Political Opinion

Ah more truth. Thanks!

For guys interested in the Evergrande saga - the original plan offered to creditors was scrapped.

The latest plan apparently involves offering shares in subsidiaries to the value of 30% - a substantial haircut for creditors but seems has some traction - it’s that vs a 97% haircut.

Decision time is Dec 4th when a HK court will decide whether to issue winding up order - or not.
Meantime the co’s shares continue to trade between the .20 -.30 range - a substantial discount from over 25.00 3 years ago.


Just as an outside observer I would have bet money that Wise and Paul were the same person, but maybe I am wrong. But for a while you guys did remind me of two A.I. robots debating each other.

Not trying to offend either of you , I just found your interaction amusing

I hope everyone is having a wonderful hump day

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Investing in any China company has had similar loses the last 3 years. The only question is will all these stocks go to zero as China moves away from Laissez-faire capitalism, or could this be the buying opportunity of the century

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you would be 100% wrong but it’s all good.

It is too late to make demands after giving the green light to Israel. Israel has never taken outside advice from the U.S. government or anyone else in situations like this.

US gives Israel warning as it sets out vision for peace in Gaza

Mr Biden’s administration has privately expressed unease over Mr Netanyahu’s post-war plans and has made clear that it opposes an open-ended conflict.

Joe Biden’s top diplomat urged Israel to end its siege of Gaza on Wednesday and warned against the “forcible displacement of Palestinians” from the coastal strip.

Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, called on Israel and its allies to begin “setting the conditions for durable peace” in the territory, in the clearest indication yet of America’s post-war vision for Gaza.

It follows alarm in Washington over the declaration by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, that the Jewish state would assume “security responsibility” for Gaza “for an indefinite period” once the conflict ends.

Bibi has no choice. It’s not like any of the 17 Arab countries want anything to do with the Palestinians.


I remember reading from them YEARS ago that Israel is the #1 receiver of American aide(lots in weapons that are made here=American jobs) and that Israel votes WITH the US more than ANY other country, something like 93%(I made that up, but it is the most.) Egypt was #2 receiver of aid and voted with us, like, 16% of the time.
If our money can’t buy votes in the UN, why are we giving it to those other countries that vote against us all the time? I’m being sincere. We can certainly argue foreign aid, but if we are going to give it…


Part of the reason that the initial plan for Evergrande fell through was exactly that reference re laissez faire

The company decided not to issue any new debt because of an investigation back home.

My feeling is that new or existing investors will still seek value just as they have done recently on stocks at home.

What do American companies do when they have too much money

Should High-Salary workers pay into social security after $160,200 Income max?

You may not need to pay Social Security tax on all of your earnings if you have a high salary. Workers pay into the Social Security system until their income reaches the Social Security tax limit for that year. In 2023, the Social Security taxable maximum is $160,200. Earnings above this amount are not subject to Social Security tax or factored into Social Security payments in retirement.

The Social Security tax limit is the maximum amount of earnings subject to Social Security tax. The Social Security taxable maximum is $160,200 in 2023. Workers pay a 6.2% Social Security tax on their earnings until they reach $160,200 in earnings for the year.

Something, clearly, has to be done. Raising the max should be a first choice before raising the retirement age.


Unfortunately, they’re looking at raising the age limit, I think the max Income limit should be 1 million, Does anyone know why income limits exist?

I’m guessing when it “started”, like Social Security retirement age(originally 65?), many/most of the people would be dead before getting(or not living into their 90’s? The max, back at the start, was probably the same way where the max was where, what, a couple percent of the population was making it. It’s been indexed, but obviously hasn’t gone up “fast” enough.
Let’s start at $200K.

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Hopefully they can figure it out without raising the age limit.

Nikki Haley- “Americans are living 15 years longer than they were in the 1930s. If we don’t get out of the 20th century mindset, Social Security and Medicare won’t survive the first half of the 21st Century,”

Is Social Security running out? Why some 2024 GOP candidates want to raise the retirement age

Republican presidential candidates proposed various solutions to depleting Social Security funds during a Wednesday debate in Miami.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley both called for raising the retirement age, though neither would specify by how many years.

Meanwhile, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said he would not support raising the retirement age and would instead solve the issue through economic growth and tax cuts.

“If we’re going to actually tame this tiger, the way you do it is not by picking on seniors who have paid into a program that deserve their money coming back out to them,” Scott said.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis likewise said he would solve the issue of Social Security’s future through the economy, specifically by addressing inflation. The governor also rejected raising the retirement age.

The youngest candidate on stage, Vivek Ramaswamy said the country is in the “last best window” to address the federal benefit program. Ramaswamy described his plan to reduce spending, through measures including cutting federal agencies and staff, and said that by that math his administration would be able to save Social Security.

Is Social Security running out? Why some 2024 GOP candidates want to raise the retirement age

Desperate Barack Obama to oust Joe Biden from 2024 race?

NOVEMBER 9, 2023

by Frank Holmes, reporter


After cruising through three years of his presidency with unified support and glowing media coverage, President Joe Biden is suddenly facing insistent calls that he drop out of the 2024 Democratic presidential primaries.

It’s no secret Biden is elderly, unsuccessful, and unpopular. What’s gone unreported is a string of details that seem to identify the man behind pressuring Joe out of the Oval Office is none other than Barack Obama.

“Tensions between the Obama and Biden camps are not new. But they have become a bit more pronounced in recent days,” says Politico.

Conservative columnist Larry Elder says he’s decoded Obama’s second-hand takedown of Joe Biden via Axelrod.

“When ‘former Obama adviser’ David Axelrod advises Biden to drop out, he speaks for @BarackObama, who is too cowardly to say it. But make no mistake, Kamala Harris is next batter up—or black female Democrat voters will got ballistic,” wrote Elder, who recently ended his own 2024 presidential campaign. “She must agree to step aside—but she won’t!

Kamala Harris is next in line, but her approval rating is lower than Biden’s, assuring a disaster in 2024.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has been running so hard that even stroke-impaired Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania called him out for it. But Newsom has two problems he can’t fix: He’s a white male. Replacing Kamala Harris, a black woman, with a white man will never fly in the DEI-mocratic Party.

So, the Democrats need a black female 2024 presidential nominee—and Barack Obama is leading the effort to make way at the top of the ticket.

That leaves Michelle Obama.

Is that what’s behind all the Obama-led pressure for Joe Biden to quit?

(emphasis added)

Frank Holmes is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative who talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

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Larry Elder’s prediction seems a bit out there with just 12 months to go.

The current state of affairs doesn’t surprise me at all

It’s hers if she wants it. Trump wouldn’t have a chance.

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There is no chance of that happening.

Ok. I’ll play…
Why do you say that?