Political Opinion

Because you brought up solutions, I’m providing you with real world solutions instead of your fantasy-world solutions. nothing more, nothing less, Enjoy your night. Dennis

Moreover, since this is the internet, you are accountable for any anger, agitation, or frustration you experience.

So now US air stikes in Mexico are on the table. I have never been a fan of legalizing these drugs, but clearly our now 50 year war on drugs is not working, surely someone here has a better idea than dropping bombs


The Appollo mission was a quest to gain knowledge, it cost a lot of money, The Christian Brother that I spoke of realized that using money to gain knowledge is perhaps the reason the money exists in our world.

Maybe too that money can be a tool used for good or for evil - the coffin ships were thus named because the lack of money caused people to seek a better life in the new USA only to perish in the long Atlantic crossing.

Knowledge has no limit in money coins “Go to the sea and cast a hook; take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a coin; take that and give it to them for you and me”

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Hmm… cannot figure the EUR record lows.

Happens that i follow the ups and downs of EUR/GBP (daily) - lately has been:

Then again Eur/Usd - likewise daily:

Couldn’t be bothered to post EURX but is not dissimilar

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And right on que… In comes another Bucks Fizz FanFrom the land of make believe

Why would we be comparing the EUR against the GBP when the article was about Germany (EUR) against California (USD)??

EURUSD Monthly Chart… Just past the lowest ebb in the last 20 years…

Wake up to yourself @peterma… Facts, not opinion pieces in future…

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In every state, there will always be one industry that boosts GDP more any other, such as the tourist industry in Florida, the automotive industry in Michigan, etc.

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Some states in Australia are trying to develop what they are calling Injecting Rooms, where addicts have access to clean syringes/paraphernalia and their drug taking can be supervised to some extent. If they OD or react badly they have medical support and aren’t left to die in a dark alley or ramshackle dwelling…

It’s also a point were authorities distribute Methadone for recovering narcotic users, and attempt to coerce addicts into rehabilitation programs, employment, better life choices at the same time…

While they have definitely alleviated crime in the surrounding areas, the biggest issues (push back) have been the location of these facilities which need to be situated in inner suburban Wealthy areas…

No one wants addicts wandering the street in their particular neighbourhoods…

While it isn’t a fix to the issue, lowing the crime around the drug scene is a step in the right direction…


What is the true meaning of the war on drugs? Was it a declaration within the U.S. borders only to jail Americans or did it mean to prevent drugs from entering the country by going after the source? Regardless, American drug war has cost trillions and made a lot of people rich from mass incarceration

Why the only winner of America’s war in Afghanistan is opium

Between 2002 and 2019, American taxpayers spent at least $9 billion to eliminate or transform the poppy fields that produced almost all of the world’s heroin — but instead ended up tripling that production, quadrupling the acreage covered by the deadly flowers, and intensifying the insurgency that plagued the country.

Opium poppies thrive throughout Afghanistan, and nowhere better than in the hot, dry Helmand province — thanks in part to a network of irrigation canals built with American foreign aid money in the 1960s. The steady water supply means the plants need little tending. The resin they produce can be stored for long periods without rotting or losing value: a perfect cash crop for a strife-torn land.


That would be a true war on drugs, with American intelligence and the Mexican government giving the green light, why not, we know 90% of illegal drugs come from Mexico.

We’ve tried everything to combat drugs, but nothing has worked. Maybe the best course of action is going directly after the source.

But I’m sure some would complain about this and whine about the drug problem in America as well.

In times gone by I would have said ‘legalise all drugs to take them out of the hands of criminals and give individuals the freedom of choice as long as they don’t harm others’
However, with todays governments I would have to worry about them and BigPharma having control!


Lol - remember the Euro’s introduction to FX - we all thought is would be Mark 2 - Germany vs USA.
We figured it will never succeed - load of baloney - we were wrong - just as you are wrong.

The Euro started it’s life back 24 years - bankers used it but not FX traders - that came 21 years ago - Jan 2002

EUR/USD not below that start level - silly argument really because as you know in FX there are 2 players.

When gauging Euro strength/weakness it’s good practice to look to E/G - both largest trading partners - to get a sense of direction - and usually the daily is used for same.

Have a good weekend.

Edit - forgot about Bucks Fizz - never really watched them - they won a Eurovision - now here is a band that I really like:

Yazz - The Only Way Is Up - YouTube

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The UK is the EU’s third biggest trading partner (12.6%), AFTER the United States and China… Nothing to do with the GBP… The world doesn’t revolve around you Sir…

Another waffle fest from our friend @peterma… No, no, no I’m right…

One, you are off with the Leprechauns comparing the EUR to the GBP… When the article was published, it was making a comparison to the size of German economy (EUR) to the the Californian economy (USD)… @#$%

Two, you state that the EURUSD is not below the starting level… When the CHART CLEARLY SHOWS the EUR to be equal to it’s lowest value against the USD around the date article was published…

Your cherry picked offering only displayed 6 months of a 24 year history… In another attempt at your make it up as you go idiology to rewrite history… @#$%

Three, I don’t give an airborne fornication to when FX Traders had access to this pair… It is about when the Banks began trading in the EUR… It’s the Banks that are acknowledged for economic records… Not FX Traders…

