Political Opinion

This guy pretty much owned the Democrat elite , I cannot find any pics of him posing with Republicans



I was beginning to think stupidity couldnā€™t possibly get any stupider, until I saw this, I digress

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Good Monday Morning everyone,

Here is your thought for the day


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This one blows my mind

buy this twisted logic one could say

The US was responsible for Pearl Harbor
Ukraine was responsible for Russia invading them
Poland was responsible for Nazi Germany invading them

I could go on, but I am sure you get my point.

Next mind blowing thing here is why would we have a ā€œpalestine solidarity committeeā€ operating in any American school, this is a people lead by a terrorist group.

Is it any wonder why college students are overwhelmingly support hamas, that is a problem and a big one as I am sure a few of these kids will someday hold office in our government

We are a broken country

But the answer as always is Jesus Christ

This one blows my mind.

Israel attacks USS Liberty

During the Six-Day War, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attack the USS Liberty in international waters off Egyptā€™s Gaza Strip. The intelligence ship, well-marked as an American vessel and only lightly armed, was attacked first by Israeli aircraft that fired napalm and rockets at the ship. The Liberty attempted to radio for assistance, but the Israeli aircraft blocked the transmissions. Eventually, the ship was able to make contact with the U.S. carrier Saratoga, and 12 fighter jets and four tanker planes were dispatched to defend the Liberty . When word of their deployment reached Washington, however, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered them recalled to the carrier, and they never reached the Liberty . The reason for the recall remains unclear.

Back in the Mediterranean, the initial air raid against the Liberty was over. Nine of the 294 crew members were dead and 60 were wounded. Suddenly, the ship was attacked by Israeli torpedo boats, which launched torpedoes and fired artillery at the ship. Under the command of its wounded captain, William L. McGonagle, the Liberty managed to avert four torpedoes, but one struck the ship at the waterline. Heavily damaged, the ship launched three lifeboats, but these were also attackedā€“a violation of international law. Failing to sink the Liberty, which displaced 10,000 tons, the Israelis finally desisted. In all, 34 Americans were killed and 171 were wounded in the two-hour attack. In the attackā€™s aftermath, the Liberty managed to limp to a safe port.

If that is the case this one should also blow your mind


Myself, I will stick to current events

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How about sticking with reality.

Stephen King Roasts Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s Claim ā€˜Not One Single American Dollarā€™ Has Been Spent on Israel-Hamas War

Predictably, plenty of people were quick to correct her, including acclaimed horror novelist Stephen King. He replied, ā€œAre you tripping? Weā€™ve given them aid and armaments for decades.ā€

ā€œā€˜and not one single American dollarā€™ is false, since WW2, US has given Israel ~$260b in aid, much of it went to the military. Plus another $10b for their Iron Dome defense system (which they are currently using at this war). The grants acquire the buying of American tech.ā€

American aid to Israel has become a hot topic as the war between Israel and Hamas continues. In 2022 alone, the United States committed more than $3.3 billion in foreign aid to Israel, and a full 99.7% of that amount went to the countryā€™s military.

There is an abundance of information available when it comes to breaking down the aid that Israel receives from the U.S. Since the end of World War II, Israel has been the ā€œlargest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance.ā€ The United States has sent Israel at least $158 billion in ā€œbilateral assistance and missile defense funding.ā€

The countries re-signed their third 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2016, which secured such funding through 2028. In this new agreement, the U.S. will supply at least $38 billion of military aid.

Israel has also been able to buy 50 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, the Department of Defenseā€™s fifth-generation stealth aircraft, and is the first other country to have done so. The purchase was funded with U.S. assistance.

Stephen King Roasts Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s Claim ā€˜Not One Single American Dollarā€™ Has Been Spent on Israel-Hamas War

Dennis, interesting little fact largely not known by Americans - the commander who instigated the burning of Washington was a guy called Robt Ross. The wiki article refers to him as an ā€œIrish Officerā€ but he was of course a British Officer who happened to be born in Ireland.

Anyways how the present can link to the past - there is an image of a monument, in recent years renovated, to Ross - I drive past it most Sundays though never felt the need to stop and visit - long story short the monument is never attacked or damaged yet stands in an area that would not be supportive of that history - reason is there is a peace agreement in place.
Robert Ross (British Army officer) - Wikipedia


Just another in a long list of unnecessary wars, I donā€™t know about you but I am tired of these endless wars. How much better all our lives would be if that money spent destroying each other, was put to work building us better countries


Interesting take @Dennis3450

There is a quote we have known for many decades - but which now seems to have been largely eliminated - the import of course is that war is hugely profitable for ā€œBig Moneyā€ ā€¦


My mother told of war - in 1938 her father announced - ā€œget on your knees for there is going to be world war, the Aurora Borealis is in the sky over the (Mourne) mountains.ā€

My mother recalled the sense of hopelessness, that there was nothing much she could do except pray.
When the war was over she was now 18 and plenty she could do - she got on the ferry and headed off to England to be a nurse.

Will there be another world war?

For me - Iā€™m going to follow my grandfathers advice - itā€™s the best that I can do.


Youā€™re funny. You must be researching all the crime stats on your end too to confirm the reports that ā€œcrime is rampantā€ and not just taking the talking headsā€™ word for it.

Yea right.

@samewiseā€¦ What are you on aboutā€¦?? It reads like a brain fart.ā€¦

Soooā€¦ No proof of the ā€œElitesā€¦ Closing down stores that arenā€™t in high crime areasā€¦ā€

Itā€™s what happens when you attempt to Piss into the Windā€¦ It makes you look silly.ā€¦

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I mean I can say the same thing. Whereā€™s your proof? Iā€™m waitingā€¦ oh wait you posted an ABC News Video link. I guess those are allowed.

Maybe you need some fresh air. Youā€™re about the most grumpy person on here.

Whereā€™s my proofā€¦?? Iā€™m not the one making ridiculous, unproveable claimsā€¦

And yes I provided a mainstream media link to the crime waves in these citiesā€¦ A left biased news network reporting on left biased crimesā€¦ Itā€™s what gives the article credenceā€¦ Clowns calling out other Clownsā€¦

I get plenty of fresh airā€¦ Maybe I am Grumpyā€¦ But I refuse to suffer foolsā€¦ So when I see rubbish being posted in this a Political threadā€¦ Posted as factā€¦ You can be sure Iā€™ll call it out.

You were simply asked to backup a statement with data, articles you made about the US Economy and then spent the next 3 posts running around in a circle waving your little Cabbage Patch armsā€¦

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Canā€™t we all just get along, lol

I would say there are a variety of reasons stores are closing outside of HIGH crime area, Iā€™m not sure if Elites is doing that. Some companies are in bankruptcy proceedings, while others say theyā€™re cutting costs. Some are adapting store formats to meet changing shopping patterns etcā€¦

You got the truth police over here telling everybody his ā€œtruthā€ on his daily walkabout. Shutting down a conversation. No opinions allowed.

Maybe you can hand out a chill pill.

@samewise You now have two disagreeing posters agreeing to disagree with youā€¦

I rest my caseā€¦ ā€œTelling everybody his ā€œtruthā€ on his daily walkaboutā€¦ā€ :rofl:

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Iā€™m not getting involved there, I just wanted to express my opinion on the matter