Political Opinion

Nevertheless, the question remains

Rishi Sunak rejected migration cap, Braverman allies claim

Rishi Sunak rejected an annual cap on overall migration, allies of Suella Braverman claim, as the numbers are set to hit a new record of up to 700,000.

The sacked former home secretary put forward a proposal for an annual quota, approved each year by Parliament, as part of a package of measures to meet the Conservatives’ manifesto pledge to reduce net migration.

The disclosure comes as official figures on Thursday are expected to confirm net migration is at its highest level since comparable records began in 1980.

Internal Home Office forecasts have predicted net migration, the number entering the UK minus those leaving, hit 700,000 for the year ending June 2023, beating the previous high of 606,000 recorded last year.

Some ppl say it’s a good thing - adds to diversity, immigrants and their children go on to become doctors, health care workers, cleaners, even Prime Ministers.

Others say there are way too many and their presence is disruptive adding to work shortage, crime etc.

Maybe frustration is the best word, Nigel Farage had large bill boards depicting long lines of immigrants - the implication was that votig for brexit wld bring immigration under control. The new Foreign Sec back in the day when he was PM promised to reduce nett migration - so on it goes, round and round - no clear policy it seems.

Edit: Shld say Ireland facing similar problem of lack of coherent Govt policy.

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Whenever I read about Europe and the problems they have with immigration, it’s more about legal immigration than illegal immigration, as we have in America.

The legal immigration process has made many people feel like they are being replaced and that their identity and culture are being lost.

Aye, the illegal aspect for England (South) is forefront to most ppl - the border is a stretch of water called the English Channel and illegals use boats of all types to make that crossing.

The US has it’s border problem too.

In my humble opinion - 1st thing I’d ask is what is the attraction - why do ppl put their lives at risk in a dinghy to get to another country - is it fear of what they are leaving, or greener grass on the other side - or do they have family connections to go to - hard to tell.

On a side note, you linked to riots in Dublin last night, organized by guys who have a hatred for immigrants - heard one such ‘general’ rant against ‘foreigners’.

The first member of public who came on the scene of the attack on children, he ditched his motorbike and apprehended the attacker using his helmet as a weapon - he is an immigrant from Brazil - a ‘foreigner’, a worker, tax payer and a hero - strange world we live in.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Did not know this, It seems there is a lot of hate towards newcomers to the country and certain type of people only focus on newcomers bad behavior, which makes people mad at them.

American issue is illegal immigrants entering the country, whereas the European issue is legal immigrants who are legal to be in their country?

Actually the opposite is true - thing is in Ireland we have a special fondness for ppl who are not ‘locals’ - maybe from another county, country or race.

It’s called ‘Cead Mile Failte’ - mostly doesn’t make news headlines, def not riots - but one thing for sure - it makes for great craic.

in recent years Pres Trump (and his family) enjoyed , so too more recently Pres Biden, likewise we have a Pres Obama Plaza (great place for a motorway break), then again there is Pres Kennedy homestead alongside the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy bridge - largest bridge in Ireland recently completed.

I’ve skipped a generation in between - also within my memory - perhaps the best ‘failte’ that I remember - his words resonate true to all of us that talk about immigration, spoken in 1984

“Today I come back to you as a descendant of people who were buried here in pauper’s graves.”

Btw - the word ‘failte’ is translated in the 1st word of the banner.

Pres Reagan


Despite the distances involved and the difficulties of the journey, more than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the US from Mexico in the past year.

That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined, according to US government data…

Chinese legal immigrants often say “Why Americans are so easy to be fooled?” Just had to say they were escaping from communism… Then they could get US legal status immediately…

Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, El Salvadorans, Ukrainians, Russians, and now Chinese?? Wow… I’m genuinely impressed at the diversity of the US-Mexico border crossing…

If Australia could protect it’s borders and stop illegal immigrant’s… What’s stopping the obviously incompetent UK and US Governments???

This number is horrifying

The number of people in the world wanting to migrate to another country is estimated at nearly 1.2 billion.

The billion plus people wanting to migrate represents about 15 percent of the world’s population. That number of people wanting to migrate is also more than four times the size of the estimated total number immigrants worldwide in 2020, which was 281 million (Figure 1).

You forgot one

A record number of Indians are illegally entering the US through Mexico

Indian migrants: Around 42,000 Indian migrants have crossed the southern border illegally in the fiscal year from October to September, more than double the previous year, according to data released last month by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. An additional 1,600 Indians have also entered from the northern border, which is four times the number in the last three years combined, reported the Wall Street Journal.




