Political Opinion

We must ask, Have Democrats always controlled America from the beginning, including slavery, racist policies like segregation, hate groups like the KKK, opposing civil rights movements, and women’s rights, but why the change to the modern Democrats today?

In the republican party, there were a number who opposed slavery for different reasons and fought to end slavery, opposed segregation, supported civil rights movements and changed history with women’s rights, which makes one wonder why racist people are attracted to the republican party we see today.

This is a strange turn of events in American history that is rarely discussed.

BTW: Non-racist people are attracted to the republican party, I was doing the history of both parties to the modern day.

After all that I feel the need to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner

Yes and no, Our geography, vast oceans to the west and east, and weak neighbors to our north and south make us pretty safe, but if we keep pushing for war with nuclear powers, someday someone is going to push the button, at that time, all bets are off

Do I need to say it again, the US is not a democracy, we are a Represented Republic, but that republic is in jeopardy as our government becomes more authoritarian and less democratic. Can a nation really claim to be a democracy if our elections are being manipulated by the CIA/FBI/social media?

If we avoid blowing ourselves up, we are still on the path to a dystopian future, pick your novel, “Brave New World” " 1984" or " Hunger Games" all of these give hints to our future, both in the US and around the world

One last thing, the US was founded on a strong belief in God and Christianity, which is fading fast, and nowhere is it fading faster than in the halls of Congress. More so than any nuclear boom, a faithless population will fall into chaos.

God Help Us

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Full Text of The Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers were written and published to urge New Yorkers to ratify the proposed United States Constitution, which was drafted in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. In lobbying for adoption of the Constitution over the existing Articles of Confederation, the essays explain particular provisions of the Constitution in detail. For this reason, and because Hamilton and Madison were each members of the Constitutional Convention, the Federalist Papers are often used today to help interpret the intentions of those drafting the Constitution.


THE last paper having concluded the observations which were meant to introduce a candid survey of the plan of government reported by the convention, we now proceed to the execution of that part of our undertaking.

The first question that offers itself is, whether the general form and aspect of the government be strictly republican. It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; with the fundamental principles of the Revolution; or with that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found to depart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible.

In spite of this, the behavior says otherwise

House Jan. 6 committee recommends criminal charges against Trump


All jokes aside, Democrats are in for a hellish ride if nothing comes of this.

You are quick my friend! Just got the alert literally seconds ago.

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I don’t know about this dudebro, If this backfires, the democracts will be in deep trouble; however, if he’s charged, I am sure the republicans will jump aboard to be done with him forever, With the help of the Supreme Court.

If he pulls thru the fire, Trump will return bigger, badder, and stronger.


I don’t know how much this matters honestly. I think with the recent lack of success in the midterms, perhaps his appeal is waning a bit and his support isn’t as crucial as it used to be.

Those who like him still like him. Those who dislike him still dislike him. Those in the middle don’t necessarily have anything to do or decide until the next election, by which time more worthy candidates will have lined up.

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13 more days and TDS ends for the House side of congress as the Republican majority takes over, maybe they might actually do some real legislative work. I am not holding my breath

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It will be a good day for sure, no more TDS and Trumpanzees, And maybe the country moves forward

Are you kidding? Many of these donation scams are being used by the Congress as well.

Feds Are ‘Begging’ Congress to Stop Trump Donation Scam

While federal campaign finance regulators aren’t known for their aggression, things have gotten so bad that they’re practically begging Congress to give them more weapons to go after political scams—including a recurring donations scheme favored by Donald Trump that has fleeced unwitting supporters for years.

But the recurring donations tactic is just one issue the Federal Election Commission highlighted last week when it published its draft legislation recommendations, the legal wish list the agency sends Congress each year.

It’s not the first time the FEC has floated many of those same proposals, which include requests to shut legal loopholes related to the personal use of political funds, so-called “scam PACs,” and straw donor schemes. The agency asked Congress to put more muscle behind those laws last year, too, but lawmakers seem even more averse to the idea than the notoriously sluggish FEC, whose routine partisan deadlocks over enforcement have led critics to declare the agency “broken.”

Watchdog groups say Congress should pay attention.