Quit with the psychobabble every time you post… Dennis has called you out on it and I continually call you out on it…

Wake up to yourself @peterma… Facts, not opinion pieces in future…


@Johnny1974 I’d agree, legalising some Narcotics say Cannabis (already on the table), Cocaine and maybe even some of the Party drugs would be an option and possibly put a dent in some of the Cartels illegal revenue streams…

Some sort of regulation would be needed, but as you suggest, we would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire…

You are right. there is winners on both sides of the drug wars…

Following up on you post about Afghanistan. I’m friends with an older Ex-Afghani citizen who was a teacher in Kabul and had to flee when the Taliban came to power…

He said the same planes that supplied the US Forces on the ground at the time unloaded/picked up cargo and then flew on and supplied the Taliban Forces back in the day… The same flight!!

It’s now pretty clear what was happening… Air America version 2…


Now this was funny, as in really funny and so true :+1:

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yes, there are many stories like this, We know America is not always innocent

CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking

No disagreement here with anything in this post, but again I see nothing here that has anything to do with my post about the US corrupt Student loan program.

What this really comes down to is Capitalism. The higher living standards that Capitalism has brought around the world is unequaled at any point in history. Even someone living just about the poverty level is far better off today than that same person would have been 200 years ago

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Can you imagine a world where BigPharma is legally able to sell “party drugs” It would be like “Soma” from the novel “Brave New World” The scary thing is I see us moving in that direction.

These programs exist here in the US too. I just cannot grasp the idea of a “responsible drug addict” seems a bit of an Oxymoron

The past has taught us that any government solution will likely make things worse

My solution would be God and family, this is by far more powerful than any solution by the government

this has CIA written all over it

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One of the main grievances with higher education (University) fees in Australia stems from decades ago.

Higher education fees were abolished in 1974, University or TAFE (Trades) was made free in the hope that all Australians would have access to tertiary study on the basis of merit rather than wealth which gave access to even the most impoverished to higher learning and raised the level of education over the next few decades.

Then in 1989 the Australian Government decided to remove free access to Universities and introduced a Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). A scheme where by you weren’t required to begin to pay back the debt until you were earning a reasonable level of income.

Now the same Politicians that are continually raising the HECS or penalising those that have defaulted on repayment are looked upon as absolute hypocrites because most had access to free University education back in their day.

The HECS scheme is still in operation today at Australian Universities. The average University fee is around $7500 per year with increases as high as $20k pa for Law, Medicine etc.

A friend’s son has just completed a four year Degree and a Doctorate at A&M in College Station Texas and disclosed how US University tuition is substantially higher than Australian University fees…

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The Student Loan Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

Student Loans

A new report from the Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington, D.C. think tank, shows why student loan debt has ballooned 144% since 2007. Today, according to the latest student loan debt statistics, there are 45 million student loan borrowers who collectively owe $1.7 trillion of student loans. Without reform, student loan borrowers and their families will continue to be saddled with student loan debt and the federal government will be financially liable if student loan borrowers default on their student loans.

Student loans: 4 drivers of student loan debt

1. Increased access to student loans

Increased access to student loans is a double-edged sword. Easy access to federal student loans means more people can attend college and live the American Dream. At the same time, colleges and universities have increased tuition because they know everyone will pay increased costs to get access to higher education. Simply put, consumers are less price-sensitive to tuition hikes if there is available money to pay for school. That said, the federal government doesn’t underwrite student loans like a private lender does. This means that regardless of underlying credit profile, every student loan borrower gets the same interest rate. So, borrowers with higher credit may “overpay” for their student loans, while borrowers with lower credit may “underpay” for their student loans. This can lead to undesirable outcomes for both the borrower and federal government if the borrower defaults on their student loans — and the interest rate wasn’t properly priced for the risk of default. Federal student loans aren’t capped by an ability to repay student loans. (Here’s how to get student loan forgiveness even if you don’t work in public

2. Less state support for higher education

State support for higher education has declined. With many states facing budget cuts and a decreasing tax revenue, states have been unable to offset increasing tuition, room and board at many state colleges and universities. There has also been a “relative declining value” of Pell Grants. As a result, students have relied more heavily on federal student loans and private loans to fund their education. (Here’s how to get student loan forgiveness).

3. PLUS Loans are too easy to get

Parent PLUS Loans and Graduate PLUS Loans are too easy to get, according to the authors. Parent PLUS Loans, which a parent can borrow to pay the cost of a child’s school, are only capped by the cost of the school. Again, PLUS Loans aren’t based on an ability to repay the student loans. Parent PLUS Loans, which parents often borrow as they approach retirement age, have the highest interest rate among federal student loans, which can make them prohibitively expensive to repay. (3 ways to get a lower student loan payment).

4. Not all colleges and universities should have access to student loans

Poor quality colleges and universities, such as certain under-performing for-profit universities, still have access to federal student loans. This may be despite not delivering a high-quality education to students. If student loan borrowers at these schools cannot repay student loans, the federal government bears the financial cost. The authors call for more institutional accountability. (Here’s who qualifies for student loan forgiveness right now).
