Political Opinion

It’s further distressing how much Qatar is involved with Hamas.

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My thanks to the person who sent me that information to read. I’ve done my research and cross-references, and everything was 100% right on.

In addition to what I already know and have learned through history, I will probably read it again and again.

Dennis. I didn’t see what the Medicare increase would be. You got the number?

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I knew you would tell that lie, you can’t just give your “Political Opinion” you have to make everything personal

For the record, I have offered several solutions that do not require killing everyone, where are your solutions?

Premium goes up too 174.70 for 2024,
2024 COLA is 3.2% ( name one thing that has only gone 3.2%)

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Moving on Buddy, I’m going to take a different approach with you. :+1:

The cycle can continue, but now is the time for a change.

how about you don’t take any approach with me or anyone else on this thread,

State your political opinion and move on

If you don’t like someone else’s opinion then give your alternative point of view and leave it at that,

You just seen my approach with you. anyways

Thanks. I am paying $329.70 per month for Medicare in 2024, because I sold my biz in 2022. Since I made “too much money” that year it went from what it was ($170ish?) to $329.70. $174.70 sounds better comparatively! The 8.whatever % increase we got last year was off set by the $180 increase in Medicare for me.

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The government is very good at punishing people who work hard and prosper

I am trying to deal with the SS tax torpedo, where for every dollar I take from my IRA, I have to pay taxes on $1.85

My advice to those not yet retired and still contributing to a 401K, STOP! and start putting all your retirement savings in to IRA Roth account, you will be glad you did

Our Government sucks, but at least they are not ham-ass

My apologies for not knowing you guys were senior citizens, Things can be tough for seniors. I also thought many of you guys trade for a living.

another thing you may not know is the way obamacare is setup for seniors not yet on Medicare. For every dollar you earn above your Social Security your obamacare premium goes up 50 cents, this includes pulling money out of your own IRA account. Pull $1,000 out of our IRA and your obamacare premium goes up $500. But it gets worst, because of the SS tax Torpedo you will likely also pay $406 income taxes on that 1K , leaving you with a mier $94

Do you still wonder why I view our government as enemy of the people

WHOPlan to destroy democracy and human rights


1984, do I need to say more, Good video, thanks for sharing

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The question has been answered.

Yellen says US can afford to support two wars: ‘America stands behind Israel, period’

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Monday the U.S. can afford to support both Ukraine and Israel in their respective war efforts without hindering the nation’s economy.

Asked during an interview on Sky News whether the U.S. can afford to provide military aid to Israel and to Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia given the current debt-to-GDP ratio of 122%, Yellen said, “I think the answer is absolutely.”

She continued: “America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs, and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia. The American economy is doing extremely well.”

Yellen says US can afford to support two wars: 'America stands behind Israel, period'

The Israeli leaders made it clear that they needed aid as soon as possible.

Senate leader Schumer says chamber will rush through military aid to Israel.

“We will work to move this aid through the Senate ASAP, and the Israeli leaders made it clear to us they need the aid quickly,” said Schumer during a trip to Israel.

“What about the House (of Representatives)? We’re not waiting for the House. We believe if the Senate acts in a strong bipartisan way, it may indeed improve the chances that the House, even with its current dysfunction, will act,” Schumer said.

Senate leader Schumer says chamber will rush through military aid to Israel

Currently, the G.O.P. cannot agree on a speaker because they are disorganized.

Jim Jordan didn’t get the votes he needed to become speaker, 20 Republicans voted for someone other than Jordan—nearly seven times as many as he could afford to lose.

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Thanks for the update.

Maybe he will get the votes 2nd time around

House is expected to move to second vote after Jordan fails to win speaker

Where have I seen this movie before, every time congress rushes an aid package, we find out months later millions, sometimes billions are missing, and no one knows where it went

We can argue over how much aid but Accountability is something we all should demand from our government

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