Political Opinion

I’m not going to let your BS posts slide by… California IS dying a rapid death… And is a perfect example of the destruction that the Democrats Leftist policies cause within their States…

Corporates are fleeing California (and New York) for Texas (R), Tennessee (R), Nevada (R), Florida (R), Utah (R)… All Republican Governed States that haven’t been bankrupted by recalcitrant Leftist and Woke Ideologies…

US Citizens that can afford to relocate are also fleeing California, Illinois, Washington State and New York, Democrat States for Republican Governed States with Texas and Florida gaining hundreds of thousands of fed up residents wanting a better life.

Democrats don’t want to fix their issues or just don’t know how… Even the truly deluded believe they must be right… Either way, proves my point that Leftist ideologies have become toxic in North American society.

@SmallPaul, @dudebro maybe able to answer the mass exodus to US Red States?


California Poised to Become World’s 4th Biggest Economy

Contrary to popular belief, the Golden State has proven resilient, outperforming its US and global peers.

Published: Oct 24, 2022

SACRAMENTO – According to Bloomberg, California is poised to overtake Germany as the world’s 4th largest economy, continuing to outperform the nation and other countries in GDP growth, companies’ market value, renewable energy and more.

“While critics often say California’s best days are behind us, reality proves otherwise – our economic growth and job gains continue to fuel the nation’s economy,” said Governor Newsom. “California’s values and entrepreneurial spirit have powered this ascent to becoming the 4th biggest economy in the world, and we’ll continue doubling down on industries of the future, like renewables and clean energy. I feel tremendous pride in California’s resilience, leadership, and our formula for success.”


Economy of California

The economy of the State of California is the largest in the United States, with a $3.63 trillion gross state product (GSP) as of 2022.[2] It is the largest sub-national economy in the world. If California were a sovereign nation (2022), it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the world’s fifth largest economy, behind Germany and ahead of India.[9] Additionally, California’s Silicon Valley is home to some of the world’s most valuable technology companies, including Apple, Alphabet, and Nvidia.[10] In total, over 10% of Fortune 1000 companies were based in California in 2018, the most of any state.[11]



California Poised to Overtake Germany as World’s No. 4 Economy

Gavin Newsom is as familiar as anyone with the media narrative of earthquakes, persistent wildfires, droughts, homelessness and companies fleeing California to Texas for a tax- and regulation-free lifestyle. This is nothing new. California’s governor recalls a 1994 Time Magazine cover story citing “a string of disasters rocks the state to the core, forcing Californians to ponder their fate and the fading luster of its golden dream.”

And yet, “the California dream is still alive and well,” the state’s 40th governor said in a Zoom interview a month before his probable reelection.

He’s not wrong. California’s economy has proven relatively resilient, first through the pandemic and now through the current period of elevated inflation. So much so, that the Golden State’s gross domestic product is poised to overtake Germany’s as the fourth largest in the world after the US, China and Japan. It had already leapfrogged Brazil (No. 7) and France (No. 6) in 2015 and supplanted the UK (No. 5) in 2017. Although many of California’s current figures won’t be published until 2023, estimates suggest the state may have already caught Germany, with at least one forecast implying California is ahead by $72 billion when considering the state’s recent growth rate.


Well, fact checking the linked article, it appears that the main reason California is surpassing Germany in GDP is that Germany is in a free fall. Russian sanctions and a currency (Euro) that has tumbled to recent record lows.

The Article should have compared the Californian economy to that of Albania… Everyone’s fleeing from that region as well…

Most of the rest of the article focuses on the market capitalization of the companies based in the State. I am not sure how persuasive I think that is. California’s real product is not technology but rather over inflated tech stocks.

Sure, it’s a place full of huge corporations and very wealthy people. However, is it the first place a middle class family think of relocating too? Definitely not!!

The days of high growth tech firms are coming to an end and in time the economy of CA will soon follow. People and companies are looking twice as hard to exit a state with high taxes, high regulations, high homelessness, and unaffordable housing.

It sounds like the governor still doesn’t recognize that some of it’s future has already left (Oracle and HP, Tesla and Toyota, CBRE, Schwab). Texas (and Florida) is not far behind CA and I’d venture to say that it will pass CA within the next 8 or so years in number of people and growth.

