Political Opinion

It looks like nothing is off the table in these latest conflicts… Just look at the weaponry such as Thermobaric Missiles used to vaporise Ukrainian positions by the Russians…

Chances are very high that Iran has been developing biological toxins or infectious agents… Wouldn’t be a stretch to see these be distributed to Hezbollah or Syrian forces in future exchanges…


I seem to remember you not too long ago making the argument that on Jan 6th the Capital police had the right to kill everyone trying to enter the capital, do I detect a hint of hypocrisy

I am not advocating the killing of anyone ( well maybe ham-ass) , and I am open to solutions. I have offered two

Palestinians kick out ham-ass and make peace with Israel
be removed from GAZA, they could go live in Iran for all I care

If there is a Genocide it will be the Palestinians’ choice

It’s gonna worse, it is what it is at this point.

Dennis, the police job is to protect the captiol and everyone within it, so yes, all police officers could have opened fire because they broke glass and forced their way into restricted areas. I stand behind that, there is no shame here.

This is a joke right, where was this so-called Human Rights Watch when ham-ass launched thousands of rockets targeting civilians in Israel, not to mention the taking of hostages.

Let’s see what this guy has to say

Putin: the Palestinian problem is in the heart of everyone who professes Islam

MOSCOW, October 11 - RIA Novosti. The Palestinian problem is in the heart of everyone who professes Islam, and they perceive it all as a manifestation of injustice, elevated to an incredible degree, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Yesterday my colleague (Prime Minister of Iraq - ed.) discussed this issue. It is impossible not to discuss it. Iraq is a country in the Middle East. The Palestinian problem is in the heart of every person in this region. Yes, I think that in the heart of everyone who professes “Islam, this is how life has developed, these are obvious things. And everything that is happening - not only now, but for decades - is perceived as a manifestation of injustice, raised to some incredible degree,” Putin said at the Russian Energy Week

He noted that initially, when the decision was made to create the state of Israel , a decision was made simultaneously to create a second state; initially, it was about creating two independent sovereign states - Israel and Palestine .

“Well, Israel was created, as is known, but Palestine as a state, independent, sovereign, was never created, did not take place. Due to a variety of circumstances. Now I will not go into details,” Putin said.

“Moreover, part of the lands that Palestinians have always considered primordially Palestinian is occupied by Israel - at different times and in different ways, but mainly, of course, with the help of military force,” the Russian president added.

Палестинская проблема в сердце каждого, кто исповедует ислам, заявил Путин - РИА Новости, 11.10.2023

Putin: during the creation of Israel, there was also talk about a sovereign Palestine, but this was not done

“Initially, when the decision was made to create the State of Israel, a decision was made at the same time to create a second state. Initially, it was about the creation of two independent and sovereign states - Israel and Palestine,” the president said. “Israel, as you know, was created, but Palestine as an independent and sovereign state was never created,” Putin emphasized.

Moreover, according to the head of state, “part of the lands that Palestinians consider and have always considered part of the original Palestinian lands has been occupied by Israel at different times and in different ways.” “Mainly, of course, with the help of military force,” he emphasized.

Путин: при создании Израиля речь шла и о суверенной Палестине, но это не было сделано

Trends my friend, maybe I don’t know what you meant. We all suffer or benefit from the actions of those who run our country whether we voted for them or not.

I have offered two solutions short of Genocide ( see earlier post)

This is a proven fact

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This has been fun all, but I need to call it a night.

How much better would the world be if everyone just settled their differences on a thread like this , Words not bombs I say

Trends, Paul, tommor and Stan, you all have a great evening,


Enjoy you night, and yes in a perfect world that would be great to settled all differences on a thread :+1:

I think Trends and Tommor are starting their Friday mourning or afternoon.


Correct, I’m roughly 15 hours ahead of you guys… I believe Tommor is 5 hours up the road…

Same thing is happening here in Australia… Unfortunately… Israel will free many of their compatriots forever when they are done levelling the Gaza Strip…


The House is entering its second week without a speaker. Steve Scalise was nominated, but did not get the votes he needed to get the Job

A very blinkered view that is, no doubt fueled by blatant mal-information on what’s happened there over the last 20 years or so. The propaganda campaign by the masters of bully tactics has worked horrendously well and continues to do so :cry: There’s no trying to excuse or justify what we have seen this week but history certainly explains it.

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No, I find that a true and accurate view of what has happened in the country of Israel over the last 20 years.

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It’s getting crazy out there

Global Knife Attack Frenzy as Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ Gets Underway

Frenzied knife attacks were reported in China and France on Friday after Hamas called for the 13th to be a global “day of rage” in response to the group’s ongoing war with Israel.

The disturbing acts of violence cannot be immediately linked to the war but the first victim was an employee of the Israeli embassy. The second attack, which killed at least one man, came in France where the local media reports that the assailant—who was known to the authorities as an Islamist radical—shouted “Allahu Akbar” during an attack on multiple people at a school. A terrorism investigation has been launched.

The call for a “day of rage” has prompted security alerts all over the world with Jewish schools and synagogues from Palo Alto to London and Aukland closing for the day while the American authorities increased security measures in major cities and at the U.S. Capitol.

In Beijing, the Israeli embassy staffer was attacked with a knife in broad daylight before being taken to the hospital. Chinese authorities have not released a motive for the attack, which comes after Israel admonished China for failing to condemn the unprecedented Hamas attacks which led to at least 1,300 Israeli soldiers and civilians being killed.

Global Knife Attack Frenzy as Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ Gets Underway

Thank you for the correction, you must have reliable information then :wink:

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It is no propaganda or mal-information that every time peace has been at hand the terrorist has done something to stop it, every time an Arab leader has tried to make peace they have been assassinated, every time a moderate voice from Palestine comes forward they are murdered. It does not matter if you look at the history of the last 20, 200 or 2000 years, these are a people and culture that is incompatible with us in the west. If ham-ass succeeded in wiping Israel off the face of the earth, there would still be no peace. They would just target another country that they see as not being radical enough

That is my view,

TTH, welcome to the thread


The China part is a bit unusual, but most of these attacks take place in countries that have open their borders to large numbers of Muslims and have large Muslim communities’ that refuse to assimilate into the culture of the new country they now call home.

The US is not immune to this kind of terrorism, remember this


or this

or this

And of course the big one was 9/11, and we still let these people into our countries


A lot of truth there @Dennis3450, I was kinda balking at the venom talk of extermination!
Thanks for the welcoming, but I won’t stick around, political debate is not really my thing. I just took a peek after you invited @tommor from your commendable SW thread. Beat wishes.