Political Opinion

People like to feel in control and optimistic about their lives, but the future looks bleak

Looks like they partied pretty hard at the White House this past weekend.



Simply telling it as it is


Fighting for America’s Future

Over the next three years, we will engage, along with our allies, in Washington and in the states. We are committed to restoring human flourishing through self-governance for all Americans and championing the policies that get us there.


Which leaves the parasite with only one choice - to Eat each other ! At least in the short-term. I have seen that outcome postulated for when the loony Greenies ban diesel transport - the cities’ food supplies will be first to go - and the starving will be left with only that same option !

We’re pretty much there now aren’t we ? ok when interest rates were 0% - but now the banks are tightening the thumbscrews - "To beat inflation… "
"Well", says I - "Let inflation Rip !" Automatically devalues debt ! - And money is meaningless anyway - so what’s the downside ?

If you read this -

The mechanism is well documented and it’s the only convincing explanation of teh “business cycle” - I have ever seen - mostly the “Economists” think you can regulate it away :rofl:

You’re right though - fopr a brief few years “they” let us escape and enjoy relative freedom - for teh only time in history - now “they” are teaching us to “know our place” once again. by setting women against men and Blacks against whites “they” intend for us to be so preoccupied fighting each other that we shall not have the energy to fight the real “baddies”.

"You will own nothing and you will be happy…" - just like your peasant ancestors ! (In the sure and certain expectation of Utopia in “Heaven” )

Interesting how often in the past things have been similar Great civilizations destroyed without trace by “Democracy”

Having looked a bit at the genetics of world populations - I was surprised to learn that the current population of uk bears virtually no resemblance to the people who built Stonehenge !

We have been invaded several times and one of teh latest was the “Vikings” - who (according to my mate) - "settled here ". What that actually means is that the Viking men invaded and slaughtered most of teh “English men” - then simply “took over” the women - who were pragmatic in their outlook and said “ok then - I’ve got a new Boyfriend” !

This seems to have some parallels with the “Boat people” and other immigrants at the moment - the vast majority of whom are young men - with entirely different cultural history.

Anyhow I digress - as I said to @Dennis3450 earlier - it’s over mate ! - the pendulum has swung too far to swing back again without consequences.

You can look at it that way if you wish - but to do so ignores 3/4 of the Woirld’s population and their own agendas ! I think the “elites” may well end up “Against the Wall” - just like the Russian Bolshevics !

Popcorn anyone ? :laughing:

Edit - fascinating stuff - far better than endless copy and pastes about “orange man bad!” !


When you complain you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, Try to change the situation or accept it, all else is madness.

Trying is better than complaining and making yourself worthless

Just like the movie Hunger Games, but in this real life version, no little girl with a bow and arrow is going to fix it


If they only had camera’s…wait!


Funny. I read a tweet that said they can tell you who was within 30 minutes of DC on Jan 6th, but can’t tell you whose coke that was.

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Secret Service, you know how they like to party


I often see the naysayers of democracy moan about party politics and how voters have no real choice, that it is the party that chooses the candidate and in turn he/she only gets chosen by the party if they espouse party policies etc etc.

At the last GE in UK Labour had a leader and policies that many ppl disliked - they got trounced at the election.

Since that time Labour have changed leadership and policies and according to polls may actually win the next election - that’s positive democracy.

There are of course negatives - usually independents who are not affiliated to any party don’t get voted in - ppl prefer to chose party politics - free choice I suppose.

In addition to the nay-sayers there are also doom-mongers - the old USSR leaders used to howl that the ‘decadent west’ would soon meet it’s end - the west is still decadent but the USSR is gone.

As for the ancient Rome analogy - that started off with the theme of democracy for it’s citizens - it’s downfall began with the transition from a Republic to autocracy - centralized imperial authority - the senate became almost ceremonial - the plebs lost power :slight_smile:

Any country, (regardless of what you call their political system) that ships billions to foreign countries while ignoring the basic needs of their people is going to fail.

I would say the “naysayers” are the ones who think we have a functional democracy that is looking out for the best interest of the people

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According to both Google and Wikipedia, the US is a “Republic” no mention of democracy


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Years have passed since the Republic ceased to exist

The Real Birth of American Democracy

On September 19, 215 years ago, Washington published his farewell address, marking one the first peaceful transfers of power in American history and cementing the country’s status as a stable, democratic state.

The Real Birth of American Democracy | At the Smithsonian| Smithsonian Magazine.

You miss the most important fact - ie that Corbyn likely would have won that election - had not Nigel Farage sold out those of us who believed in his brand of politics and stood down Brexit Candidates in all those constituencies where they would have taken votes from the Conservatives and left them run in those constituenceies where they would take votes from Labour. nothing to do with how “ppl” “felt” about Corbyn - at least the man had a modicum of integrity - which is why SIR Kier Hardy (Sorry Starmer) has evicted him permanently from the Party.

Of course Labour will win the next Election - almost impossible to lose it after the populace have noted that the “Conservatives” are behaving just like Labour remainers ! - a legacy from the Selection processes I referred to !

Indeed the likelihood is that I will vote Labour next time - If I stayed at home I’d cost the Conservatives one vote - If I vote Labour - I shall cost the “Conservatives” TWO votes ! - IF the “Conservatives” refuse to behave in line with what we expect from Conservatives - Then we shall sack them ! - Bring it on ! Perhaps then they will stop migrating leftwards and become Real Conservatives ! - If not the same stuff will get done - just we shall lose our freedoms (& Bleed the Dog) a little more quickly !

I am far from alone in this decision - but it is a punishment of those who are supposed to be “Our” Representatives - It is NOT Affirmation of “Labour” Policies (If they ever make some up !)

If we don’t have a proper choice - what is the point of having two “parties” ?

Does Joe Biden have anglophobia? - One who dislikes or fears England, its people, or its culture.

Biden’s Anglophobia is now a threat to the West

Joe Biden, the US president, makes little effort to conceal his visceral animosity towards the UK, as was evident from his insulting behaviour in Ireland when marking the anniversary of the Good Friday Accords and his no-show at the Coronation. The idea, though, that he is prepared to block Ben Wallace’s perfectly respectable bid to become Nato’s next secretary-general in favour of appointing Ursula von der Leyen, the underwhelming president of the European Commission, takes his Anglophobia to an entirely new level, one where he seems intent on committing a grievous act of self-harm.

<Biden’s Anglophobia is now a threat to the West

Does anyone still believe that Biden has any understanding of what is going on around him ? - Clearly those who pull his strings could not allow him to engage personally with real important people at the Coronation - because his Puppetmeisters could not chaperone him and the World’s press would be broadcasting his mental deficiencies all over the World ! - However I do agree that those who pull his strings have no desire to see a Competent person in charge of Nato. - ESPECIALLY if that person happens to be an English Man !

Edit - Interesting though to see your copy and paste from Yahoo - taking such a refreshingly balanced view !


lol, We all will be dissapointed when it comes to American politics, trust me, America is a different animal, we can’t be all in on either side.

Woke Liberal comes to meet Daughter for Date, meets Trump Supporter Dad Instead!

I would DIE for TRUMP!

This is why they will likely win the next one - they don’t actually have any policies, just letting the tories self destruct - then make some policies up.

e.g free school meals - no, keep the tory policy - on taxation - keep it, on govt borrowing - same as - and on it goes.

I’m a woke capitalist and proud of it, I believe in real people, guys who work with me (not for me) - have to admit it this woke word is def new, in our house it used to be a tilly lamp with a wick.