Political Opinion

You always have the right to post your claims and information to support them, you just talk without any evidence to support them

You sound like your leader:

I have a very high GPA, I am very smart- Refuse to release schools records

My net worth is Billions- refuse to release tax records

Business got busted for being shady

And the list goes on

You are correct, we have a lot of face lickers here


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All the great Empires have ended thus - The Romans provided “Bread and Circusses” for the unemployed Plebs - and Taxed the Farmers and other wealth producers until they could not live on what was left for their efforts and left the land to join the “Bread and circusses” throng. - Then the leaders could not pay their debts and invented “Quantitive easing” uintil nobody would accept their currency had any value at all.

Somewhere along the line they introduced “Democracy” and allowed women to vote and own property. The women then became self-indulgent and “entitled” , refused to look after their children and delegated that duty to the most useless and lazy of their slaves.

That is about where the "“West” has got to at the moment.

As I said the men lost any respect for the “Empire” and refused to defend such a beaurocratic heap of authoritarian governors.

"Who IS John Galt?"

Already we see Young (and not so young) men bailing out of the “Job Market” - saying - “Ok then - you know so much and are so clever - dig your own sewers and mend your own power stations ! I don’t need much income to survive - if I am to be denied a family life and whenever I seem to be geting ahead my income is stolen by the Sate to bribe their ever increasing band of useless eaters ! - Nah if this is what you want - be my guest !”

When the “Barbarians” came for Rome - there WAS no resistance - they just walked in and took over !

That is the next step for the “West” - it will be interesting to see which of those queueing up to take over will be the first - Chinese? Asians? Russians? - not that it matters much - but I do think it will happen within the next 25 years - when the next Grand Solar Minimum (which has already arroved) teaches us that we have no control whatever over the Climate of our little world :grinning:

If that gives you comfort - so be it :sunglasses:


Much has been written about how the US is following in the footsteps of Rome, maybe not a repeat of history but it is clearly rhyming

I am afraid your little Island and the rest of Europe may be on borrowed time. But here in the US we still have two vast oceans and a well-armed citizen militia. But take away our guns as some here want to see and all bets are off

We do seem to be on a course that only divine intervention can stop

So I will double down on my “God help us”

take care my friend

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To turn away from the truth and bury oneself in illusions is self-deception.

You could be right,There are hidden agendas everywhere, North America is their playground.

Shock: Elon Musk’s Grandfather Was Head Of Canada’s Technocracy Movement

JUNE 14, 2018

This is a must-read story. TN has identified Elon Musk as a Technocrat on the basis of beliefs and actions. What we did not know is that his Canadian grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was an avid supporter of Technocracy, served as Research Director and ultimately became the the head of the Technocracy, Inc. party in Canada. For full details on modern Technocracy, the reader is advised to read Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood. ⁃ TN Editor



Tesla has raised a total of $20.2B in funding over 37 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jun 30, 2022 from a Post-IPO Equity round.

Tesla is funded by 43 investors. Soros Fund Management and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China are the most recent investors.


Thanks for an intersting response @Dennis3450 - I have to say your point about the open water is valid - as for “your” firearms - I have to wonder who exactly you think is likely to use them to defend your fair land ?

We see on these threads a lot of young men and to name but a couple - can’t see our squidgy ball TDS specialist actually getting his manicured hands roughened by contact with any form of physical conflict - and as for the Troll - well he’s so busy switching hats and preaching about “manliness” that we can’t take anything serious out of his existence.

Go on then mate - name one of the youngers you can see picking up a weapon to defend his or her country ? - :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (Hell name ONE of them who’s ever been in an actual fist-fight !) :rofl:

You are assuming what others will do, ignorance is no excuse for stupidity.

As you have mentioned in the past, Western men have become more feminine, but you posted this.

If you are going to criticize someone, you should be more direct. :v:

You are basically speaking of the whole “woke” culture, and there you are 100% correct, they will take the government’s “soma” and as the quote goes " You will own nothing and be happy". The downfall of America will not be at the hands of an invading army but come from within as Americans give up more and more of their rights, ( including guns) until we are completely at the mercy of a one-party authoritarian government. Think of it as the frog in the pot with the heat being slowly turned up. I view gun rights as our last stand, not the use of them against our government or invading army, but simply the right to bear arms, once that right has been taken away we will be nothing more than slaves to the state.

