Political Opinion

Good, I hope he post them on the internet for all of us to see, no more top secret sh-t , If you are truly interested in facts then you should join me in calling for the public release of all these documents, just what does Mr Trump have that has so many so worried.

End the secrecy

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It would be great if he did.

Dennis, have a wonderful Christmas and new year


What is he talking about at 4:17 I’m a little slow

Tucker Carlson: Where does Zelenskyy get off talking to us like this?

BREAKING: Here are the 18 Republican senators who voted for the $1.7 trillion omnibus:

Blunt, Boozman, Capito, Collins, Cornyn, Cotton, Graham, Inhofe, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Rounds, Shelby, Thune, Wicker, Young.


Here is a list of the Democrats who voted against it:


The bill was drafted by who? :ok_hand:

Here’s the Election Law Tweak the Dems Rolled Into the Omnibus Bill

Maybe I’m wrong, but it makes you wonder about people who post here, Is it The blind leading the blind?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the lone Democrat in Congress to oppose the $1.7 trillion federal spending bill

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the lone Democrat to vote against the $1.7 trillion spending bill.


It sure does!


Merry Christmas to my Christian friends who celebrate this time of year!


Was it worth it

2022 has been a ‘dismal year of failure’ for Putin and invading Ukraine has left Russia ‘poorer and more isolated than for decades,’ NATO chief says

  • NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said 2022 has been a “dismal” year for Putin.
  • “Putin underestimated Ukraine” and NATO unity, Stoltenberg said.
  • Russia’s economy and military have been significantly depleted as a result of the Ukraine war.

“Putin underestimated Ukraine. He thought he could take Kyiv and decapitate the government within days. Ten months on, the Ukrainian people, armed forces and leadership continue to defend their homeland with skill, courage and determination that have inspired the world,” Stoltenberg said.

“Tens of thousands of Russian troops have been injured or killed. Around 1 million people have left Russia since the start of the year, many to avoid being conscripted for a war they do not believe in,” the NATO chief added.

Russia is estimated to have suffered approximately 100,000 casualties in Ukraine since the invasion began in late February. Meanwhile, Russia has faced crippling sanctions from the US and its allies in response to the war. In November, Russia’s economy fell


It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error.


Putin says Russia wants end to war in Ukraine

Dec 22 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia wants an end to the war in Ukraine and that this would inevitably involve a diplomatic solution.

Putin made the comments a day after U.S. President Joe Biden hosted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the White House and promised him continued and unwavering U.S. support.

“Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war,” Putin said. “We will strive for an end to this, and the sooner the better, of course.”

Of course there will need to be a negotiation. I’m not sure Zelensky is willing to give up any territory. Perhaps may e Putin would be happy with just Crimea?


He will need to come away with something to save face.

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As Putin has already said, he is not giving up any seized land, and Zelensky wants the land back.

How do we resolve this issue, what was Putin’s main beef with Ukraine, joining NATO?

Zelensky agreeing not to join NATO in exchange for their land back would save Putin’s face.

Additionally, those sanctions are going to hurt Putin Russia. If push comes to shove, the west might have to consider easing or removing sanctions as part of a deal to end the war.

sounds like a win for putin?

Putin must not be allowed to win, Russia is the aggressor and a bully. Negotiations with Putin are pointless, as any agreements with Russia will be worthless. Russia has not kept to agreements in the past.
NATO needs to support Ukraine and put an end to Putin’s aggression.
Thank you America for supporting Ukraine and Europe.
From UK

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What would happen if that support was cut in half?.

This is a proxy world war against Russian - unfortunately for the brave Ukrainians.
Would it make sense to cut your defences in half?
Russian aggression must be stopped once and for all - it is a terrorist state trying to land grab!

No, The GOP will bring some cuts once they take control next month, or at least they say that. I was just wondering if any cuts will be made to military aid and who will replace those cuts.

and the rest of the world made up the difference?

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In my humble opinion all of NATO should be doing more to terminally cripple Russia.