Political Opinion

Brilliant idea… Even more Bullets flying in high traffic retail spaces across America… OMFG…

I’m aware there’s crime in stores, retail theft as they say. News from all over the country has a video of gangs of kids walking into malls and just grabbing things and running almost weekly. But I just can’t believe there’s still that much at like a Target or a pharmacy to the point where the store has to close down only because of theft.

I think what makes more sense is the store is under performing, but it’s in a neighborhood that maybe depends on the store. Bad press if you close it down because it’s not making the corporate elites money - no where will the neighborhood go for groceries and prescription drugs? Easier press if you say, well, there’s crime and theft and we can’t keep running our business because we’re losing too much money and there’s nothing else we can do.

Like I said, smells fishy.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That’s the American way. all jokes aside what it your solution

If the parents in these areas cannot control their kids that are more than likely the one’s joining these swarming gangs and emptying these stores… Then they should do something other than whine when Grocery or Big Box Stores close up and leave town…

It’s all about cause and effect…

Oh… So now it’s the Corporate Elites that are to blame for the out of control crime sprees… How about vote in competent, responsible and functioning area Governments and City Mayors that stand behind Law Enforcement and things might just improve…

Same BS is happening here in Australia with Victoria Police no longer allowed to arrest citizens for drunken behavior in public places… What could possibly go wrong???

Just like in these forums, many need to take responsibility for their own actions…

I’m more extreme, send in the national guard and open fire on anyone who disobey the law, Including drug dealers, after about 5yrs they will get the point.

The House can’t function without a speaker

One of the most powerful positions in Congress is the House speaker, and without someone elected to the job, scholars say the House can’t do much.


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Let’s see if the Chaos ends this time.

BREAKING NEWS: Mike Johnson Chosen As House GOP’s New Speaker Designate—Here Are His First Remarks

More on the nominee


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From the outside looking in… Appears that Confederalism is strong on both sides of the Force…

Maybe McCarthy (R-Calif.), Jordon (R-Ohio) and Emmer (R-Minn.) are just too damn Yankee for the new generation of US Politics…

Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Mike Johnson (R-La.) are both Good Ole Boys from the Deep South…

Original Democrat Party heartland…

Let’s see if they can put their brains together and vote him speaker. Enough with their stupidity, let’s get this done.

Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, a deputy whip and constitutional lawyer known for his fiery exchanges on the House Judiciary Committee, is the fourth nominee chosen by his GOP peers to serve as speaker.

In a crucial and legacy-defining decision, he sided with former President Donald Trump and voted to overturn the 2020 election results.

Don’t lump Jordon in with McCarthy and Emmer, mate!

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Looks like a good one!

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Shooting suspected shoplifters in the back as they flee the store. That sounds like an ultra right wing approach, but If you are willing to pay the legal cost have at it .


I think they gave the same score to Jesus


Now everyone can move on


Rep. Jamaal Bowman will plead guilty after being charged with falsely pulling the fire alarm at a congressional office building before the House of Representatives voted on a stopgap spending bill to fund the government last month.

“I’m thankful for the quick resolution from the District of Columbia Attorney General’s office on this issue and grateful that the United States Capitol Police General Counsel’s office agreed I did not obstruct nor intend to obstruct any House vote or proceedings. I am responsible for activating a fire alarm, I will be paying the fine issued, and look forward to these charges being ultimately dropped,”

Are you ready to worship him as your new Messiah?

A very disturbing report from the New York Times " Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S…."

Since arriving in record numbers, they’re ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom…

85,000 illegal immigrant children released to Labor trafficking operations… Kids working as plant operators, working heavy machinery, delivering meals, harvesting coffee, working construction, working as housekeepers…

Unpaid, Unschooled… Almost all illegally… Slave Labor… !!!

Starting to get a picture of why the Democrats sanction mass illegal immigration…

Only Ar$e Clowns and the perpetually Ignorant cannot see what is happening here???

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Maybe a Messiah for the Republican’s…

And a Demon to the despotic, delusional and dysfunctional Democrat’s…


I think that’s the funniest and the weirdest thing you’ve ever said…


I think you can’t see or understand that’s been going on for years In America,

Even in your own country, you can’t see what’s going on :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hidden in plain sight — modern slavery in Australia

Wage theft, exploitation and modern slavery are often reported as isolated scandals — but for many new Australians, they’re a necessary evil.

Stories of wage theft in major corporations such as 7-Eleven have made headlines, but research shows that exploitation, wage theft and other illegal practices constitute the normal experience for a majority of Australia’s temporary visa holders.

Nonetheless, you want to fix America’s problems :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: