Political Opinion

yes college need to be held accountable. those government back loans and grant money will keep them doing what they do


I have to read up on the Portland/Walmart issue. Iā€™m not up to speed here.

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And of course, you can prove this ā€œpulled out of thin airā€ opinionā€¦

Have a go. Itā€™s fun.


States Most Dependent on the Federal Government ā€“ 2022 Edition

Key Findings

  • Red states dominate the top 10. Eight of the 10 states most dependent on the federal government traditionally vote Republican. New Mexico (No. 2) is the only state in the top 10 to vote for the Democratic candidate in any of the last six presidential elections. Maine (No. 8), which splits its delegates, has voted for both Democrats and Republicans in the recent elections.


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I think this common knowledge to those that follow politics in the US, and why GOP voters, at least in my opinion, tend to shoot themselves in the foot voting for GOP policies that reduce the social funding thatā€™s so important to them. Becauseā€¦ ā€œsocialism is badā€.

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Appreciatedā€¦ All I asked for was proof, which you have providedā€¦

Too many opinions in these threads that have no basis in factā€¦

It could also be related that many of these States donā€™t double dip and have State Taxā€¦

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Itā€™s true. Itā€™s easy to drop a Tweet or article URL and leave it at that. I try my best to look a bit deeper. But then you end up in a bottomless rabbit hole.

All Iā€™m saying is that politics and government and the economy, those are all complicated topics on their own, and combined, theyā€™re more way more complex than I understand, at least initially, without some additional homework. Many interested parties arenā€™t willing to do the leg work, especially when it goes against the norm. I definitely fall into that trap too.

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I read this back in 2018 and lmao because i already knew this, like you said

Poorest states have Republican legislatures, and richest have Democratic ones

Eighteen of the 19 poorest states have legislatures where both chambers are Republican controlled. New Mexico (46th richest, fifth poorest) is Democratic. But there isnā€™t another blue or purple state until you get to purple Maine (31st richest, 20th poorest) with its ā€œsplitā€ legislature of one party in each chamber. All the states in between (such as Tennessee and Florida) are Republican, both chambers. So is Michigan, where Republicans hold all high state offices (where Donald Trump won in 2016). Above New Mexico, you jump all the way to middle of the pack Vermont (27th richest, 24th poorest) to find a state with both legislative chambers held by Democrats.

But all five richest states have both legislative chambers controlled by Democrats ā€“ Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Overall, Democrats dominate the 20 richest states.

Conventional wisdom has long proclaimed Republicans the party of the rich and Democrats the party of the poor! Forty years ago that was largely true. The poor almost everywhere elected Democrats. That is how most media portray it now.

But media are almost solely big-city based, where the conventional wisdom remains true. Democrats are the party of the urban poor ā€“ from Boston to Los Angeles. But at the grassroots level, overall, it isnā€™t so. Republicans, overall, own Americaā€™s low-to-no income vote. Media simply donā€™t report what they donā€™t live in


this report is meaningless, so the Federal government collects gas taxes from states then gives that money back to the state for Federal government approved projects, and that is now called state dependence. That is non-sense

As I stated above:

Thereā€™s more to it than ā€œmore funding = badā€, ā€œless funding = goodā€. That was my point, you/we need to dig deeper.

Democratic lead cities = more crime/homelessness. Same thing. You need to dig deeper. Those cities listed are probably some of the most populated cities in the country as well. And with more population comes dense urban areas, which probably equates to more crime regardless of whoā€™s holding office.

You can deep dive that data to see what agency is giving the funding and/or who the recipients of the funding are. That will surely shed some light on your gas tax statement.


:rofl: :rofl: no itā€™s bigger then that. but I digress

California is one of the worldā€™s best economies, people consider it to be a left-leaning state and the stateā€™s problems mirror those of the worldā€™s best economies, as you pointed out earlier.

America would likely become a third-world nation if it had to rely solely on the right.

it really comes down to rural people and their needs verse city people and their needs, out in the country people tend to want their independence and see government as just getting in the way, there for will vote for less government. While those in the city are very dependent on city infrastructure and will vote for more government. Income is much less away from the city but in the country you can live on much less. Someone making 20 bucks an hour will be living in a slum in New York City while that same person in rural Georgia could afford an new 2000 sq ft home. We really do have two Americas

The one size fits all solutions we get from Washington just do not work for all the people


I can get with that.

But I also think there are plenty of common ground issues. Affordable healthcare. Jobs. Good wages. Affordable education. Feeling safe in your community. Agreeing on how we get there is obviously an issue.


I criticized crime in democrat cities, arguing that they must address the problem, people come running in here bashing the left and how the right is right and blah blah blah. They only want to blame the left, they donā€™t see any problems with the right, even when you show them. illusion

It raises the question of how much these individuals want America to succeed.

Criticising a situation does absolutely nothing to fix this issueā€¦Why has crime increased so significantly in Democrat run Cities? Break down of moral values, poverty, poor education, absolute disrespect of community leadershipā€¦

Hahahaā€¦ I use the Right is right for triggering purposes onlyā€¦ Cause it works a treat!!

Now back to the Blah, Blah, Blahā€¦The Right side of the culture war is far from perfectā€¦ But the Right side of the debate is taking a Global backseat at the momentā€¦

The rise of Woke, Mass Illegal Migration (US, UK and Europe), Infinite Genders, Authoritarian Governance etc. etcā€¦ All predominately Leftist culture policies are having a detrimental effect on a majority of global citizensā€¦

The world has turned to Shiteā€¦


Therefore, which culture is right and ought to influence global citizens? You can only have one culture at a time; I believe we have experienced the RIGHT culture for many centuries. Is that what you are holding on to

Explain to me, me breaking down how to fix the issue, fixes the issue if the party themselves donā€™t fix the issue