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Whatever happened to the Nord Stream pipeline eh? Remember when bloody Putin blew up his own extremely profitable pipeline? Well, in an extraordinary coincidence, the US has now struck a deal to double its own gas exports to the UK.

Almost as if that was the intention all along… Where’s my tin foil hat?

The difference between a conspiracy theory and reality… Just a few months…

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When one removes the ambiguity from your poetic cadences - it is apparent that the Feminisation of boys and the demonisation of masculinity throughout the Western World combined with the concerted and sustained War on Excellence within our societies have already doomed all of the West to the downfall which is now inevitable - As I said

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I read this today.

The feminisation of males

An increasing number of baby boys in the UK are being born with genital disorders. One in 350 male babies have a condition known as hypospadias. Instead of the opening of the penis being at the tip, it may be lower down the penis or even around the scrotum. In a few rare cases, there may not be an opening at all.

Other disorders of the male reproductive system are also on the increase. Cryptorchidism is the most common genital malformation of all, when one of both testes fail to descend into the scrotum, affecting between two and four per cent of baby boys. Chordee – a downward curve of the penis, especially when erect – is usually, but not always, associated with hypospadias. Boys with chordee often have to sit down when they relieve themselves. In later life, the severe curvature from chordee can make intercourse impossible.

Many experts believe that the defects seen in male babies are related to a broader problem- the feminisation of men. Male sperm counts have halved since 1941. Infertility and cancer of the testes are also on the rise. Testicular cancer is now the most common cancer in young men. Hypospadias is a congenital (present at birth) anomaly (abnormality), which means that the malformation occurs during foetal development. As the fetus develops, the urethra does not grow to its complete length. Also during fetal development, the foreskin does not develop completely, which typically leaves extra foreskin on the top side of the penis and no foreskin on the underside of the penis.


Someone is making sure there will be no future supply from Russia. The Russian economy could resemble N. Korea in the future.

Blast destroys Russian gas pipeline that brings gas to Europe

Three people died when a blast ripped through a gas pipeline in central Russia that brings gas from Russia’s Arctic through Ukraine to Europe, local officials and TASS news agency said on Tuesday. (December 20)

Look at all this stuff that Ukraine is at the center of

  1. As VP biden threatens to hold back foreign aid if Ukraine does not stop investigation into hunter biden
  2. President Trump is impeached for asking Ukraine to reopen hunter biden investigation
  3. US/biden invites Ukraine to join NATO
  4. Russia invades Ukraine
  5. biden gives the US arms industry a profit windfall with 10’s of billions in military aid to Ukraine
  6. biden gives the US energy sector a profit windfall with Russian energy boycott
  7. In the middle of this war and all these boycotts, Russia is still giving American astronauts rides to the International Space Station

And that is just what we know about, I can only imagine what is happening behind the scenes hidden from us. If anyone is not wearing a tin foil hat at this point they must be death, blind and dumb

God Help Us


dudebro my friend, I would have responded to you sooner but your post was lost in all the 3 at a time cut and paste post by your pet troll. It just makes it hard to carry on a spirited disagreement.

Your post does not surprise me at all, it was pure TDS, it reads like the Two-Minutes of Hate from the novel 1984. New York City is an extremely corrupt city, and faulting Mr.Trump for playing their game seems rather short-sighted. The worst is the pass you gave joe and hunter biden, their corrupt dealing with Ukraine still has not been investigated, and seeing how much sh-t is centered around Ukraine, a thorough investigation is long overdue

I am sure your troll will immediately go on a 3-post temper tantrum, attacking everything I just posted, I guess he feels you cannot fight your own battles.

In case this reply gets lost, I do wish you and your family a very merry Christmas

take care

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He is absolutely correct

As an independent, did you have this energy when the facts were against you as a Republican?

How can any of us know what the facts truly are when my government keeps so many secrets, and flat out lies. It has been 60 years and they still will not release all the facts around the Kennedy assassination. A government with this many secrets cannot be trusted

for the record, Vietnam war turned be against the democrat party, the second Iraq war turned me against the republican party

God Help Us

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No Offence, but you do know what I’m talking about.

BTW: In regards to top secret documents, Trump has admitted he took them, so that’s no longer a debate.

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