Political Opinion

Furthermore, I blame politicians who have sold America down the drain for a buck

Rather than focusing on a policy, America needs a total overhaul of its immigration laws, including requiring the president to get congressional approval before making changes to laws or policies.

Why do you think they were willing to do things in private but not in front of The American people?

Hunter Biden calls bluff of House Republicans in ā€˜absolutely humiliatingā€™ blow

ā€œAfter years building up to this climactic momentā€”the opportunity to grill Hunter Biden under oath in front of the countryā€”Republicans retreated from their own battle. This has to be the most humiliating loss for James Comer yet,ā€ says Chris Hayes.

Remember when Trump was wanting to limit immigration from certain countries due to terrorism concerns and he was called Islamophobic?

Kama is a biatchā€¦ You get what you vote forā€¦

Funny how these people demand respect for their religion, but refuse to offer the least bit of respect for any other belief or opinion!!! .

Another Clash of Beliefsā€¦ Itā€™s all so Biblicalā€¦ Itā€™s just a matter of time.

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Are you kidding me? Do you really believe that Muslims are a problem in America, as in terrorist acts, or are they simply protesting when the opportunity is given to them because they perceive injustice to be occurring?, no different from the black lives matter protest with George Floyd or The white nationalist rally in Charlottesville.

In America, we have a history of terrorist attacks involving mass shootings of innocent people in public places, and the majority of those who had committed these acts were not Muslims or Arabs.

Did the rubin report Talked about that problem?

Whatā€¦??? Soā€¦ You have already forgotten the most deadly Terrorist Attackā€¦ 9-11ā€¦

What is wrong with youā€¦? Did you even watch the video and take any of it inā€¦?

They are chanting, ā€œchop it downā€¦ā€ These people are barbarians!!! They are calling for the Christmas Tree to be cut downā€¦ For Hundreds of years, one of many of the symbols of Christianity at Christmas timeā€¦

@SmallPaul Pay attention!! Once again, you and a few others here are blinded by your misguided faithā€¦ Itā€™s not just Judaismā€¦ They are just using this as an excuse to protest across the Globeā€¦


How bad are Muslim terrorist acts in America compared to homegrown American terrorist acts?

Although I do not condone this behavior, we must call out all bad behavior if we are going to call it out. Your bias is affecting how you choose

Throughout history, every race and ethnicity on earth has been barbarians, including mine and yours.

Mapping AustraliaĀ“s dark history: Lyndall Ryan

While youā€™re going crazy over people chanting, chop it down that does not affect Christmas or Christianity, but there is a real force in America that does affect Christmas and Christianity that Iā€™m concerned about.

Consumerism In Christmas, It takes Religion out of Christmas, And thatā€™s what American companies are doing

@SmallPaul Haaaā€¦ Your biased beliefs are affecting how you choose to see ongoing realityā€¦

You are correct in pointing out the 406k Gun Violence Deaths on American soil since 2001 and only 3300 Terrorist related fatalitiesā€¦

Unfortunatelyā€¦ You are unable to see the future that awaits youā€¦ I meanā€¦ You voted for Bidenā€¦

If you did your research properly instead of half sucked postsā€¦ Youā€™d find that we were still an English Colony when most of that shite went downā€¦ It was the English that played the largest part in the atrocities against the original inhabitants of my landā€¦

Australia therefore Australianā€™s didnā€™t exist until 1901ā€¦

The Indigenous Historians and others that to this day are still attributing blame for the bad behaviour from barbarous colonisers are looking for an apology from various Australian Governments only so as to keep the billions in welfare flowingā€¦ Nothing more, Nothing lessā€¦

Just like It wasnā€™t the Brazilians that killed off their 200 or so tribes of Indigenous inhabitantsā€¦ It was the Portuguese and the Spanishā€¦

As I stated above.

Apparently you canā€™t see the future either, you just talk nonsense. And lol, you telling me who I voted for.

The ongoing reality is, mass shooting of innocent people, gun violence in inner cities, police brutality, hatred and racism, drugs, murders, robberies, thieves, rapes, terrorist attacks foreign or domestic, wars and politics. The Typical American BS - anything else youā€™d like to add?

Certainlyā€¦ All of which has increased dramatically since Trump left officeā€¦

Understandableā€¦ Since they go softer on crime in Democratic run areasā€¦

You have to give republican state governors and city mayors credit or blame if crime in their states and cities is down or up, they are in control and responsible for the crime in their states and cities. and not the president.

