Political Opinion

As much as I thought Jim Jordan was a lock because Trump endorsed him, it seems he isn’t as popular as I perceived. The chaos continues within the GOP

What happens next in the House speaker’s race after Jordan’s second defeat

Washington — GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio failed in his second attempt to become speaker of the House, again falling short of the 217 votes needed to be elected and casting doubt about the way forward in the still-leaderless lower chamber.

Jordan won just 199 votes in the House on Wednesday morning, with 22 Republicans withholding their support and voting for a variety of protest candidates.

There is an absolute zero chance Israel knowingly and premeditatedly attacked that hospital, it could have been a miss fired rocket, or they mistook the building for something else, Sh-t happens in war. On the other hand, ham-ass absolutely would target a hospital and blame it on Israel , remember, these people are terrorists, killing the innocent is their job

HAPPENING NOW: Hundreds of American Jews are holding a sit-in at Congress — and we won’t leave until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. As thousands of U.S. Jews protest outside, over 350 are inside, including two dozen rabbis, holding prayerful resistance.

I’m not sure about that, they attack an evacuation route they set up.

At this stage it’s Christians they see this type of attack as ok.

Hamass must be destroyed, But Now that Israel has got its revenge, it appears the time has come for extermination.

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Lindsey Graham to Newsmax:

If Hezbollah Attacks, Strike Iran


Excerpt: (emphasis added)

"If Hezbollah opens up a second front in the North — they have 100,000 rockets pointed at Israel, they’re a proxy of Iran — I’m going to introduce a resolution that would authorize the United States to attack Iran’s oil infrastructure to stop terrorist financing.

“The way you get Hezbollah to stand down is you tell the Iranians, ‘If this war gets bigger, we’re coming for you. There won’t be two fronts. There’ll be three fronts.’ And if you don’t say that to the Iranians, you’re making a mistake.”


Conflicts in the Middle East have existed since the biblical era, as I stated earlier, nothing has changed since then. Conflicts after Conflicts a never ending story.

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,Agreed !


what part are you agreeing with?

Anyway, what ham-ass has done with those unprovoked attacks a couple weeks ago, is to force Israel to take the gloves off and fight a anything goes war with an opponent that has shown no restraint in killing civilians and children. I take no issue with Israel and any course of action their leaders take to remove this evil from their borders


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US Oil hit $95 yesterday… Just on the warning that the ground invasion is imminent.

Not looking good for the motorists out there…

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Dayum. We were still $3.16 a gallon today.

In addition, the United States is involved and will become more involved if the surrounding countries join this conflict.

Pentagon: U.S. warship shot down drones and missiles fired from Yemen

Unbeknownst to most in the United States… Your incompetent, delusional and highly dangerous Government has been tapping the SPR and adding volume to the market to keep the cost of Gas at the US Bowser cheap…

High Gas prices are a cause of agitation to the average US citizen and an undeniable indicator that all is not well in the US economy…


I remember evil Orange man wanted to top it off when crude was at $40 a barrel, and Congress wouldn’t give him the money. And, yes, this Pres has done a pretty good job of draining it. Not sure what % it’s down from being full, but don’t think it’s anywhere near full.

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That’s an understatement…


The Biden Administration was supposed to top up the SPR when USOIL was under $70 a barrel… May / June 2023… Apparently they didn’t have the money to replenish the SPR…

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Biden’s administration sold off more than 40 percent of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve last year to help limit rising fuel prices after Russia invaded Ukraine, leaving the stockpile at its lowest levels since the early 1980s.

In fact, the reserve still holds 351 million barrels — equivalent to nearly 56 days of total U.S. oil imports last year — though well below the peak of 727 million barrels it held during the Obama administration. That’s on top of 424 million barrels that private companies were storing in the U.S. as of early October.

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How much petroleum does the United States import and export?

In 2022, the United States imported about 8.33 million barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum from 80 countries. Petroleum includes crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids (HGLs), refined petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuel, and biofuels. Crude oil imports of about 6.28 million b/d accounted for about 75% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports.

In 2022, the United States exported about 9.52 million b/d of petroleum to 180 countries and 4 U.S. territories. Crude oil exports of about 3.60 million b/d accounted for 38% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports. The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -1.19 million b/d, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.19 million b/d in 2022.

The top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2022 were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Colombia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

An EIA report on oil and petroleum products notes that the U.S. exported about 8.5 million barrels per day of petroleum in 2020, while importing about 7.9 million barrels per day, “making the United States a net annual petroleum exporter for the first time since at least 1949.”

“Instead of deregulating the American energy market, Biden’s National Security Advisor called on OPEC to increase production of oil,” Settle said in an email. “Instead of continuing President Trump’s policies that moved America towards energy independence, the Biden administration is moving America back to relying on OPEC and the Middle East for energy security.”

According to some conservatives, we don’t need it, Sadly, some people fall prey to the same political scare tactics

The Heritage Foundation (sometimes referred to simply as Heritage)[1][2] is an activist American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1973, it took a leading role in the conservative movement in the 1980s during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, whose policies were taken from Heritage Foundation studies, including its Mandate for Leadership.[4]

Why Congress Should Pull the Plug on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

The reality is that the reserve has served more successfully as a political tool to boost public support of an Administration than as a mechanism to balance supply and demand.

The SPR has been a useless tool for responding to supply shocks, which have occurred rarely throughout history; the free market is much more effective at responding to price signals.

Eliminating the SPR would not create the perception that the U.S. is without oil reserves, as America holds an abundance of privately controlled inventory ready to distribute.

America is awash in natural resources and holds more crude and petroleum products in private inventory than it does in government-controlled inventory. The U.S. should withdraw from the Agreement on an International Energy Program and Congress should authorize the Department of Energy (DOE) to sell off the entire reserve, specifying that the revenues generated go solely toward deficit reduction.


It’s the old frog in the boiling pot apologue…

“The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly…”

You’ll only know when it’s too late…

Three points of order on this article…

  1. It was written in 2015… Well before the proverbial had hit the energy driven fan.

  2. If America is flush with abundant resources, why isn’t a world leading economy like the US Energy Independent?

  3. You have drained the SPR to 45 year lows… There is very little left to Sell…

The United States would be fine when it comes to energy.
