not a good dude, politics aside. Pretty simple.

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Short one minute video, on the why government gun buy back programs do not work

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Bravo :+1: But some will rush and start blaming.

Thank China for plunging gasoline prices

President Biden wants Americans to know gas prices are falling fast—and he deserves the credit. The average pump price has plunged from $5 per gallon in June to around $3.25 now. Biden says it’s because he released oil from the national reserve, persuaded petrostates to produce more, and convinced oil and gas companies to lower prices.

Nope. The single-biggest reason for falling oil and gas prices is China’s baffling COVID lockdowns. China is the world’s largest energy consumer and second-largest consumer of oil, and widespread COVID lockdowns have cut into Chinese energy demand. China’s economy is growing at a weak 3.9% annualized rate, compared with 6% before the COVID pandemic struck in 2020. During the second quarter, China’s GDP growth almost turned negative.

The economy is sputtering mainly because China is struggling against COVID more than any advanced nation. Its domestically made vaccines aren’t as effective as those used in the West, and China has a low vaccination rate to start with. There’s a nationwide shortage of hospital beds, which means people getting severe COVID cases might die for lack of treatment. President Xi Jinping sems to prefer a softening economy caused by strict stay-home orders to the risk of a massive COVID death toll.


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Please define what you consider " corrupt"

For me a corrupt politician is someone who takes money in exchange for political favors. Career politicians are almost always corrupt as they must grant more and more political favors to remain in power. Mr. Trump is not a politician and his 2016 campaign was mostly self funded, so where was the corruption?

You love to sh-t on Trump and brown nose biden, but seldom give an example as to why

Just give me one example of Trump making the world worse and one example of biden making the world better.

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Anyone who has been corrupt before or after politics is corrupt.

Corruption or not Corruption, you be the judge

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later

All the President’s Profiting

No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency as Donald Trump. And in so doing, Trump has refused to do as his predecessors have done: sever ties to the companies or financial interests that may pose, or present the appearance of, a conflict of interest.

By keeping his assets in a family-managed trust, which he can revoke at any time, Trump and his family are in the unique position to profit directly from his public service. Special interests in Washington have caught on. Those seeking to curry favor with Trump are not only donating to his reelection campaign but holding fundraisers and galas at his resorts, private clubs and hotels – the proceeds of which benefit him and his family.

To track this new influence-buying and presidential profiteering, OpenSecrets has created this page to track payments to Trump properties from Trump-related entities and beyond. [See more of our expenditures data.]

You can also look up biden

I am not going to get dragged into a TDS sh-t show but I do find it interesting that both FOX and cnn say Mr.Trump’s net worth has dropped, is not a corrupt politician suppose to gain wealth


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lol, i get it, I couldn’t read the article because you didn’t post a link. What was the cause of his net worth dropping?

Donald Trump


Real Time Net Worth

as of 12/14/22

  • New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Trump and his business in September 2022, saying the Trump Organization had engaged in years of financial fraud by lying about the value of its assets to make itself look more creditworthy to financial institutions.

  • While much of Trump’s fortune remains tied up in New York City real estate, the former president got a $730 million boost from Trump Media and Technology Group, the parent company to Twitter knockoff Truth Social.

He tells you how much he’s worth, refuses to release his tax records that could prove it, and was busted inflating his numbers, dude is a liar so who knows if he really took a hit

So the joke goes something like this

On a hot day a guy locks his dog and his wife in the trunk of a car, after an hour he opens the trunk, his wife wants to kill him, while the dog wants to lick his face.

Apply this to American politics

biden locks a republican and a democrat in the trunk of a car, after an hour he unlocks the trunk, and the republican wants to kill him and the democrat licks his face

we have a lot of face lickers here

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