God help us all


Dennis, it sounds like you need a hug. I hope all is well with you… :+1:

Don’t Let Politics Make You Crazy, DIRECT MESSAGE.

Sounds like what she’s looking for

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s comments on Jan. 6 draw controversy

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said at a dinner hosted by the New York Young Republican Club that if she and Steve Bannon had been ringleaders of the January 6 Capitol riot, “we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed.” She later suggested it was “sarcasm,” but the White House blasted the comment as “a slap in the face” to law enforcement.


Seriously? With the vast Internet at your fingertips, you’ve never looked into his background even before he was elected?

Let’s do a recap.

  • His “business” dealings (that’s in quotes because he’s a con man… not a businessman) in NY and NJ are pretty well documented, dating all the way back to the 1970s. His time in Atlantic City has provided countless stories of all the people/businesses he stiffed.
  • Discrimination against black applicants of Trump-owned apartments
  • His two or three casino’s that filed for bankruptcy all the while screwing businesses out of legitimate bills
  • His Trump Plaza demolition has been celebrated by the AC community. It’s on Youtube. Don’t take my word for it.
  • He is the bankruptcy king. He’s stiffed businesses out of over $5+ BILLION. Some would call that a savvy businessman. I call that being a conman, taking communities down because you can’t pay your bills.
  • Taken Trump charity money to pay his personal/other business legal fees. That’s despicably low.
  • The sham of a university Trump University defrauded its students.
  • How his campaign and administration not only used mainly his own companies for campaign work, operating expenses and hosting events, but how we often charged completely above market rates, sometimes even 5X his business’s normal rates. That’s tax money from our pockets.
  • More days golfing than running the country. What a gig.
  • Trump’s pardon of Bannon for literally stealing donations from his own supporters, promising to build a southern border wall that was never built.
  • Undermined and is still undermining election results, which other politicians around the world have followed suit. If they lose, “there must be fraud.” He’s forever changed the election landscape worldwide because he can’t take losing.
  • Thinks the DOJ is his private lawyer.
  • Thinks he’s above the law, even out of the office.
  • Used the office of the Presidency to divide the country even further. I’m under no delusion that the country wasn’t already like that, but he greenlit society to act as childish as him. He’s a grown baby-man, who lashes out when he doesn’t get his way.
  • Ridiculous gutting of the State Department, and again, childish displays of leadership while abroad.
    *Trump Org real estate tax fraud in NY

Dennis, this stuff is documented. I’m not making it up. There are literally books articles and magazines, audio, video, first-hand accounts, court filings, lawsuits, settlements, and Trump’s own spoken words that have recorded all of this forever. This stuff goes back 50 YEARS.

I’m not telling you to believe it. That’s on you. Like I said, Trump was a con man and professional grifter even before he got elected. Now he’s just taken it to another level.

Biden has his faults. He’s old as dirt. He stumbles physically and orally. But boy is he lightyears away from the corruption that’s been DOCUMENTED with Trump even if any of the Hunter stuff is true.

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Correct - That’s what happened to Rome too! - As I said some posts ago. The point being that your soy-boys will just let anyone who wants to “take over” America, do so without resistance.

True - but as I said - when there is no point in a man working if he cannot have a secure family life and whatever he earns is stolen in the name of “Democracy” - men won’t give up their rights, they are already running away from engagement with the dysfunctional world where “Government” is owned and paid to vote whichever way their paymasters tell them to (and yes I agree with you ‘big tech’ is one of those paymasters). Here in the uk we supposedly have Anti-descrimination legislation in place but such employers as BBC and NHS openly advertise jebs as “White Males need not Apply” - so why the hell should said males contribute to the thieves who put this garbage in place ?

You can see some parallels with Rome’s ‘bread and circusses’ and also Huxley’s ‘soma’ in the ‘Get the latest phone +App’ mantra)

Meanwhile I see the Squidgy Ball is still vomitting up anti-’Anything which keeps the spotlight away '** from your terrible manufactured rulers !

