Political Opinion

According to this Lunatic we had another Insurrection.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Shamelessly Calls Peaceful Protest at the Capitol an “Insurrection”

Hundreds of Jewish American activists—many of them members of Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Zionist group—held a sit-in at a House of Representatives building on Wednesday to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. It was too much for Greene’s delicate sensibilities, apparently.

The Georgia congresswoman says she will ask the House to censure Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, who Greene says “organized” the protest. She also filed a request with the Capitol Police “to preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records” from the House office buildings.

At yesterday’s sit-in at the Cannon House Office Building, activists carried signs demanding a ceasefire and chanted, “Not in our name.” More than 500 people, including Rabbis, were arrested by Capitol Police, organizers estimated.

Tlaib spoke to a section of the protest outside the Capitol Building, calling on President Joe Biden to rethink his unequivocal support for Israel in the war.

“President Biden, not all Americans are with you on this one and you need to understand that. We are literally watching people commit genocide and killing the vast majority just like this, and we still stand by and say nothing. We will remember this,” she told the crowd.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Shamelessly Calls Peaceful Protest at the Capitol an “Insurrection”

Fox News star drops Biden-to-Hamas funding bombshell


President Joe Biden is funding the radical Islamic terrorists that have been firing barrages of rockets at Israeli citizens for weeks.

Hamas, who is holding an estimated 200 civilian hostages, just received $100 million in foreign aid from United States taxpayers.

“Biden took the podium and, in fairness, delivered touching remarks about what it means to lose a loved one,” Watters said on his hit show ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

Biden “said he stands with Israel, now and forever,” Watters said.

“But then he handed the Palestinians a check for $100 million,” the Fox News star revealed, cutting to a clip of Biden’s speech.

“Today, I’m also announcing $100 million in new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank,” Biden said. “This money will support more than one million displaced and conflict affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza.”

But the president later admitted that it’s likely the aid will end up in the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

“We give them $100 million. We’re funding both sides of the war. We give Israel money, we give Iran money, we give the Palestinians money,” Watters continued. “Hunter has got to be getting a cut.”

“He never uttered a single word about fanatical Muslims hellbent on ethnic cleansing,” Watters said. “Never touched it. He skipped right over the root causes.”

“He also never mentioned Iran. Biden is trying to soft-peddle Iranian involvement, because his administration has been letting Iran get away with murder for years.”

Been going on for years

EU reverses earlier announcement to suspend development aid to Palestinians

The European Union late Monday reversed an earlier announcement by an EU commissioner that the bloc was “immediately” suspending development aid for Palestinian authorities and instead said it would urgently review such assistance in the wake of the attacks on Israel by Hamas to make sure no money was misused.

“There will be no suspension of payments” at the moment, a terse European Commission statement said late Monday, five hours after EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi had said that all payments from the development program for Palestinians would be “immediately suspended. All projects put under review. All new budget proposals … postponed until further notice.”

No immediate explanation for the reversal was given. A full European Commission statement always trumps a statement from an EU commissioner, but the reversal on a 691 million-euro ($730 million) program capped an embarrassing day at the EU’s executive at a time of extreme geopolitical sensitivities.

EU reverses earlier announcement to suspend development aid to Palestinians | PBS NewsHour

Gaza and Israel: The Start of WWIII or an Isolated Conflict?

A news report and analysis without hand wringing and a copious flow of platitudes about victims, families, children, puppies, etc.

Teapot tempests are great to have around when you’re running for a presidency or from an indictment. Thanks Peter.



Border Crisis - Democrats are Incompetent, refuse to deal with the border crisis without Republican pressure.

There is no current leader among Republicans, can’t agree on a speaker and the party is in total chaos.

Republicans positions shift overnight, how swiftly the Republicans went from wanting to secure our borders and not wanting to fund the Ukraine war and believing Americans should come first, to the bank is now open, Americans are now 2nd class to the current war and a afterthought.

I just paid $2.97 near Orlando

Saw it at $2.91 yesterday.

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There is much truth to what you are saying, and I will repeat my view

Both parties are TRASH
Congress is the Enemy of the People
and Washington Chaos is good

The fact that Republicans are in chaos and not of the Hive mind mentality of the Democrats tells me there are at least a few Republicans actually fighting for the people

Chaos is good

Rather than fighting for the people, they fight with each other, and Chaos is never good for a country.

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, you can’t give humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza without going through Hamas. Why is this so hard for some to understand

Palestinians have been dying and suffering for years and will continue to do so as long as they choose to be ruled by a terrorist organization that chose war over peace

God bless those who chose Peace over war

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On that we will have to disagree, history has shown the people and economy does better with a divided government that gets little done

Prove me wrong

Yes they compromise more and reconcile their differences, the only problem, the people are divided.

The only thing getting done in Congress is aid packages to fight these wars.

They have no problem agreeing on funding wars but will they address this




The American Dream has become America’s nightmare

Guess the criminals will have to start looting Target and Walmart more?

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They will not set up shop in these areas either, what we are talking about here are mostly black areas, you can’t keep blaming this on racism, at some point people have to take responsibility for their own situation , not unlike Gaza

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It’s almost like “you have to take responsibility for your OWN actions”!? What a concept!

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I keep seeing lots of cut and paste and those playing the blame game

What I have not seen is anyone in their own words say what the Palestinians need to do to improve their own situation

I am waiting to read your reply

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who else is going do it. lol

Despite receiving millions of dollars each year from multiple countries, the only way to improve their situation is for them to do it