Political Opinion

We have been 7 years without a president , and we are all still alive, maybe the need for a House speaker is overrated too

Chaos can be a good thing

We donā€™t have time to waste

GOP chairman: Jordan committed to linking Israel and Ukraine aid

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said Tuesday that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) committed to linking Israel and Ukraine aid packages as he seeks to shore up support for his Speakership bid.

McCaul told CNNā€™s Kate Bolduan that one deciding factor for him was Jordanā€™s commitment to linking U.S. aid for Israelā€™s war against Hamas with funding for Ukraineā€™s war against Russia.

Who are the next prospects? Could McCarthy get the votes again?

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The vote will be taken again since there are no real prospects.

In the first speaker vote on Tuesday, McCarthy earned six votes.

20 Republicans voted for another candidate.

Republican Conference Chair Elise Sfefanik quoted the Book of Esther in the Bible, calling him the candidate made ā€œfor times such as these.ā€

Tom Cottonā€™s Gaza Comments Are Horrifying

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton called for the indiscriminate massacre of Palestinians on Sunday, during an interview with Shannon Bream on Fox News.

ā€œAs far as Iā€™m concerned, Israel can bounce the rubble in Gaza. Anything that happens in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamasā€”Hamas killed women and children in Israel last weekend,ā€ Cotton said.

Cotton did not bother to make a distinction between Hamas, the terrorist organization, and the millions of Palestinian civilians who are now facing a humanitarian crisis as Israel denies them food, water, and electricity. Instead, Cotton insisted that Hamas was to blame for the thousands of Palestinians suffering as a result of Israeli bombs.

Cotton explicitly blamed Hamas for the Israeli militaryā€™s slaughter of Palestinian children, implying that the terrorist group was trying to force the hand of the United States by causing Israel to commit heinous war crimes.

Tom Cottonā€™s Gaza Comments Are Horrifying

Personal opinion on the Presidentā€™s trip to the mid-east.

Pray for the safe return of Joe Biden from his trip to Israel.

Pray that Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran will not assasinate Biden during his reckless trip to this middle-east war zone.

Pray that the hapless Biden will not stumble down the steps of Air Force One and break his fool neck.

As corrupt, incompetent, and senile as Biden is, he is far less dangerous as president than Kamala Harris would be.

This nation could never survive 15 months of Kamala Harris as President and Commander-in-Chief.

Pray that Kamala Harris will never inherit the presidency.


I believe Biden trip was cancel.

I believe you are wrong.

Biden heads to Israel after Gaza hospital strike kills hundreds

By Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Steve Holland

October 17, 202311:45 PM EDT Updated 5 min ago

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May your prayers be answered.

Anything more news on the source of the hospital blast?

Early reports said it was an Israeli airstrike. I believe the AP and WSJ reported that as well. But now Israel is saying it was a Hamas misfire, potentially caught on video by Al Jazzera.

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Iā€™m also getting confused information about this blast, it could go either way, letā€™s see the video.

Assuming that this was an Israeli airstrike, it would be in line with their latest airstrike.

Palestinians fleeing along Israeli-designated ā€˜evacuation routeā€™ in northern Gaza killed in airstrike

The Israeli military told over a million residents to flee northern Gaza, urging civilians to defy Hamasā€™ order to stay if they wanted to be safe. It then killed scores of them in an airstrike late Friday night, according to videos from the scene that have now been verified by multiple international media outlets and testimony from an eyewitness who spoke to Insider.

Video shows civilians killed as they fled using a designated ā€˜evacuation routeā€™ in Gaza.

Israel had said it would not attack the evacuation route.

The dead included women and children, some as young as two years old.

Palestinians fleeing along Israeli-designated 'evacuation route' in northern Gaza killed in airstrike

Now the cancel culture takes over, You are not allowed to think outside the current narrative, if you do you will be cancelled.

Another Law Firm Rescinds Job Offers to Ivy League Students Over Israel Letters

Revered U.S. law firm Davis Polk recently revoked job offers to three students who the firm believed held leadership roles in student organizations at Harvard and Columbia that signed controversial letters blaming Israel for the Hamas attacks earlier this month that killed at least 1,400 Israelis.

The rescinded offers, first reported by The New York Times, are the latest development in the backlash from college employers, donors, and alumni against the statements that characterized the violence as Israelā€™s sole responsibility. The lettersā€”and the revulsion expressed by some in responseā€”have set off a tense row on college campuses about free speech and privacy in which several students have been doxxed and vilified for their perceived support of the statements.

Another Law Firm Rescinds Job Offers to Ivy League Students Over Israel Letters

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Stinks when it bites YOU(not you personally, but the cancel culture) in the butt?!

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Cancel culture is winning, I guess. Those who accept this, need not complain about it in the future. right

Everything is always bad until they eat their own.

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Whoā€™s eating their own?

The cancel culture. Coming back to bite them, I guess, would be better phrasing.

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I think cancel culture is winning, they have cancel everything they intended to

Cancel Culture is a mindset.

Not so sure they wanted to cancel themselves, but, whatever?!

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I get it, The people who got canceled would do the same thing to someone else, thatā€™s why I said cancel culture is a mindset.

In general, Americans donā€™t have a problem with cancel culture as long as it serves what they believe in