And after all these years - the very best he can come up with is still TDS ! :rofl:

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As a rule, I deal with strong minded white males, not these types of people.The fact that I haven’t had too many of these in my presence has been a blessing.


The opposite of Trumpism, The man is still making news.

The real definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Now that our four-year national nightmare has been expunged from the Oval Office, it is important to correct a misconception regarding TDS, “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” It is a term which has been misapplied by the proponents of Trumpism to the opponents of Trumpism.

In fact, it’s past time to correctly identify those manifesting a discernible degree of derangement regarding Donald Trump.

he truly deranged are those who have unreservedly believed Trump’s lies, unabashedly encouraged him and unconditionally been loyal to him. For four years, they have nurtured his fascist behavior and enabled him to defile American democracy.

In return, Trump has given carte blanche to the most deranged Trumpists to be who and what they always have been and always will be.

The deranged mob of insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol are those most severely afflicted with TDS; however, those leaping to a slavering, Pavlovian-conditioned defense at the slightest criticism of their lodestar are stained with the same symptoms.

It would be disingenuous, nevertheless, not to admit there actually is a syndrome, rampant among those of us who have warned about Trump for the past four years. It is called “See-and-Acknowledge-Donald Trump-for-Who-and-What-He-Is Syndrome.”

I am grateful and proud to have been blessed with it. When you confront Trumpism with facts, they hate you


Developing such legislation shouldn’t have been necessary, it was the dark side of human nature that resulted in this.

Conversely, companies should be able to hire as they see fit. There are enough decent people that own large corporations to avoid government involvement.

There will be no downfall of America - not in my lifetime, not in the lifetime of any of the participants of this thread, nor indeed of this forum.

America emerged from being a subservient colony to a world power not by chance but by the determination of a people whose descendants still live and still have that very same attribute.

The Spirit that raised the Stars & Stripes in Fort McHenry back in 1814 is the very same Spirit that flies that same flag on the front porch 200 years later and will do so 200 years into the future.

Dictatorships, communist or fascist or whatever, will come and will go - they rule using fear - but democracy will always endure.


I agree, But The United States needs to make adjustments like Britain when their Empire ended.

Give us one example of “Democracy” enduring more than 300 years ? - It takes around 200 for the “voters” to realise they can just vote for “free stuff” for themselves - and then “Democracy” cannot go forward !

So your vision of “enduring democracy” cannot work - just think about it!

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Democracy has been around for centuries and has improved over the years. Democracy was tested then and is still being tested today. let’s see if it holds up

Modern democracy hasn’t been around for that long, There have been ups and downs before modern democracy became what it is today, but it has been around for quite some time

What is the world’s oldest democracy?

The term democracy, which means “rule by the people,” was coined by the Greeks of ancient Athens to describe their city-state’s system of self-rule, which reached its golden age around 430 B.C. under the skilled orator and politician Pericles. It is probable that the Athenians were not the first group of people to adopt such a system (a few places in India have traditions of local democracy that claim earlier origins) but because the Greeks named it, they have a good claim at being the “first” democracy, even though large portions of Athenian society—most notably women and slaves—could not participate.

The title of oldest continuously functioning democracy is more hotly contested. Iceland, the Faroe Islands and the Isle of Man all have local parliaments founded in the ninth and 10th centuries, when Vikings pillaged, plundered and set up legislative bodies on the sea-islands of far northern Europe. Iceland’s national parliament, the Althing, dates back to A.D. 930, but it spent centuries under Norwegian and Danish rule. Man and the Faroes, meanwhile, remain dependencies of the United Kingdom and Denmark, respectively.

The United States is among the oldest modern democracies, but it is only the oldest if the criteria are refined to disqualify claimants ranging from Switzerland to San Marino. Some historians suggest that the Native American Six Nations confederacy (Iroquois), which traces its consensus-based government tradition across eight centuries, is the oldest living participatory democracy. Others point out that meaningful democracy only arrived at a national level in 1906, when Finland became the first country to abolish race and gender requirements for both voting and for serving in government.

A Fool Never Learns.

A Smart Man Learns From His Mistakes.

A Wise Man Learns From The Mistakes Of Others.