The only thing keeping the Golden State’s head above water is it’s previous incarnation of being the innovation capital of the world.

Silicon Valley… a corporate BOOM region from a bygone era…

Both Texas and Florida will surpass the GDP of California before the end of the decade… An absolute travesty considering that California had a head start of 4-5 decades from global innovation by America’s technical entrepreneurs…

As an aside, Texas is the worlds 9th largest economy. NY is the worlds 10th largest economy. And Florida is the worlds 15th largest economy…

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Aagin, Blah blah blah, left vs right, blame blame blame, never ends with these clowns.

Okay little buddy, whatever you need to feel better, go for it.


Nice Selfie by the way… Keep posting cut and paste crap and I’m more than happy to call you out…

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: on what.

Lets keep that same energy

Be careful not to laugh, he’s gonna get you

That same guy bragging about fox being number one.

These are all common grounds for the American people but Washington ( both parties) use these common ground issues to keep us divided. We had affordable education and healthcare before Washington came in. Before Washington introduced their student loan program, You could pay your tuition with a summer job. When I was a kid my parents did not have health insurance, they had hospital insurance, and you never used insurance to see your doctor.

Washington is only making things worse, which is why I vote for less government

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@SmallPaul You reside in a reality vacuum… A fantasy realm where facts just don’t matter…

Fox News is finishing February 2023 as it did January 2023, as the most-watched basic cable network in total day. FNC averaged nearly 1.44 million total viewers in the 6 a.m.-6 a.m. daypart in February, making it the most-watched basic cable network in total day. Fox News was also the most-watched basic cable network in primetime for February (2.26 million), and marked 24 consecutive months (or two straight years) as the top-rated cable news network in total viewers and among Adults 25-54…


Fox News has more viewers than ALL the other Networks combined…

As I posted above… You keep posting crap… I’ll be right here to call you out… HAND…

clearly you didn’t get it, have you not notice fox in the news lately, never mind

BTW: Thank you for sharing those words with us. They will remain in our minds for a long time to come :+1:

We all want less government, but less government will not stop the student loan program and the abuses that comes with it

Good Thursday morning everyone, nothing like a good political discussion to get the blood flowing in the morning.

Kinda funny we have FOX beating the combined number of cnn and msnbc. And that cnn number is really telling, I think Joe Rogan has more viewers

I seem to remember cnn being in the news a lot this past couple of years, These cable “news” networks love to trash each other, they are more about entertainment than giving us useful information. Kind of like you Mr. Paul

You vote for less government so we don’t get another student loan program or another failed healthcare program. If you want a fix, here is one. Require a 2/3 rds majority to pass any spending bill. No more one-vote majorities playing dictator over the whole country. If this means gridlock and nothing gets done, GOOD! That is how you get less government

Simple solutions are nearly always best

It’s easy to play pretend, but what’s reality?

that’s a start :+1:

For entertainment, Dominion

This is doing America a lot of good, I hope Fox News stays number one. :+1:

Fox chair Murdoch says 2020 election was fair: court filings

NEW YORK (AP) — Fox Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said under oath that he believes the 2020 presidential election was free, fair and not stolen, according to court filings released Tuesday in a lawsuit over Fox News’ coverage of former President Donald Trump’s unfounded election fraud claims.

In sworn questioning in January by lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems, Murdoch was asked, “Do you believe that the 2020 presidential election was free and fair?"

“Yes,” he replied, according to a transcript.

“The election was not stolen,” he said later.

Dominion is suing Fox News for $1.6 billion, saying the network crippled the company’s business by broadcasting false claims from Trump’s lawyers that Dominion had changed votes in the 2020 election.


At least I am not afraid to offer solutions for debate or in your case ridicule

But offering solutions might lose you your Troll status, so I understand why you don’t

You have a troll day, sir

We can keep playing in make-believe land all day every day. You have a better chance of having your solutions heard if you sent your suggestions to congress or your local government. Have you ever thought about trying that?

Whether you offer a solution or not, we are here to vent our frustration on the government with wishful thinking on how to solve the problems, that does nothing to make a difference.

It might be better to try to find a solution where you can influence politics to make a difference

so your solution is to troll and ridicule, I am sure that will make a difference