The countries within this world are changing rapidly, there is no doubt about that.

It has been a bit quiet here so what better time to post a J6 report, this very fair and balanced report will no doubt get the sheep up in arms. There remains so many unanswered questions and one side ( democrats) wanting to keep it that way


I’d like to thank all the naïve and ignorant Americans who contributed to making the inept, incompetent and senile Joe Biden the US President…

“Americans could pay up to $451 billion to care for migrants who entered the US illegally, but have been released into the country or escaped from custody, according to a new report due out Monday from House Republicans and obtained exclusively by The Post.

“‘Every day, millions of American taxpayer dollars are spent on costs directly associated with illegal immigration and the unprecedented crisis at the Southwest border sparked by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ policies,’ the House Homeland Security Committee interim staff report states.

“‘Only a small fraction is ever recouped from the taxes paid by illegal aliens, with the rest falling on the shoulders of American citizens and lawful residents…’

$451 billion… Remember when congress told Trump that they couldn’t afford to spend $6 billion building a wall… Your country is gone… You let this happen…

Imagine if the United States had politicians who didn’t hate it’s citizens running things…


First thing I thought of when I started reading this. “We can’t afford a wall!” “Walls don’t work”.

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Imagine a bill where you have to get Congress’ approval to fund anything that assists illegal aliens. If the president needs approval to build a border wall against illegal aliens then the same law should apply to helping illegal aliens.

However, how do we prevent states from using their funds to help illegal aliens? I don’t think Congress has that authority.

There is another problem within Congress

Open Borders Groups Spend Millions Lobbying

A new report by First Street, a CQ Press organization, analyzes two pieces of legislation – the DREAM Act and the Legal Workforce Act – and finds that open-border-oriented groups spend much, much more money lobbying than groups seeking a more rational immigration policy.

This confirms the findings of a 2009 report, “Immigration Lobbying: A Window into the World of Special Interests”.

The new First Street report finds that since 2004 a total of 1,733 immigration-related bills have been lobbied on. Over 1,000 organizations have lobbied on immigration issues. Over 7,500 lobbyists have lobbied on immigration issues including over 40 former Members of Congress and over 500 former congressional staffers.

The first table below lists 33 organizations that lobbied on the Legal Workforce Act (H.R.2885) in 2011 Q3. The purpose of the act is to mandate use of E-Verify for most employment, among other things. Combined, the organizations spent over $15 million lobbying for or against the Legal Workforce Act.

The second table lists the 34 organizations that lobbied on the DREAM Act (S.952) in 2011 Q3. The purpose of that act is to legalize illegal aliens aged up to 35 who meet certain criteria. Combined, the organizations spent over $15 million lobbying for or against the DREAM Act.

Interestingly, only two pro-enforcement groups are on each list: Numbers USA and the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Together, they spent $50,000 lobbying the Legal Workforce Act, and $50,000 lobbying the DREAM Act. This means that less than 1/3 of 1 percent of lobbying money spent on these immigration bills was by pro-enforcement-oriented groups.

Center for Immigration Studies

There is a deeper border crisis than one can imagine

Who is Helping Biden Facilitate America’s Border Crisis?

What we’re seeing at the border is close collaboration and collusion between open-borders advocates within and outside of goverment

Cordero: The Biden administration is to blame for this escalating crisis. But according to a new investigation by Heritage’s Oversight Project, they’re not the only party responsible. Heritage recently uncovered that Catholic charities and other non-government organizations have been working with the Biden administration to help move migrants across the country.

By examining the movement of 30,000 mobile devices in the United States, Heritage actually charted the path of thousands of illegal aliens making their way to a city near you.

Heritage recently uncovered that Catholic Charities and other non government organizations have been working with the Biden administration to help move migrants across the country. This week, Mike Howell, director of Heritage’s Oversight Project, will explain the investigation and how the mass resettlement of illegal aliens is impacting nearly every congressional district in America.


@SmallPaul So you have now posted out loud… It is President Biden in conjunction with the Catholic Church and their charities that is to blame for the United State’s out of control immigration disaster at the South West border…

A fact that most of us already knew all along…

Imagine if the United States had Politicians AND Religion’s that didn’t hate it’s citizens…Running things…

I have called out Biden and the Dems on sanctuary cities and their Immigration policies, It looks like you missed that one, I forgive you.