As you blame Democratic governors and city mayors for their crime problem, they are in control and responsible for the crime in their states and cities.

Is it the president or the state governors and city mayors?

Why do you give credit to president Trump for lower crime rate but not to the republican state governors and city mayors?

However, you blame Democrats state governors and city mayors for their high crime rates.

Youā€™d get that from that TDS

@SmallPaul You really need to think before you postā€¦

Sanctuary Citiesā€¦ A Democrat concept and an abysmal failure where crime and lawlessness went off the chartsā€¦

Arrrrrrrā€¦ Because they are the actual factsā€¦ Republican State Governorā€™s and Republican City Mayors werenā€™t silly enough to get involved in the Summer of Loveā€¦ Defund the Policeā€¦ Sanctuary Cityā€¦ BS that simpleton Democrat Politicianā€™s were naive enough to instigateā€¦

Democratic counties is the backbone of America GDP.

Democratic counties represent 70% of U.S. GDP, 2020 election shows

President Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties across the country that together generate 29% of the American economy, according to a new study by the Brookings Institution.

President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that together generate 70% of U.S. GDP.

Republicans represent a far greater number of smaller counties with less-educated, more-homogenous workforces that, on average, tend to rely on manufacturing, agriculture and mining.

Democrats represent a smaller number of densely populated and diverse metropolitan counties fueled by service-oriented industries such as finance, professional services and software.


Donald Trumpy: ā€˜I love the poorly educatedā€™

Elections 2022: The educational divide that helps explain the midterms

Republicans failed to make significant gains in districts dominated by college-educated white voters ā€” or nonwhite voters without degrees.

Democrats control 77% of the U.S.'s most highly educated Congressional districtsā€¦

ā€¦while Republicans control 64% of districts where the fewest people went to college.

The last few election cycles have been marked by an increasing divergence in outcomes based on education levels, with Democrats making serious gains with college-educated voters while Republicans win far greater shares of non-college educated white voters.

Elections 2022: The educational divide that helps explain the midterms

American citizens pose the greatest threat to America sovereignty

Dozens of Troops Suspected of Advocating Overthrow of US Government, New Pentagon Extremism Report Says

An annual Pentagon report on extremism within the ranks reveals that 78 service members were suspected of advocating for the overthrow of the U.S. government and another 44 were suspected of engaging or supporting terrorism.

The report released Thursday by the Defense Department inspector general revealed that in fiscal 2023 there were 183 allegations of extremism across all the branches of military, broken down not only into efforts to overthrow the government and terrorism but also advocating for widespread discrimination or violence to achieve political goals.

Dozens of Troops Suspected of Advocating Overthrow of US Government, New Pentagon Extremism Report Says

Oh the horrorā€¦ What do you expect when your Commander-in-Chief is nothing more than a senile and incompetent Marionetteā€¦ Having itā€™s strings pulled by self vested interests in this corrupt and inept Democrat Administrationā€¦

As I posted months and months agoā€¦ A weak and incompetent US President is a danger to ALL Western Nationsā€¦

Maybe the more intelligent nativesā€¦ You knowā€¦ The oneā€™s not silly enough to vote this single term President in are getting restlessā€¦

ā€œWhen tyranny becomes lawā€¦ Rebellion becomes dutyā€¦ā€ Thomas Jeffersonā€¦

What a shameā€¦ Two hundred years agoā€¦ The Founding Fathers of the United States were far wiser than many of the simpletons in the US todayā€¦ That voted this disaster of an Administration into Office in 2020ā€¦

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This Act may be cited as the ā€œDomestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2019ā€.

Congress finds the following:

(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States.

(2) On February 22, 2019, a Trump Administration United States Department of Justice official wrote in a New York Times op-ed that ā€œwhite supremacy and far-right extremism are among the greatest domestic-security threats facing the United States. Regrettably, over the past 25 years, law enforcement, at both the Federal and State levels, has been slow to respond. ā€¦ Killings committed by individuals and groups associated with far-right extremist groups have risen significantly.ā€.

(3) An April 2017 Government Accountability Office report on the significant, lethal threat posed by domestic violent extremists explained that ā€œ[s]ince September 12, 2001, the number of fatalities caused by domestic violent extremists has ranged from 1 to 49 in a given year.ā€ The report noted: ā€œ[F]atalities resulting from attacks by far right wing violent extremists have exceeded those caused by radical Islamist violent extremists in 10 of the 15 years, and were the same in 3 of the years since September 12, 2001. Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).ā€.

(5) Fatal terrorist attacks by far-right-wing extremists includeā€”
